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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. Two of our daughters are primary school teachers. Given the number of kids that have some intellectual, social, medical or other problem it's a wonder they are able to teach them anything useful. They need to be social workers and carers as well as teachers. From what they describe, it seems to me that a lot of the problems for many of the kids stem from a chaotic home life and poor parenting.
  2. Let's hope it gets cancelled.
  3. Could be a scam.
  4. That'll be $12 for the part and $300 for knowing where to put it.
  5. Or alternatively his body double is alive and well in the undisclosed country. Who knows what to believe.
  6. I did one year of a post graduate course in computing years ago as I had thoughts of a career writing engineering software as there was virtually nothing available for desktop computers in those days. Unfortunately I couldn't finish the course due to pressure of work and family. The peak of my achievement was adding some language extensions to a compiler and learning the difference between my self taught programming and how real programmers did things. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it and spent some three thousand hours programming over the years. Even sold some software as well developing applications that our company used. Eventually, professionally developed applications outpaced what I could do on my own and the world moved on, but it was fun while it lasted.
  7. Doesn't Excel have Visual Basic embedded in it? How will that work if they bring in another language?
  8. I’m sure it was well rehearsed before he went in. It’s all about sending a message to his followers that despite his persecution he is still defiant and will get his revenge. To the rest of us it just confirms his scheming nastiness
  9. Dmitry Utkin was apparently on board as well, plus another senior Wagner member. Wouldn't surprise me if Putin decided to get rid of the lot of them.
  10. You can look around a large crowd, say 50,000 people at a football match, and know that in around 100 years almost everyone there - young and old, will have died. It’s a sobering thought.
  11. Even if he doesn’t get in he won’t go away. He’ll try and trash everything from the sidelines.
  12. We know. No one’s taking it seriously.
  13. A real Bigfoot would have just taken the cooler.
  14. This is Trump commiserating with the US Women's Soccer team on their loss to Sweden. And a third of the country wants this moron to be president again!
  15. Very small and belated. Had there been any way he could have legally done what Trump wanted he would have, even if he personally believed Trump had lost.
  16. Plus they have the electoral college system which distorts the outcome of the election anyway.
  17. I voted for the Magpie based on the question asked, but I agree that the raven's call is distinctly Australian. It always makes me think of the dry and desolate outback even though we have plenty of them around here.
  18. Let me guess. If your answer to the question is `I don't know' ....
  19. Unfortunately, Trump still has plenty of support from Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan and a bunch of other misfits. Trump doesn't have a good word to say about McConnell (or his wife). McConnell didn't get along with Trump either, but was willing to let him off the hook on the impeachments because his priority was keep the Democrats out of power and make sure the Supreme Court was conservative. He had no scruples when it came to manipulating the system to achieve what he wanted. Unfortunately it seems that he has now has some serious health issues which no one would wish on him, but I can't see that he will be there much longer.
  20. I misread `rums' as `nuns' the first time.
  21. I still see no reason to sign up to any of those scam merchants. You don't miss what you don't use.
  22. Best not to wear pants as a cultural accessory.
  23. There are plenty of towns and places that have always had aboriginal names, so it’s not as though that cultural heritage has been lost or ignored. WA has lots of examples. But I can’t see the need to use aboriginal alternative names for our capital cities at every opportunity for the sake of being politically correct.
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