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rgmwa last won the day on April 21 2023

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  1. rgmwa

    Brain Teaser

    No. It’s 14 with the driver. The question was ‘how many people’, not ‘how many passengers’.
  2. He's now suing the Justice Department with political persecution for bringing charges against him for not giving back the classified documents he tried to keep!
  3. This article lays out some of the back room manipulation that's going on behind the scenes in some key states to tilt the playing field in Trump's favour. I'm not sure how the Democrats are going to counter these efforts to control the voting results. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/aug/12/trump-overturn-result-presidential-election-vote
  4. They will be installing them in banks next.
  5. Melania will be happy if he loses so she doesn’t have to go back to the White House and pretend she likes being the First Lady. She’s almost as transactional as he is.
  6. And if the thieves ran over your dog on the way out, you'd have a cracker of a song.
  7. It's also great for emergency kits because it's a very compact package of kindling for lighting fires with your survival fire-starter or bow drill. That would also explain why you might keep a few in the boot, just in case.
  8. There are a few clips here of Kamala Harris in action at a rally today. She's a lot more impressive than Trump. No wonder he's worried. Hopefully, she can keep it up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIDYzd-dNgY
  9. I tried to do that in the 1980’s using Finite State Machines to teach the computer to pick patterns in data sets. Hopefully his efforts will be more successful.
  10. Obviously doesn’t work or he’d be using it himself.
  11. Changed his mind apparently: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/musk-says-he-never-said-hell-donate-45-million-trump-2024-07-24/
  12. Trump is now in favour of electric vehicles because Elon Musk has `endorsed him very strongly': https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/aug/05/trump-endorses-electric-vehicles-elon-musk
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