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rgmwa last won the day on February 26

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  1. Yes it was weird. I thought the link might have been hijacked unless something is going on. Phone seems to be OK. It’s behaving normally.
  2. Red I clicked on that link and got a message saying my phone was infected with two viruses and was directed to a website to remove it. I didn’t, thinking it could be a scam.
  3. Trump's latest comments about the war: “I’m finding it more difficult, frankly, to deal with Ukraine. And they don’t have the cards,” Trump said. “In terms of getting a final settlement, it may be easier dealing with Russia.” Asked whether the Russian leader was taking advantage of the pause in US intelligence sharing and military aid to Ukraine, Trump replied: “I actually think he is doing what anybody else would do.” Trump knows he is facilitating Russia's latest missile and drone attacks by stopping the munitions and turning off Ukraine's electronic warfare support, and then blandly agrees that Putin is taking advantage of the situation to bomb the country even more `like anyone else would'. He is supposed to be in NATO but is literally helping Putin to attack Ukraine. He knows Ukraine is in a weak position `because they don't have the cards'. He then has the gall to say he wants the killing to stop. The depravity of this guy is appalling.
  4. … of those who bothered to vote, so more like only 30% of the eligible voters.
  5. I agree that the returning vets at that time were generally treated pretty shamefully after having serving their country, whether they were volunteers or called up. However, are you blaming all that your two years in the army? It sounds as though you expected the army to find you a paying job and a place to live. Did your mates feel the same way? What did they do when they got out? What job did you have and where did you live before you went in?
  6. rgmwa

    Brain Teaser

    Same as Nev
  7. Trump's negotiating skills, or lack of are becoming clearer. First he imposed arbitrary 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico's auto industries, among other trade items, allegedly because of drugs crossing the border. Then he delayed them by a month while Canada and Mexico took significant steps to reduce the drug imports, most of which are brought into America by US citizens anyway. The last few weeks have shown that the additional drug prevention measures have been pretty effective so Canada and Mexico expected that they would be in the clear because they had done what was asked. However Trump imposed the tariffs anyway because he said the measures weren't good enough and had also decided he now also wanted the auto industries to move all their production to the USA. Because the goalposts had suddenly moved, the CEO's of the three major auto manufacturers phoned him and pointed out the problems his tariffs would cause in their industry - like major cost increases to the price of vehicles. So now he has suddenly back flipped and postponed the tariffs for another month to supposedly give the industry time to shift their production to the US. They can't do that in a month of course, so no doubt he will impose the tariffs again. Or maybe not. Who knows? Trump's supporters think he's a master strategist, but in reality he's the same opportunistic, arrogant, unethical and ignorant bully he's always been. Between the global tariffs, his fight with NATO and Ukraine, his cozying up to Putin, the decimation of Government institutions and the disruption to services that will bring, his failure to reduce the cost of living, and his chaotic management style, his popularity will head downhill pretty quickly in the next weeks and months. His ratings in the opinion polls and the stock market are already dropping, and those are the two things he cares about most. He is going to fail the job of running country just like he failed in his business ventures. Hopefully his successor can undo some of the damage in time, but it is already too late to salvage America's place in the world order. He has already trashed that and turned the clock back at least eight decades. He is the complete disaster he accuses others of being.
  8. I wonder how many others weren’t so lucky. I was in China in 2010 and witnessed an accident where the bike rider didn’t get up again.
  9. Whatever you do, don't tell Trump.
  10. It's pretty clear you think the Ukrainians should just let Putin take over their country and that way nobody would get killed. The problem is the Ukrainians would then lose their independence, their resources and their country, and Putin would simply move onto the next target in his efforts to rebuild the Soviet Union - and Trump is only too keen to help him do it. It's pretty sad that Trump is only interested in defending Ukraine if he can Zelenskyy to apologise for telling the truth and get a deal for his rare earth minerals off the ground (he actually calls them `raw earth minerals' - can't even get that right). Ukraine only has value to him if his financial investment may be threatened. The idea that he might defend a weaker country against a power hungry dictator as a matter of principle and for the safety of his allies is not a concept that he can get his head around. The sooner the US dumps him, the better.
  11. It’s aid to help the Ukrainians defend themselves from being overrun by Putin’s armies. Your solution (and Trump’s) would be to just step aside and let him do it. Nobody wants to keep the war going except Putin, and least of all the Ukrainians.
  12. Probably here from the official source of misinformation, courtesy of Musk's minions: https://www.whitehouse.gov/articles/2025/02/at-usaid-waste-and-abuse-runs-deep/
  13. Zelenskyy has a law degree but never worked in the legal field, however he became a leader of his country. Trump has an economics degree and became a criminal and a leader of his country. Rumour has it that Trump got someone else to sit his exams, so there is also some doubt about his degree.
  14. Western leaders had no illusions about Stalin, unlike Trump's illusions about Putin.
  15. Yes, she’s full of BS.
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