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Everything posted by Bikky

  1. He he! Prairie-dogging. I prefer the terms 'touching cloth' or 'turtling' (when the turtle's head is emerging, for those more civilised readers)
  2. Should have explained - he's definitely Aussie. The clip was shot in NZ.
  3. Here ya go!
  4. Australia has a very strong blues scene! Lloyd Spiegel is another amazing blues artist that deserves more recognition at home.
  5. Crazy about these guys. Both guitarists are southpaws. My Brazilian friends want them to tour here!
  6. Some things get better with age (myself excepted).
  7. I know where you are coming from Bruce but they're all just alternatives to the good old-fashioned F-bomb, which has to be one of the most versatile words in the English language. Long live the F-bomb!
  8. Isn't it a little strange that the F-bomb is frowned upon, but "bugger" is more or less OK?
  9. Both my parents died quite while ago. My father went first in 1984 an my mother battled on until 1996. We cremated my father (as he wished) and scattered his ashes off the Goolwa barrage and his remains drifted out to sea. As my mother explained to me from a very early age, our loved ones remain with us in our hearts always. After my mother died (in my arms ... a beautiful experience, by the way), I scattered her ashes in the same place. I don't feel the need personally for a marker or gravestone or a physical place to visit. I understand and respect we are not all the same in this regard. Not a day passes without me remembering them both and cherishing the special moments we had together. It gives me a feeling of joy rather than sadness. I haven't lost really them and I never will - until my time comes, of course. As for my ashes? Two words - pepper factory.
  10. I'm all for cremation. If people want to forget me when I'm dead - well, whatever! I've got used to it while I'm alive.
  11. Silly me! have been led to believe the universe is expanding. Imagine for a moment this is fact. The end would be very hard to determine in this case. I think it's a little more complicated than chanting, "Are we there yet, are we there yet?" from the back seat.
  12. Although the big bang theory is mighty convincing, I'm seriously reconsidering my position as atheist after watching this.
  13. Old but good! [ATTACH]48303._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  14. "Do I hate the man for killing people? If he was — have you got the proof he did it?" Senator Hanson said. "Did he push the button? There is a lot of things here … We say these things. All I'm saying is — my comments were I respect the man." PMSL! I would like to see her as minister for education.
  15. Baby oil!? I think I'll stick with canola.
  16. Bikky

    Republican win

    Mmm. Interesting how acceptance of homosexuality can be confused with promotion.
  17. Bikky

    Republican win

    Here's some good news for us "leftards" (I take that to mean anyone doesn't believe that the far right is always right). Milo Yiannopoulos lost his book deal for these comments about child abuse I'd love to see the end of Breitbart not because I'm against freedom of speech, but in an ideal world, their readers would realise they were being fed a load of tripe by some very bent people with questionable motives.
  18. Dunno Phil. P*ss-taking is the basis for so much comedy and politicians are an easy target. If we didn't constantly lampoon them or laugh at their stupidity, we might start taking them seriously and then we'd all be fekked! But you're right. There's a time and place for everything.
  19. Very true. However, the choice to take notice of their opinions remains with us.
  20. Very "looney lefty" of me I suppose, but I think even actors have the right to express their opinions publicly - whether I agree with them or not.
  21. "don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got til it's gone ..." I miss the ABC. Some may say it's biased but I never watched those parts.
  22. [ATTACH]48225._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  23. You're not alone! While the condition has no cure and progressively worsens over time, we tend to enjoy our condition.
  24. Took one look and had a strong urge to pullet.
  25. One migrant commits a heinous crime so therefore, logically, all migrants are the same. Leftist, mentally ill, demonic muslims - the lot of them!
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