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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. We had one of those from about 1958 to 1963. Ugly black beetle-backed thing. It looked old even then, but was pretty reliable. rgmwa
  2. Most young earthers? What do the others believe then? Shouldn't they all be on the same biblical page?
  3. rgmwa


    Ah well, nobody's perfect! rgmwa
  4. rgmwa


    It's not just the outright lies. It's the half truths, the misleading statements and unrelenting bias that gets them the reputation they have well and truly earned. They can never give a clear `yes' or `no' answer to anything. rgmwa
  5. rgmwa


    I'm all for sharing. rgmwa
  6. Now come on, CP. You clearly don't quite understand the rules. You're supposed to set realistic goals! rgmwa
  7. If I ever make a flying video, that'll be the soundtrack. rgmwa
  8. Vote Bex for PM!
  9. I admit I may have misjudged him based on initial suspicions, but now that you mention it, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was JC travelling incognito. There must be a good 5,000 in that crowd, so a couple of fish certainly wouldn't go astray. Wouldn't even surprise me if he's carrying a camp oven in that bag to knock up a bit of damper to go with the fish. rgmwa
  10. ... and the bloke in the green shirt on the left has brought his weaponry with him. rgmwa
  11. Is it called a holy document because it's full of holes, or is that just a coincidence? rgmwa
  12. Yes, I can remember that too, although in my case it was our primary school nuns telling us to tell our parents to vote DLP because they would look after the Catholics. We didn't even know what voting was, much less who/what the DLP were. Some of the nuns would have looked better if they'd covered up the other half of their faces too, but to be fair, some of them were OK. rgmwa
  13. Hope the tooth fairy left a decent amount of cash to help with the second mortgage.
  14. No, the whole problem here Gnu, is that you are arguing from a position of intolerant religious belief, which amounts to much the same thing. rgmwa
  15. I didn't say there were no problems in this world, Gnu. I said the universe does not have problems. On point three, you're being a bit selective aren't you? Read the whole sentence that you wrote and don't just pick out parts of it. He does not `know' that patterns require intelligence. That may be his opinion, but that's all it is. rgmwa
  16. 1. Good. We should all do that. 2. Wrong, this universe does not have problems. It is evolving quite nicely. 3. He does not `know'. He has an opinion. rgmwa
  17. Gnu, are you saying your views are not strongly conformist? rgmwa
  18. I wouldn't call it a very convincing argument, Nev, but certainly a compelling invitation. rgmwa
  19. The best evidence we have for intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe is that nobody has come to visit us. rgmwa
  20. ... or you might get 20 elderly virgins. Maybe not such a good deal? rgmwa
  21. rgmwa

    Name that quote

    Mark Twain?
  22. That's a bit harsh Marty. Don't forget, she did spend some time in Italy representing this country, so I don't mind if she drops the odd word here and there to show off her new language skills. Makes me feel our tax-payer dollars were well spent. rgmwa
  23. I'd argue that we don't have the mental capacity to deal with the notion of an eternal `something' either. rgmwa
  24. My theory is that both believers and non-believers of all persuasions are all headed for the same place when they die. My belief is that belief is irrelevant to the outcome, because I don't think we will have any choice in the matter. In the meantime I'll just do my best to be a decent person. You never know, I might be pleasantly surprised one day, in which case I'll be happy to discard the old theory and move on to a better one. rgmwa
  25. My faith structure is intact, but my head hurts. rgmwa
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