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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. Too small. No room for the airstrip.
  2. But your description fails to account for the variation in tangential force as you approach the poles, OME.
  3. Like he said...`promises made, promises kept!'
  4. True, but I thought it was a good question and deserved more than one answer.
  5. Pollution.
  6. Thanks! Found it!
  7. You've got mine already. Might even get to Tooraweenah one day, although it's a long way from WA. Good luck with the project.
  8. ... as well as ignorance and incompetence.
  9. ... and using a welder from Bunnings to put it together.
  10. So a junior costs about $1,100 per hour for an 8 hour day! That's highway robbery! Makes our junior engineers relatively cheap at about $170 per hour, and even that's expensive when you're the one paying. Hope the lawyers aren't charging for the time they spend making coffee and discussing the weekend sport.
  11. It would only work if the Ukrainians also agreed to call it a day. If they don't, which seems likely as long as they keep getting weapons and are willing to keep fighting, then Putin won't be able to stop either, even if he decided he'd won round one on points. Hard to see any outcome other than a long and bitter fight.
  12. It looks like Putin will soon get the Donbas region, or what's left of it. The question is will that be enough for him to claim victory for his Special Military Operation and stop there, or will he keep going with the war? If so, what's his end game? If he pushes on to try and get the rest of Ukraine, at which point does NATO step in or finally step away?
  13. Their facial recognition system doesn't seem to be working very well in the chainsaw aisle then?
  14. Accruing frequent flyer points also comes in handy at times. Two years worth of credit card purchases and.no air travel adds up to a tidy amount.
  15. That’s appalling! What a sad place the US is these days.
  16. rgmwa


    Years ago when I was was an engineering student in western Victoria, one of my friends was from a farming family in the area. He said one night all the dogs on the farm started barking for no apparent reason, so his father went outside to have a look and saw a brightly lit object lift off silently from behind some trees and disappear into the sky. He was not the kind of person to invent a story like that so I accept that it happened.
  17. rgmwa


    The best evidence for intelligent aliens is that they apparently don’t want to contact us.
  18. rgmwa


    Goes back to 2014, so it's been around for a while. Who knows whether it's genuine, but I'm skeptical. Trees in the area where the `ufo' is are surprisingly unsharp, so I suspect there's a bit of fakery going on.
  19. rgmwa


  20. The Europeans and US are probably.just as aware of Ukraine’s resources and hopefully as keen to keep them out of Putin’s hands as he is to get his hands on them.
  21. A major reason Van's developed the RV-14 was for Americans who needed a bigger cockpit to accommodate their bulk.
  22. At least we don't have to put up with Boris.
  23. I've been very lucky to have had a constantly changing career in engineering. We used slide rules in Uni until the first relatively well off student in our group spent $225 (a fortune in 1972) on a calculator. It would now be considered barely worthy of first year high school, but we all clustered around while he demonstrated this amazing new gadget. As time went on we all had to adapt and learn. We now use software and technology that has undreamed of capabilities compared to what we had to work with early on - pencil and paper. Even Covid has changed how we work. I can now work from home as easily as going into the office, and save three hours a day travelling. Technology has had a profound effect on what we can do, how we work, and for how long we can work. Luckily, AI hasn't been able to take over our profession - yet.
  24. I had to swear on the Bible once before signing some legal papers. It was a curious experience for an unbeliever, but apparently it increased the authenticity to my signature.
  25. rgmwa


    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Takes on an entirely different meaning when you read the whole statement and not just the last bit that those gun freaks in the US always quote to justify allowing a disturbed 18 year old to buy an AR15.
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