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Everything posted by nomadpete

  1. He's trying to look young..... hiding the wrinkles.
  2. Isn't the scientific reference book old enough for them?
  3. Power generation has problems no matter what method is used. Everone loves to post pictures of wind turbine failures. They are so easily seen. I first saw mass fish kills back when Vales Point power station (Lake Macquarie) started operation. Not newsworthy. There probably have been a lot that I wasn't there to see. What about the thousands of acres of land that now is unfit for human use due to un-rehabilitated coal mines in the whole region? Hardly ever in the news. Or the respiratory problems experienced by people living near the uncovered coal train corridor to Brisbane? Got a brief mention then all on the back burner and no action. And the toxic tailings dams and the ash dams that kill migratory birds? Not newsworthy. Did Queenslanders hear about Tarong power station secretly using 80 gigalitres of drinking water per day during the big drought? Not in the news. Where I lived there were ongoing lawsuits against underground coal mines due to homes damaged by mine subsidence. Not in the news. Not many pictures of failed steam turbines either but they do happen and are more explosive/expensive than the occassional windturbine failure. Media doesn't seem to report much about the problems associated with burning fossil fuels.
  4. Yep. God needs Donny's endorsement..... yeah!
  5. Apart from extremist 'climate craziness' at BOTH ends of the seesaw, I wasn't aware of any moderation in media frenzy either way. The pro anti-oil and gas folk have acknowledged the need to seriously cut down our rate of BURNING fossil fuels. Raising oil to use as lubricant is not causing atmospheric pollution and has not (as far as I noticed) been hyped up much, if at all. Gas is probably the least worst stuff to burn, but it is wise to reduce our rate of burning ALL such fuels because whether solid, liquid or gass. The residue of burning results in pollution - shitting in our own nest. There is more to it than CO2.
  6. Please don't choke, Nev. The USofA is simply a louder version of our own political 'situation'.
  7. That is something I don't understand. Don't blame me, I'd never vote that way..
  8. Will anybody vote for Robert Kennedy just to avoid voting Biden?
  9. Why all the hand wringing about a hung parliament? I think it is good. It forces the parties to DEBATE the virtues of their decisions. If there is merit, all elected parties can support a decision instead of simply arguing on the grounds of 'we had a mandate to do whatever we like' vs 'we oppose it because we are in opposition'. If we get over a love affair with the 2 party system, we would have democracy.
  10. Birthdays are cruel. Look what they do to people!
  11. The truly rich often live amongst like minded people - in a tax haven far from the madding crowds (and scrutiny).
  12. Ya mean, Brizzy an Melbun?
  13. Not according to the Youtube clips I watch. Opinion and clickbait trumps fact every time.
  14. ...or alternative facts.
  15. Just sayin... Yesterday at colesworths, I saw half a dozen young people wearing hoodies when the sun was out. For some police that constitutes 'suspicious behaviour' and warrants lethal force to apprehend.
  16. Careful, old mate. I've heard that you can get into trouble with the police if you wear a hoodie on a warm day.
  17. Will our US (less) friends be upset about the senseless spilling of black gold (Texas tea)?
  18. nomadpete

    Brain Teaser

    Too obscure for me.
  19. My money is on a false flag op. Pootin needs to justify the next major conscription. So he needs to sow fear among the plebs. But I am surprised he didn't blame Ukraine.
  20. Do you expect me to believe fake news that comes from Moscow Times, a publication that is officially known to be a 'foreign agent'? Everone in Kremlin knows it must have been the CIA and Ukraine. (Sarky alert)
  21. According to Qld Transport Dept: https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/road-safety/driving-safely/stopping-distances Average stopping distance from 100kph (about 60mph) in a straight line on dry bitumen is 56 metres (plus another 42mtrs reaction time). We are talking about braking distance, aren't we? Not breaking distance. However, Consumer Reports in US say: "The Tesla’s stopping distance of 152 feet from 60 mph was far worse than any contemporary car we’ve tested and about 7 feet longer than the stopping distance of a Ford F-150 full-sized pickup." And they didn’t like it at all. Maybe they have different rubber compounds over there?
  22. It's ok. I keep my mouth shut when the choppers are dropping 'water' anyway.
  23. The colour of the drop tells you how low all the local dams are. There were two big whirlybirds running all day. This is the second Lymington fire starting from one property in a couple of days. Police are investigating - fires don't usually ignite from a 50 metre straight line. I'm going out again tonight, hopefully we will be on top of it.
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