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Everything posted by kgwilson

  1. It seems the Indians have changed their minds about the 2 Russians who died there, one supposedly from getting too p!ssed & the other from depression by falling out a window (as they do) because his mate carked it. They are now investigating both deaths. Given Indias relationship with Russia whatever they find will be sanitised to be acceptable to Putin. I certainly can't see the real truth being published.
  2. If you are connected to the grid then the retailer is not compelled to take the excess generation from your rooftop solar if the system is at the limit of what it can absorb. If there is nowhere for the power to go you will not get anything for what you are generating. But you are never compelled to pay for grid power if you are producing sufficient of your own to run your household. What you generate goes through your inverter to run the fridge, washing machine & every other electrically driven device in your home before it gets to the smart meter for you to on sell to the retailer. So No, no-one other than you can switch off your solar generation system. The retailer may not take the excess you produce but that has nothing to do with compelling you to use the system except if you need more that you are producing. This is where the installation of batteries becomes an attractive option.
  3. Not if you are completely off grid.
  4. With electronics it is easy to control updates etc because it is all driven with software. I don't blame Tesla for controlling updates. This is normal practice from any manufacturer of integrated circuit controlled devices. Tesla is just trying to protect its products from pirates. Apple is the most protective of all technology giants. You cannot access IOS & they have built in redundancy forcing users to upgrade, you continue to pay for services via their iTunes locked in process and iOS does not integrate with any Android features. Even sending a text is different and you cannot send texts to a group unless they are all iOS devices.. They have had to build in software to access Google Maps as their own Mapping software didn't work. Android as we know is Open Source. Interestingly Apple has a cult following & still outsells Android devices in the US despite their outrageous cost. I suspect Tesla will follow this model for some time yet.
  5. Another Russian magnate has died falling out a window. This time it was in India. Pavel Antov a multi millionaire was a member of Putins political party & briefly criticised the war in Ukraine (he originally called the attack on Kiev as terrorism). It was suicide apparently as he was depressed when they found his friend dead surrounded by lots of empty wine bottles. The FSB will be celebrating. They got rid of 2 in one go.
  6. Abbot was, is and remains a dork. His main claim to fame was his ability to provide political caricature artists with a great subject to be exploited which they did with great aplomb especially his ears. When the shirtfront comment appeared in the media most people had no idea what it meant. I remember one cartoon that showed Abbot & Putin with Abbot saying "I stopped the boats" & Putin responding with "You won't stop mine". How things have changed. Putin has bugger all boats left to do anything other than his Nuclear subs.
  7. The only reason modern ICE engines are efficient and run smoothly is that they are electronically controlled at every stage from turning the key to shutdown. The process is very complex requiring valves and high pressure air and liquid functions, vacuums, pumps, servo motors etc and multiple sensors to make sure everything is functioning the way it should. An EV is much simpler though new things have been introduced like regenerative braking. Electronics control everything else in modern ICE & EV vehicles that is not related to the cars motivation, even door handles these days. Normal air conditioning systems are now giving way to more efficient heat pump systems. You name it and it is controlled electrically or electronically. Motor Mechanics are now a rare breed. Motor Vehicle service outfits now call their people "Technicians". Most have little knowledge of how to fix anything or even how electronics work. They use diagnostic tools that they do not understand to determine where a fault lies and the only thing they can do is replace the module or component if the diagnostic screen says it has a fault. I get my 2012 Mitsubishi serviced at the NRMA service centre. I noticed (about a year ago) a whine in the engine bay. After looking and using a long screwdriver as a stethoscope I figured out it was an idler bearing on the main waterpump/aircon compressor grooved belt. I asked them to check it out. I got told that it was the bearing on the aircon compressor clutch & they would have to replace the compressor at approx $3,000.00. I rechecked & still thought it was an idler bearing. I took it to an old school aircon service bloke. I opened the bonnet & he listened, told me to turn the aircon on & off a couple of times & said "Nothin wrong with that". If it was the clutch bearing there'd be a tone difference when flicking the aircon switch he said & I went on my way. No charge. For interest sake I checked on replacing an aircon compressor clutch bearing. It is a bit tricky but not hard. The clutch is removed from the compressor & the bearing pressed out & a new one pressed in. The compressor does not even have to be removed so re-gassing is not required. Bearing cost about $15.00. Good electronics engineers are what is needed in future, in fact right now. There are still mechanical functions and mechanics will also be required but they seem to have dumbed them down to just pulling something off and putting a new one on.
  8. An old hybrid is hardly worth spending that sort of money for a replacement battery with only about 80km of range on the battery alone. It may have been OK in 2012 but it is completely out of its depth now with current hybrids. There won't be many new hybrids hitting the market in future anyway. They are the worst of both worlds and appeal to those who do little or no research into what current EVs can do and have predisposed range anxiety. Within 5 years 1000km will be the range average, EV owners will mostly have their own 10-15kw chargers at home, the car will be the house battery backup for outages and/or used when power cost is at peak and range anxiety will be a joke from the past.
  9. kgwilson

