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Everything posted by Bikky

  1. Thanks Bex. Coffee on keyboard via nose!
  2. A shy gentleman was preparing to board a plane when he heard that the Pope was on the same flight. "This is exciting," thought the gentleman. I've always been a big fan of the Pope. Perhaps I'll be able to see him in person. Imagine his surprise when the Pope sat down in the seat next to him for the flight. Still, the gentleman was too shy to speak to the Pontiff. Shortly after take-off, the Pope began a crossword puzzle. This is fantastic, thought the gentleman. I'm really good at crosswords. Perhaps, if the Pope gets stuck, he'll ask me for assistance. Almost immediately, the Pope turned to the gentleman and said, "Excuse me, but do you know a four letter word referring to a woman that ends in 'U-N-T'?" Only one word leapt to mind...my goodness, thought the gentleman, I can't tell the Pope that. There must be another. The gentleman thought for quite a while, then it hit him. Turning to the pope, the gentleman said, "I think you're looking for the word 'aunt'." "Ah Of course," said the Pope. "Do you have an eraser?"
  3. Sorry GG, but I think you're a little misguided there. The symbol is known as the Rod of Asclepius. Asclepias was the ancient Greek god of medicine - son of Apollo and a mortal woman. The fact that this symbol was mentioned in Acts does not signify it's Christian. By the way, as a keen bible student, you have no doubt noted that Acts also states Christ was crucified on a tree. Ever wondered why we still symbolise Easter (more accurately named Eostre) with rabbits and eggs? Wouldn't happen to be an ancient pagan festival would it? Coincidental that Christmas and the solstice (a major pagan festival) are so close together? I don't think so! A clever strategy isn't it? Absorb and conquer ...
  4. Fish don't like changes of temperature or chlorine. Change a little of the water once a fortnight - in your case a litre will do the trick. To get rid of most of the chlorine, put the water in a clean, open top ice cream container and leave in an airy place for 24 hours beforehand. Feed the new water in slowly, not all at once. Siamese fighting fish are tough little buggers but thrive with a bit of care.
  5. Aah Bex. You got me there. Cold, hard cash is evidence enough.
  6. Why does an atheist need to prove something doesn't exist???? If I tell you the tooth fairy is real, I'd better come up with some evidence to back this claim. If I start quoting from a book written by people that firmly believe in the tooth fairy, is that evidence? The tooth fairy exists because you don't have the evidence to prove that it doesn't! Some flawed logic going on here.
  7. http://www.engineair.com.au/ Interesting idea and it's being developed close to home.
  8. How can you legislate intelligence? Do the wrong thing and die is fine by me.
  9. An atheist died and to his great surprise he awoke to find himself at the gates of heaven. A friendly looking bloke smiled at him and said "Welcome to heaven, I'm god. It's nice to meet you at last." The atheist was dumbstruck - lost for words. God gave him a tour of the place and it was all most believers imagine and more. Golf courses, hotels, restaurants - you imagine the pleasure and it was there. When the atheist found his voice again he said, "Wow! This place is fantastic! I have one question though. What's that big wall over there?" God replied, "Shh my son. Keep your voice down. That's the christian section. They like to think they're alone here!"
  10. One thing I have in common with believers, is a certainty of life after death. Just not my own life. When I die, all of me disintegrates and is reused. Just like before I existed. Isn't that a wonderful thing? I try to do the right thing for my own sense of self worth, not for the dubious reward of eternal life. I'm not important enough to live forever and I certainly don't want to. Given that atheists can be good and ethical people, why do we need to believe in a deity. For what rational reason? Believing in something is fine but in all seriousness, a true atheist can't believe in a deity. Not a matter of choice. Naturally, it would be easier to conform - be like the rest, but I hate lying to myself. I would have to pretend. I wonder how many believers are doing just that. We are all frightened of dying to some degree. It's natural for all living beings. But if we look around us, we see that everything has a beginning and end. Rather beautiful isn't it?
  11. I deny nothing. I just don't believe in deities. By the way, I am Australian too, but I obviously know nothing of my fellow countrymen. Why did I leave? Perhaps because I refuse to be indoctrinated or subjugated. Who knows?
