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About bones

  • Birthday 15/01/1970

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  1. Firstly i dont particularly like the mob that is in now, and no i didnt vote for them either. Yep and at what price? how many Billion of $ did they waste, all the balls ups involved to hand that out. Wow good thing not bad Yep a real winner that one, i ask you what good has that done? really? Just throw the figures up that the great RED actually got from the first 1/4 of tax time for this WONDERFUL new profit tax. It cost more to set up than it got......... yep another winner there, and it is the reason why some of the job cuts have happened. Seriously you believe the sh*t that they tell you about this, if you were to sit back and do about 3 years of reading you probably change your mind on this one "the seas are getting hotter, arrrr well they should be by now" Trying to get the country out of the inverted tail spin that labour put it in, and walked of the cockpit saying it still in good shape(for now) they only been there for 6 months for crap's sake. What for telling it how it is, well bout time someone had to balls to do it. Ummmmm they shouldnt have been here in the first place duh, i spose it was the Gov's fault for all the boats that sank to ayy. I got nothing to say to that really i am sitting here scatching my head as to how some one can be so.... (oh be nice Bones) blind, 1 just 1 issue from the last line, how many boats have turned up since the election???? Dont worry i can tell you, not a single 1 since early december, compared to about 10 the same time last year, but i spose in your meager mind thats nothing huh.
  2. The fact that other mob that they replaced put the country so far in debt, and frigging lied about the total amount(or were that useless they didnt know), got nothing to do with it i spose huh? what you like them to do keep spending borrowed money like there is no tomorrow, then what? that was labours' mind set, they were in there, having a fat time spending money like it was going out of fashion, now the country has got to cut back and of course it's Abbott fault is it?? Then the best bit is, of course labour is crying now about all the closures and job losses, and i heard 1 w*nker from labour claiming they cut the boats back by 90%, what a joke the labour goverments are/were, i had to put the plural, cause what was there 3 or 4 leaders in the last 3 years? The labour leaders would not be game to show their heads out west here, where THEY completely distroyed the northern part of the country(live export), so many people walking off properties, and/or going in a box because they blew their head off because they got nothing now. I will wait for your reply.
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