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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Only in America!
  2. Clever Marty, very clever.
  3. Condolences Farri. I wasn't aware that my ex wife had moved to FNQ.
  4. Don, I couldn't decide which 'like' tick best expressed my assessment of the abv post so I gave you a winner. Perhaps an over-all answer to your queries is conversion to Islam. Then you don't have to think for yourself; no need to have an opinion (let alone state it); or act in any way in an attempt to resolve any inconsistencies - the mullahs and the radicals do it for you.
  5. turbs ??? Unless I've mis-interpreted your post, I'd have given you more credit. Care to explain if this was just a jibe that bombed?
  6. Dunno & don't care. Eventuated that the nicest thing she ever did was run me off after 17 years. Life has been a bowl of cherries ever since.
  7. Had a quiet smile at the probable resting place of the canoe. I'd reckon that most of us have a similar 'canoe at the bottom of the Thames' failed project in our memory bank closet. My worst folly was my first marriage (I opened the wrong tool box). cheers riley
  8. Major faults with your closing statement Marty. Whilst 4X & West End Draught may not have been the ultimate in brews, they are like nooky "when it's good it's very,very good and when it's bad, it's still pretty good".
  9. Geoff clowns are meant to be funny - there was nothing funny about that red-headed clot. I almost wretch just thinking about it!
  10. Lee Kuan Yew and his PAP party did a pretty acceptable job of 'benevolent dictatorship' in Singapore some 45 years ago. Made the rest of the Far East look pretty ordinary in comparison.
  11. Marvellous machine , but I've got a problem - the guy keeps referring to it as a 'bike'. Bike (bicycle) = 2 wheels. He's gotta come up with a more appropriate nomenclature. But then it is in America and the English language has suffered ever since Paul Revere. On a serious note, I can imagine our local constabulary and civic authorities bursting a blood vessel to kill it's use with legaleeze .
  12. johnm You're bound for hell because of your warped sense of humour (but I like it!) cheers Riley
  13. Brings to mind many years ago in a small eatery in country Norfolk, UK where, amongst other items of fare, the menu offered both cheese & tomato sandwiches and slices of toast. I requested a toasted cheese & tomato sandwich and was advised by the lady behind the counter that it wasn't possible because it wasn't offered on the menu. No amount of persuasion (or what I thought, logic) was able to change her mind. I could only assume that the completed sandwich wouldn't fit into her toaster. 40 years on and I still laugh when I think of it.
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