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Everything posted by nomadpete

  1. That'll stop the damn gate slamming in the wind. Now what else can I fix for ya?
  2. Something for OME to celebrate. His dry spell might be coming to an end.
  3. OK That's random.
  4. I'll say again. Had Kamala come out promising electoral refom and ending armament support for Netanyahu, she would have won. But she had no strong agenda, and the voters wanted decisive action - any kind would do.
  5. No offense was intended, I was just playing with the words... in general
  6. All too true, OT. However, with regard to attempts to restrict or control corruption.... I don't see Australia having oligarchs an the same league as the Russian ones. Our efforts, although often laughable, do some good.
  7. Will he make the in China?
  8. Imagine the headlines.... Muskovite invents THE CARAVAN !
  9. They already have trailer parks. Aren't they already full of 'tiny homes'? What is the difference?
  10. On average, poorly. Just look how few generals we have
  11. It's only corruption if I'm not allowed to be in on it.
  12. Yes, I agree, this is how democracy works. No point in the minority complaining about the result. However I cannot really comment on whether DJT's policies are of any value. So far, I do not see any reliable statement of what the new policies will be. Sure there were many rather vague election catch cries, but based on DJT's past activities, his 'policies' can be quite plastic. Worse still, there has been no statement of how the suggested radical restructuring of all bureaucracy (the deep state) will be achieved. So far I only hear his destructive intentions, with no shining light of benefits to the electorate. Can anyone enlighten me on how the new government of america is going to actually make the claimed miracles happen?
  13. Don't get all depressed about OME
  14. Applying logic to american politics is as futile as hoping for a predictable outcome when applying logic to a partner's choices.
  15. There you go, trying to apply logic to american politics.
  16. Remember, half of the american voters are not at all upset. Add to that, the big bunch who weren't bothered enough to vote. That only leaves a minority who are upset about the coming 4 years. I suspect other countries are more concerned than the average american.
  17. And replacing Mini Minor alloy sumps.
  18. Can't buy Double Happys these days.
  19. Of course it is. They already sent all their loonies, thieves, drug dealers and father rapers to usa. (Don't correct me for using lower case - after this last display of ignorance, the majority of residents deserve to be described as common nouns.)
  20. Darn! The spelling police edited my misquote . Tis a puzzlement.....
  21. When I was a boy, the world was a simple place. What was so, was so. And what was not, was not. Now the world's a different place. Some things neearly so. Some things neearly not.
  22. When I consider the wild spectrum of 'promises' made by our Donny, I sincerely hope he doesn't keep too many of them. He seems to have made lots more nasty ones, than beneficial ones.
  23. Not only this. I blame poor education, and an overly personal selfish culture. And we are not far behind them on that score.
  24. Back to topic now that we have all finished our Friday treats. Elections are not now won by facts and firm policies. The government will get blamed by the opposition for the 'cost of living'. The cost is actually the result of a combination of profit mongering by multinational businesses, combined with undisciplined spendind by the voters. And the punters will blindly follow the propaganda and all too soon forget that the new faces in government didn't make their life any easier.
  25. Here's the link to the article. Note it was written back in 2017 https://theconversation.com/rule-by-the-lowest-common-denominator-its-baked-into-democracys-design-70896
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