  12. Antarctica is one place you won't get religious loonies knocking at the door. Bit difficult to come up with a list of atheist countries. Anywhere worth living has been dominated by religions and it's people indoctrinated and subjugated. We deal you out a plate of sh?t here, but don't worry, there's a better place waiting for you with all the virgins you want, or a big playground where lions sleep with lambs etc. Just do as you're told and above all, DON"T THINK! Don't forget, if you want to guarantee your ticket, convert as many as you can by whatever means possible - it's your duty. Fear rules!
  13. If you can ignore all the tragedy religion has brought about, it's pretty funny and definitely difficult to take seriously.
  14. Really is an excellent list of wrongdoings, isn't it? If god is the only thing preventing the religious from doing them, we're stuffed if they stop believing! Have faith ... please!
  15. By the way, I don't hate gods - no more than I hate unicorns or fairies. I just don't believe in gods. It's a difficult concept isn't it? I do however, hate what people feel compelled to do in the name of their chosen god.
  16. Whose history would that be? Citing North Korea, led by a rusted on, closed minded despot who knows that any belief differing from his own is heresy, is a poor example. Atheists and agnostics have borne the brunt of religious persecution in way more countries - not just historically but currently. Wars are being fought today because people are 100% sure that their god is the only god. Do you really believe that atheists support totalitarian regimes? Ask around, you might be surprised. As an atheist, I want the freedom not to believe in a deity. I don't see why this is so difficult for believers to grasp. It's only heresy to you. Atheists don't believe in heresy. Morality is more important. Show me one religion where women are granted the same status and rights as men. I'm waiting for a black, female pope. For women to be given the right to decide whether abortion is for them - whether I agree with it or not. For African catholics to be given the right to practice birth control. For decisions regarding adoption of religious beliefs to be left until adulthood. Could be waiting a long time methinks ...
  17. Hit the nail on the head! Very important to separate allegory from fact.
  18. There are different types of atheist just as there are different types of believers. I was born atheist and I (like many others) am happy to let people believe what they have been told - IF those beliefs aren't pushed down everyone's throats, or stated as being the divine truth. Some atheists, are by nature, far more militant in words and actions against religion. Being born into a religious families and indoctrinated at an early age, they discovered the hard way that they were misled. These "born again" atheists have a legitimate axe to grind. Ask them why they lost their religion. Many have interesting and tragic stories to tell. God wasn't there for them when they needed him/her/it. The latter category are more militant by nature for good reason. Nobody likes being lied to. I'm happy to let people believe what they choose, even though I find choosing to believe something contrary to my nature. But please - keep it real! Don't ignore basic truths. Mentioning Darwin's name and his theory in arguments for the existence of a deity, is displaying a certain amount of ignorance. Ignorance is forgivable if it's not chosen. Understand what a theory is. Look it up. It's not a law. There is a hierarchy here. Hypothesis - gods might exist Theory - evolution Law - gravity
  19. Revelation. That would be great and I would welcome it but ... 55 years have passed and it hasn't happened. I don't think I'll waste any time waiting. Too many joyous, beautiful, inspiring and real things to enjoy and appreciate. I'd better get of the computer - I'm being harassed by a pair of humming birds that want their nectar feeder refilled. It's a hard life! [ATTACH]47494._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  20. I'm aware of the Viracochas but like macumba, it's interesting history but of little relevance to me. By the way, I like your passion for knowledge and willingness to research - a valuable trait.
  21. I live in Brazil! Crazy, beautiful (and very religious, by the way) Brazil. I moved here three years ago and I'm never going back to Australia. I love Australia but .... the politics, jingoism, racism, rusted on attitudes, denial of personal freedoms - the list goes on, determined that after 50 years, I'd had a gut-full! Brazilians are the best people in the world. Ask for directions and they'll take you where you need to go.
  22. An atheist isn't bound to deny anything. I don't believe in nostril fairies, unicorns, or anything that has no basis in fact. I simply can't believe in something just because people say it is so, even if I wanted to. I need cold, hard evidence, which in the case for arguing there is a god or gods, simply does not exist. If it did, I would believe. Quite simple really.
  23. B-O-W-E-L. How's that?! I can spell!
  24. ... certainly strengthens my doubt, if that's possible! Are you inferring that this "god" idea is like a Chinese whisper?
  25. Of course all these esteemed universities you speak of only teach sciences that fit with Christian doctrine. Imagine the uproar if they adhered purely to the "science" of creationism.
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