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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. Obviously a slow day at the reno today.
  2. She's trying so hard to be all things to everyone, that she risks being nothing to anyone.
  3. That means that despite Trump routinely calling Biden a criminal, he would be happy for Biden not to be charged for ordering his assassination as a political rival. I wonder if that's what he really meant?
  4. 1x1=1 11x11=121 111x111=12321 1111x1111=1234321 etc
  5. I'd say they're not thinking, which is part of the problem.
  6. Should be interesting to see how the US Supreme Court handles this mess: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/26/trump-us-supreme-court-crisis
  7. So says the criminal who married two foreign women and is trying to poison America himself.
  8. There are plenty of people even in the US who recognise the inherent flaws in their system - gerrymandering, the electoral college, state-based voting procedures and laws, first past the post voting rather than proportional representation, to name a few. The problem is it's almost impossible for them to collectively change anything.
  9. There are about 16 other states also looking at kicking him off their ballots. There is an argument that it would be better to have him on the ballot and defeat him in the election. That would be a more definitive result.
  10. It's an interesting read. He also invented the Sidcot suit and `cottonised' the PRU Spitfires for more speed.
  11. He's also been sued again on Monday for repeating his claims outside the court. He's an idiot.
  12. That's obviously why Putin's interested in Moldova.
  13. If Putin moves on to Moldova, it might motivate the West to take more action.
  14. Unfortunately, you're right. To make matters worse, the conflict in Gaza has taken the world's media attention right off Ukraine.
  15. If he became president and therefore POTUS, as he’s married to another man, would his partner still be referred to as FLOTUS?
  16. I think you’re right, but he’s articulate, talks sense, and gets things done. He’s also not Biden or Trump.
  17. I think his planet is in a galaxy much further away than even Trump's.
  18. I think they should give Pete Buttigieg a go.
  19. For someone who's a compulsive liar, he's actually told the truth about his plans for a next term. Hopefully enough Americans may eventually believe what he says and vote against him, but half the country believes all his other lies. Churchill said "You can always trust the Americans to do the right thing ........ after they've tried everything else". Hopefully he's right or the next few years are going to get ugly and not just for the Americans.
  20. The judge in that case, Aileen Cannon, is slowing the trial process to make sure it doesn’t start until after the election. She has already been criticised a couple of times by appellate courts for making rulings in Trump’s favour. It’s noteworthy that Trump has not said a word about her while calling every other judge he’s up against every name and slur he can think of.
  21. Outrageous, ignorant, corrupt and dangerous. Unlike other dictators like Hitler and Mussolini his aim is not world domination, but just to look in the mirror and see the most powerful person in the world. He has no guiding philosophy other than devotion to himself. A hollow and fundamentally weak character but with an army of sycophant enablers behind him. Hopefully American Democracy, flawed as it is, will see him in jail and not in the White House.
  22. What is it about Linux that would make it a better choice than Windows for the typical user?
  23. That clock's for semi-retired people like me. When my dad retired he used to say that every day was a Sunday.
  24. He got to 95, but maybe he would have made 100.
  25. Sounds quite reasonable to me.
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