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Everything posted by cscotthendry

  1. Not nearly high enough, you can still see his head.
  2. [ATTACH]48651._xfImport[/ATTACH] Found in my local library
  3. Ahh, but apparently the budget CAN afford $48 billion in tax cuts for Big Business ... That is, those businesses that pay ANY tax.
  4. At the risk of furthering the thread drift here; This minister claimed that she "met with health stakeholders" on the GC, but refused to say who those "stakeholders" were or what the purpose of the meeting was. I smell a large dead rat here. If she's travelling on the public dime, don't the public have a right to know why the money was spent? Like Marty, I think the justification was cooked up to cover the trip cost. And while we're on the topic of Gillard using an RAAF plane to go to someone's wedding ... pot / kettle etc. Whatever any Laborites have done, the Libs have done tenfold. It's just that the Libs scream blue murder (and so does their chief propaganda machine) if anyone else does what they do...."How DARE they!"
  5. Vlad: "Donald, is that a banana in your pocket?"
  6. Doesn't take long [ATTACH]48189._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  7. The muslim dolls blow themselves up.
  8. This was at a Trump rally. 'Nuff said... [ATTACH]48638._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  9. Phil: I gave you a funny smiley for that, but depending on the outcome, none of us may be thinking it's funny at all.
  10. Like the girl in the US that ran into the back of a police car while taking a topless selfie. When the cop went to her car, she was madly trying to put her blouse back on.
  11. Speaking of Volvo drivers ... When Volvo decided to enter cars in the Supercar series, there were a lot of jokes along the lines of the Volvo cars doing the whole race with the left hand turn signals flashing. Another one was that the Volvo drivers would be wearing hats instead of helmets.
  12. What I'd like to see is a study of how many tail-enders were caused by people slamming on the brakes when they discover the speed camera van parked next to the road. I had occasion to give evidence to a parliamentary enquiry about speed cameras and I said to the pollies that instead of putting up signs to say Speed camera ...For road safety" They should put up signs "Warning, sudden, unexpected braking may occur". They were not amused.
  13. And out of the shops. I've nearly been run over a few times in the supermarket aisles.
  14. OK! It's not only us, and it's not even mainly us that lets the pollies get away with their lies. As shown by the responses to the forum here, most people are awake to the lies. The real villians are the compliant media who never ask follow up questions or challenge a pollie when they spew forth utter BS. The media usually also have an agenda, so they spin the BS of their favored pollies, and beat up the other side. Most media outlets try to disguise their bias, but the Murdochracy are quite blatant and shameless about it. The ABC portrayed as Islamic State, or Kevin Rudd photoshopped into a Nazi uniform?
  15. Yes ... "Seriously?" Missing 1 Sense of humour. If anyone finds it please return it to ...
  16. Yes, and the people who have put him in the lead for the Republican ticket are the Fox news / reality TV watchers, and they're allowed to vote and breed also! Scary!!
  17. And unfortunately this donkey HAS bred.
  18. After the disaster that was "W", if my fellow countrymen (and women) elect this dud, I'll seriously consider relinquishing my citizenship. Seriously people? The Presidency is not just another reality TV show!!!
  19. Hey, Where's the "naughty" button for these posts?
  20. Ever wondered what happened to Dennis the menace? [ATTACH]48552._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  21. Not if "The Fonz" did it...
  22. Especially if done on skis
  23. GROOOAN! How to make the endless thread? Start a Holden/Ford war in it. Nah, they're both crap cars. I wouldn't touch either of them.
  24. Dogs come when they're called. Cats have answering services.
  25. [ATTACH]48487._xfImport[/ATTACH]
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