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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. Compared to some of you I feel like a luddite. I don't think I subscribe to any channels, although I do spend time watching uTube music videos when there's nothing much on TV, which is often. I also go down lots of uTube rabbit holes following various history, aircraft and other interesting topics that I come across. Occasionally I'll look up some specific `how-to' videos, but that's about it. I'll have to lift my game.
  2. .. and his wife, Helga. (Nev)
  3. Much better than `No Hope' Ward.
  4. She probably told him he's not likely to get to Heaven.
  5. His ego has obviously recovered from his election loss. Just the sort of scam non-job his talents suit him for. Good riddance.
  6. If she handed him the bomb she was taking a risk standing that close.
  7. Who do you think did him in - the Ukrainians or the Russians?
  8. At a mid-August fundraiser in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Ivanka Trump was asked to name the personality traits she inherited most from her parents. Without much of a pause, Trump told the crowd of roughly 120 high-end donors that her mother gave her an example of how to be a powerful, successful woman. And her father? He passed onto her his moral compass, she said, according to two event attendees.
  9. Wasn’t it Ivanka who once said “I got my moral compass from my dad”.
  10. Yes it’s a sad fact that he’d be nothing without an audience and his behaviour and personality are so obnoxious that the audience can’t help watching to find out what happens next.
  11. Because they'd lose the vast majority of his supporters and probably a fair number of their own members in Congress who back him. Then they'd have no hope of winning in 2024, especially because he'd do all he could to trash his former party. Who would make that move anyway, McConnell?
  12. This election would be an easy win for the Democrats if they had a good candidate, but all they have at the moment is Biden. Trump may not get the Republican nomination, but if deSantis wins then the US and the rest of the world won't be much better off. He's too much like Trump.
  13. Probably caught between by steep cost increases for materials, fixed price contracts and finding enough tradies.
  14. Alan Dershowitz the Harvard law professor suggested he should use his mug shot on his campaign posters. That's a great idea. It make him look even more like a criminal.
  15. I hope they've done their homework and he doesn't get off. Either way the circus continues.
  16. Probably just the local militia rep waiting for the Redcoats to arrive.
  17. Quite right OT. Only one death per 10,000 guns, give or take a few. Hardly worth losing any sleep over.
  18. Arachnologist
  19. And that guy's a state senator. They've got no hope in that country.
  20. Unbelievable! Wonder what the little kid got for Christmas.
  21. I heard on the news that Trump has raked in another $2.2m in donations from his flock of followers since he announced he was going to be arrested this week.
  22. Only the photo, not the reality.
  23. Very strange behaviour.
  24. If you explained your situation to the dealer and paid him say $1500 he may agree to hold it for you until you can pay the balance.
  25. Xi Jinping and Putin seem to be best friends now. I don't think Xi is too concerned about Ukraine and I think he would be quite prepared to slip a few useful things Putin's way on the quiet if he can. It's in his interests to prop Putin up and prolong the war because it keeps the US and the West under pressure. In the meantime he makes Putin more dependent on China, so not much downside for Xi provided he doesn't get found out and hit with sanctions by the West. He can also act the benevolent peace broker and look as though he's a great statesman for domestic consumption.
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