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nomadpete last won the day on January 9

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  1. Basic rule... The higher the temp, the lower a semiconductor's efficiency.
  2. Yes Spacey. It is a heat pump. In cold times it pumps warm air inside. In hot times it pumps warm air outside. There is no such thing as 'cold' . Ther is only heat, of varoius levels
  3. The good lord works in mysterious ways. Ours is not to reason why.
  4. Dont know why but when i tried to post, it didn't seem to go. Sorry for repeating myself
  5. Wtf? I didn't ask it to post twice?
  6. Sorry. Multiple posts
  7. The response was related to trumpy deporting criminal. Who were undocumented migrants. Personally, I am all in faovr of this concept. I was mugged and robbed by a pair of Maorie migrants. Mugging locals to pay for their time in Australia. Turned out I wasn't their first victim. In my opinion they should have been deported as 'undesirable aliens' after their first mugging. Such stuff does happen and there are processes to stop it but do not seem to be used.
  8. Smart meters are not the problem. The problem arises when retailers start using a smart meter to change your billing tarrifs. I have heard that some retailers are failing to notify consumers when implementing complicated time-of-day changes of charge rates. If that happens, it is important to find out the new billing rules that they are applying. With care, you can use these rules to cut your bills, by cutting down your energy use during peak time. These times are in the fine print. Otherwise, your bill might go up! Also, a call to your provider might give you options to opt out of time-of-day billing if you prefer flat rate charging.
  9. True, but USA have been relying on such workers to keep food availabe. It looks very shortsighted to suddenly remove the work force that provides food for the nation. Like Australia, in USA there are insufficient numbers of citizens prepared to do menial work to put food on our tables. What is Trump doing to provide new workers to harvest food for Americans, once he deports all those farm workers?
  10. It was a tongue in cheek comment. I thought you would see that.
  11. They have a long way to go. The Biden administration sent over 400 plane loads of illegal migrants away during their 4 years. (To Various nations). All done without diplomatic argument such as Trump had in Columbia.
  12. A clear sign of myopic bias on your part!
  13. Our snakes really don't like us humans. They generally scarper to a safe distance as soon as they hear us coming. But I am very vigilant in summer. Make no mistake, their bite is very serious even if you get to hospitsl quickly.
  14. Those things are the new 'snake oil'. Snakes don't mind them - I have seen pictures of snakes curled up around one of them.
  15. Moved ? I heard that quite a few moved right back to USA soil. On the same plane!
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