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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. Which beans do you use and what is a roasting profile? I assume there’s more to it than just whacking them in a moderate oven for 15 mins.
  2. Apparently enough to feed 250,000 people for a year.
  3. Interesting article about administrative policy plans quietly being developed by pro-Trump Republicans in the event that he (or some other Republican) wins in 2024. https://www.afr.com/world/north-america/a-second-trump-administration-readies-for-power-20230714-p5dobx
  4. As a structural engineer, I approve this statement.
  5. There are plenty in the Portland area (Vic). Lots on the golf course. I’ve seen one on the side of the road on the outskirts of the town. They retrieved one from the end of the breakwater a while ago and my parents had them in their backyard.
  6. Something to keep you motivated:
  7. The disconnect was between the schemer's plans to recover alleged debts and the law.
  8. Phil Perry started this thread originally. Is he still around?
  9. Or the other place. At least he can look out the windows to see where he’s going. Obviously a VFR flight.
  10. As the war drags on, I'm becoming more pessimistic about Ukraine ever getting the Russians out of their country unless something happens to break what is now almost a stalemate. Unless Putin gets deposed by his own side, he now has time on his side to wait for the West's resolve to slowly diminish as they run out of ammunition and equipment themselves. It's now been 500 days, and Ukraine's counteroffensive is obviously going nowhere fast due to thousands of mines, WW1 style Russian defences and lack of air superiority. Meanwhile Russia keeps sending over barrages of cheap drones that require expensive missiles to intercept and which can't stop all of them. It's not a good situation.
  11. Interesting assessment of what is likely to happen if Trump gets re-elected: https://theconversation.com/politics-with-michelle-grattan-author-bruce-wolpe-on-the-shocking-consequences-for-australia-of-a-trump-24-win-209138
  12. Just what Twitter needs - a makeover.
  13. I hired a car in Melbourne a couple of months ago. Wish I’d seen that video before as I have no idea what the car’s system may have got off my phone.
  14. Putin is betting that the West will eventually get tired of the fight and walk away, and he may be right. If his man in the White House, Trump, gets back in next year he’ll definitely pull it off unless he gets done in by his own side first.
  15. I would not like to be in Surovikin’s shoes. Chances are they are being suspended out of a window somewhere while he’s still wearing them. Or some even worse experience.
  16. We're pretty lucky with public toilets in Australia. It's a lot worse in Europe where you are more likely to find that the park or roadside stop IS the public toilet.
  17. Could be, but hard to to be sure having so far seen neither the CCTV creature nor any of the movies.
  18. It looks like the carbon fibre tube was just butt jointed to the titanium ring and relied entirely on the glue to hold the two parts together. With no sleeve or some other form of mechanical interlock, the shear stresses in the glue and on ends of the carbon fibre layers due to the different material properties (carbon fibre, glue and titianium) under pressure must have been huge. No wonder the ends of the tube delaminated.
  19. See how you go with this. Not that easy. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/jun/26/can-you-solve-it-the-simple-question-almost-everyone-gets-wrong
  20. At least Russia and the USA have something in common.
  21. Utkin looks even meaner than Prigozhin. I read that he is probably a neo-Nazi.
  22. Also Prigozhin’s statement that the Ukrainian invasion was based on the lie that they needed to de-Nazify the place directly undercut Putin’s narrative. Hard to see that being part of a false flag script.
  23. I understood the deal was for Prigozhin to go into exile in Belarus (probably in a top floor penthouse suite with large windows) and for his troops to be absorbed into the Russian forces. I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens.
  24. He’d probably be safer moving to Ukraine.
  25. The Russian population must be feeling very confused as to why Russians are suddenly invading Russia.
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