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nomadpete last won the day on January 9

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  1. In spite of the constant cries of our present day 'unaffordable cost of living', We are living in the land of plenty. Few people today are as slim as we were when we were young. Millennials don't want to know how unaffordable excess eating was back then.
  2. You are starting to sound like....... DJT, JD, or maybe Dut
  3. That's equality for you. These days, women are even allowed to come in as many different shapes as men! Oh My Goodness! Where will it all end? (Dunno why some people feel threatened by all this.... not referring to you, Peter)
  4. I thought all old bikes do that. Oh, maybe only British ones....
  5. I was!
  6. Great! DJT is saving America by cutting unnecessary costs such as police, and other service providers. So now it's Every man for himself! (There are there no other genders?)
  7. No.
  8. Happy anniversary Peter
  9. Youdhave to baste him carefully ..... trumpstyle
  10. I admit I have a problem...... My shed just aint big enough.
  11. We might need a new thread "What Has Zelensky Done Today". It would be a lot more uplifting than hearing more depressing stuff about what Dunny done. It is refreshing to see and hear Zelensky speak (well, it is when he is permitted to finish a sentence). He represents what I wish our politicians had more of. He stood up to a bully. Even though english is not his primary language, his words are measured, rational, and consistent. He is far more understandable and unambiguous than most politicians. The recent exchange with trump was blown out of all proportion. After all, it was only about announcing a mineral deal being made under duress with america, who is more interested in profits than peace. That 'agreement' specifically excluded any commitment to brokering a lasting peace with security guarantees. So it wasn't about WW3. Neither USA nor Putin can be trusted to respect the sovereignty of Ukraine anyway (or anywhere they have mines).
  12. Thank you Wolfie. Shall we send another case?
  13. What Has Trump Done Now? He seems to have put the final nails into the coffin of democracy. The USA was previously labelled a 'fractured democracy'. I think it is now a failed democracy. It is time for europe to consolidate their democratic values, and leave USA to themselves. USA is clearly not an ally. They are exploiters. Everything USA has become a case of 'what's in it for us' and 'show me the money'!
  14. The ultimate slap in the face for trumpets, would be to see Ukraine succeed without their self serving 'help'
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