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Everything posted by nomadpete

  1. Ahah! It isn't a conspiracy theory! Microsoft really has embedded Artificial Autocorrect into your brain!
  2. Following on from that thought, Jerry, I lament the demise of availabe knowledgable participants capable of eloquent debate. Both sides of an issue should be fairly presented by media so us punters can consider the merits of what is going on. This is what we need, to provide factual balanced discussion - when the media start stirring up 'hysteria". In the past media have feebly attempted to 'balance' their news by granting equal time to verbose conspiracy theorists as to ineffective rational respondants. The nutters win!
  3. Thats a point (to me). Nobody's media seem to highlight policies or legislation that has bipattisan support. Sure, there is a fair bit of it. But media focus is on radical division and trouble making, so we don't hear much about the stuff that is supported by all parties.
  4. Welcome back Octave. We missed you. Thanks for your input.
  5. Victor Hemery aboard the unapologetically spartan 200hp V8 Darracq at Arles-Salon, 1905, raised the LSR to 109.65mph. Note it was RHD. Braking and cornering would have been a challenge. Records were made to be broken.
  6. Well, now we have identified the sources of orbital spacetrash. Can we expect Spacex to put a big blue Simsmetal bin into orbit?
  7. What he really saw was the sun reflected off the trail of empty stubbies, thrown out the window by passing astronauts ....
  8. Perhaps you saw a Starlink satellite train? https://starlinkinsider.com/starlink-satellite-train/
  9. If you can't eat all of it, I volunteer to take some off your hands. Just to help you out, of course.
  10. Don't eat the wax. It is no better than chewing gum.
  11. Be nice please Nev. We just don't rush into big projects. We won'teven start building our new stadium until the price stabilises...... - and we are deliberately keeping the new ferries close to the builders in case something goes wrong and we need to make a warranty claim.
  12. And in Tassie they put the A/C on when it gets over 20
  13. Nah, who needs fine print? But its such a bargain. If you are quick you can get two for the price of one!
  14. Either way, it is a great statement - was the musky one at home when it went up at the front door? Has a Tesla owner fallen out of lerv, or was he just too embarrased to be seen driving it? As an aside, that pic seems to show the front wheel at an odd angle.
  15. Very impressive progress Jerry.
  16. Warning! Expect Wille to arrive soon with his truck - to take away all that post renovation timber. He cannot resist!
  17. I think we will all be trying hard to find positive news this coming year. All the best from all of us, to all of you!
  18. Quick! This is your last chance to do something special in 2024!
  19. Totally off topic, but related to human consumption of trash... Has anyone been watching the TV show about the presence of microplastics in human cells (& other animals)? They even found bits of plastic in brain cells! It looks like it is the new pandemic. SBS On Demand: "Plastic People- The hidden problem of microplastics"
  20. Because 1. Any fast weight loss is quickly waisted (back on) as soon as you stop the magic pills. Unless you also significantly change your eating habits. 2. As with every medical intervention the medication can cause problems to a minority of folk. So, it is not suitable for EVERY body.
  21. Except a real mafia has strict rules that don't change on the whim of the boss. In short, mafia (although ruthless and self serving) are more consistent than dictators.
  22. Nev, none of us wish to 'destroy your posts'. Please accept the spirit of debate. We all can learn from trying to see another's opinion. All it is an opinion. Something based upon what somebody else has been thinking about. We value all inputs to the discussion. Please do not lose heart just because somebody might have a different opinion.
  23. A bit dark for me....
  24. Well I'm no soothsayer, but I don't need to be, to agree with that!
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