    Funny videos

    That's about the most mild offering i have ever heard from KBW. Not a single swear word in the whole song.
  10. I remember in that Movie, Russian recruits were sent across the Volga in small boats without any weapons. They were given a clip of ammo & told to pick up the rifle of the man in front who had just been shot & keep going till they got shot. The Russians seem to have a similar philosophy in Ukraine. Zelenskyys speech at the US congress got him about 15 standing ovations in 30 minutes. Even though the Republicans have the majority there from the 3rd of January I think that the support will still be forthcoming. Some republicans have been questioning the aid but judging from that address to congress there will be more than enough support to keep the money flowing. As one commentator said 3 or 4 billion is a pittance out of the massive budget they have at their disposal. Zelenskyy has finally got the Patriot (Phased Array Tracking Radar Intercept On Target) Missile system after his visit to the US which has been brushed off by Putin as old and his systems will take it down. Given that even the basic anti missile systems that Ukraine already has, can take down more than 80% of the missiles and drones Russia sends over he is in a world of his own in that thought.
  11. kgwilson

    Funny videos

    If I was an apartment dweller it would be OK, but I'm not, so no I wouldn't live in one. Brilliant concept though.
  12. No worries. After all the hardships & abuse she still managed to get to 90. She spoke 7 languages but her English was relatively poor. She met her (Romanian) husband in the forced labour camp (their common language was German) & they only came to Australia because at the time they could not speak English & got in the wrong queue. They thought they were going to America. Better choice anyway though not by design.
  13. Yes my wifes Mother was born in Donetsk. She spoke fluent Russian. She hated the Russians. She witnessed her father & grandfather being executed by the Russians in the early 20s. When the Germans came in 1941 & put her in a labour camp for 4 years she still hated the Russian more than the Germans. I got this from her before she died
  14. What ever happened to that whacko Lawyer Sidney Powell. She kept rabbiting on for ever about the election machines that had been tampered with by the Venezuelan president who'd been dead for 10 years. She & Giuliano had to be the most pathetic legal advisors you could get. Both have been either disbarred or discredited and fined etc as far as I know. Only in America. Neither would get past go just about anywhere else in the world except possibly Russia.
  15. Development of sodium battery technology is surging ahead. The latest break is a sodium battery with 4 times the energy density of lithium. So far this is only in laboratory conditions and very small batteries but this is generally where most successful new technologies begin. CATL & BYD have also announced that sodium batteries will be manufactured for EVs in 2023. Sodium is of course plentiful & cheap being half of the chemical composition of common salt & both CATL & BYD say that the use of sodium will reduce battery cost by 30% over its lithium based counterpart. It may be a good time to think about divesting shareholdings in lithium based companies.
  16. Electric drive has been around on heavy load vehicles for many years. Direct drive from a diesel or petrol engine is terrible requiring many gears to get going. It is much more efficient to generate electricity & then use electric motors to provide the driving power as in diesel electric locomotives. It is only recently that we have had batteries of sufficient energy density and small enough to fit in a vehicle that fully electric trucks have become viable. Electric trains have been around for 100 years or more and there is no advantage having a battery one when they have to stay on the tracks anyway so the overhead power supply is the solution that we have always had. We have the Janus Electric truck in Australia with a removable & 15 minute replaceable battery & 600km range & the Tesla Semi just released has a 800 km range on a single charge & can be charged with another 450km range in 30 minute on the Tesla megacharger.
  17. Who started it he says! That's funny. He did in 2014 by annexing Crimea & militarily supporting the separatists in Donetsk & of course invading Ukraine this year. Everything else is Ukraine defending it's territory & depleting Russian supply lines & the dickhead is upset about it. Yes he knows he is losing.
  18. I don't think the Germans would have won given the entry of the US. They would have entered later anyway even if Pearl Harbour had not provide the first reason. The industrial output alone from America would have worn the Germans down eventually along with constant bombing from the RAF, the massive resource of people in the USSR, the vastness of the country logistically and the Russian winter. The war may have gone on for another year or 2 but of course after mid 45 there was the atom bomb.
  19. Russia declared war on Japan after the German surrender in 1945 & quickly took the Kuril Islands that were part of Japan & they have never given them back. Japan & Russia signed a joint declaration in 1956 ending their state of war but never signed a Peace Treaty. The Soviet Union offered Japan the 2 small Southern islands of the Kuril Group in return for japan renouncing claim to the 2 bigger islands. Japan refused this and the dispute continues to this day.
  20. That story seems to be a complete over simplification and rather strange diatribe of events given Putins own statements and numerous other reports since January in hundreds of publications including those from Russia.
  21. Russian politicians and top officials seem to have a problem with stairs and keep falling down them, some with fatal results and mostly after they have made statements that don't toe the official line. Staircases with windows must be doubly scary.
  22. It all leads to the only conclusion for me. Putin is a complete f**kin wanker, but a very dangerous one. Trump is the same but now not quite as dangerous.
  23. After the fall of Mariopol and the stall of the front line, most pundits were prediction a long and drawn out war that would likely see no clear victor. These predictions are largely coming to fruition but no-one really saw the ability of the Ukrainian counter attack to make such inroads and the abject failure of the Russian military except perhaps the mercenary Wagner group. Russia is running out of missiles even using empty cold war era nuclear delivery missiles and is desperately trying to procure more. Their armaments industry will now be working overtime to replace their massive losses and gifts to Ukraine. As gas and oil receipts decline the cost which is already massive will likely become unsustainable so Putin is still trying to get talks underway while declaring parts of Ukraine he does not control, his. That'll work - Not. Ukraine on the other hand is fighting for its existence, has a professional military and has been getting aid from NATO and the West as Putins guarantee of security was always a lie from day 1. The western arms industry is quite happy as orders will be coming in thick & fast to replace the stuff governments have given to Ukraine. A lot of the stuff was getting old anyway so it is a good option for the West to update its inventory. The conflict is also a fantastic proving ground for Western weaponry. One major thing this war has shown is that having a large fast jet air force has been of little use for Russia. Western anti aircraft short and long range defence systems have made this pretty impotent except for the bombers being delivery platforms for missiles & then high tailing it home. This is a good lesson for future manned fighter jet production. The big question is "How long can this go on"? The condemnation of Russia is virtually universal with 143 countries supporting this and only 4 countries siding with Russia and a number not wanting to take sides due to their previous economic or military ties with Russia. I don't have a crystal ball but I still think (so long as the West does not blink) a Winter or Spring Ukrainian offensive will be the decisive action to get the Russians out and some sort of peace deal being brokered.
  24. I have no idea how it works on the right hand middle coast but the leftie coast idea looks pretty sound to me.
  25. I don't live in Victoria so i don't know much of the history of Dan Andrew. One thing I remember from the decisions made during the Covid pandemic is that he worked himself to the bone & had to make decisions that were immensely unpopular with large sections of the population. There were the cat calls of Dictator Dan & Chairman Dan that got the right wing media going and they never stopped. The ridiculous stories about him falling down stairs and a car crash he was in when he wasn't even driving were just so far off and utterly pathetic, and they kept on right up to the election pushing the line the Lib bloke was neck and neck. All total fabrication with not an ounce of reasonable research to justify any of it. Well Victorians obviously saw right through the BS. He did say that he does not always do what is popular, he believes he does what is right. No one is perfect & Dan Andrews is no exception but he is obviously better than anything else on offer, so congratulations from me.
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