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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. Unfortunately for me perhaps, that's the bit I have trouble with. rgmwa
  2. Fortunately, most children seem grow up relatively unscathed whatever their parent's religious beliefs may be, and eventually make up their own minds about what to believe, or not, as is often the case. Personally I find it difficult to understand what it is about any religion that convinces people to place their faith in it. The problems really start when the more zealous amongst them then go and try to convert others to their beliefs, and the whole thing gets out of hand. It has always seemed to me that some poor native happily worshipping the sun because he's worked out that it makes his crops grow and he'd like to see it come up again tomorrow, has a far more rational reason to believe in his sun god than the proseltysing missionary who comes along one day waving a bible in his face and telling him he's been wrong all his life. rgmwa
  3. Unfortunately the devout followers of both sides have each perpetrated their fair share of massacres in good faith down through the ages. Plenty of Greek, Roman and other gods to choose from too if you want to compare attributes. rgmwa
  4. Yes, I saw those programs too, and also stopped listening to the various popes too many years ago to remember now. It wasn't this pope who said hell didn't exist as a place anyway, it was one of the other ones. Mind you, I am a bit surprised at your own comments above. People are only human after all, even the popes, and it does seem to indicate a certain lack of Christian tolerance, humility and forbearance on your part, Gnu. Frankly, I'm a little disappointed. rgmwa
  5. I thought the pope told the Catholics that hell doesn't exist. That makes it official doesn't it? rgmwa
  6. No problem, Gnu. I find it quite entertaining. I'm a skeptic myself, but hoping to be pleasantly surprised one day. Between my parents and siblings, we've got an athiest, a couple of agnostics, a catholic (small c), a born-again christian (slightly larger c), and a career hare krisna (small h and k), so I reckon we've got all bases covered. I'm sure one of us must be on the right track. Can't wait to see who it is. rgmwa
  7. Is this the definition of religion you were referring to?: http://www.hcourt.gov.au/assets/publications/speeches/current-justices/frenchcj/frenchcj14may13.pdf Their Honours said: We would hold the test of religious belief to be satisfied by belief in supernatural Things or Principles and not to be limited to belief in God or in a supernatural Being otherwise described. The joint judgment of Wilson and Deane JJ also demonstrated the difficulty of formulating a workable legal criterion for determining whether a set of beliefs, practices and observances is a religion. Their Honours identified the following indicia: • The particular collection of ideas and/or practices involves belief in the supernatural, that is to say, belief that reality extends beyond that which is capable of perception by the senses. • The ideas of the religion relate to man's nature and place in the universe and his relation to things supernatural. • The ideas are accepted by adherents as requiring or encouraging them to observe particular standards or codes of conduct or to participate in specific practices having supernatural significance. • However loosely knit and varying in beliefs and practices adherents may be, they constitute an identifiable group or identifiable groups. • The adherents themselves see the collection of ideas and/or practices as constituting a religion. When did Darwin's theory become elevated to a supernatural thing or principle? I always thought it was based on entirely natural processes. rgmwa
  8. Turbocad has been around for a long time and may be an option. I had a copy once and it seemed pretty good, but I didn't have much need for a CAD package. http://www.turbocad.com/ rgmwa Edit: I see TP just beat me to it!
  9. Test run on 11/08/2014 @ 08:52 PM Mirror: iiNet Data: 1 MB Test Time: 10 secs Your line speed is 1.23 Mbps (1234 kbps). Your download speed is 154 KB/s (0.15 MB/s). rgmwa
  10. Hey, that was my first computer too. They were early versions of portables, more accurately described as luggables. rgmwa
  11. Yes, but they would have only been about four at the time. rgmwa
  12. You haven't lived until you've punched cards with a manual hole punch. rgmwa
  13. CP/M....floppies..... CRT.... Ah those were the days - brings tears my eyes... rgmwa
  14. The first PC I ever had access to was a Tandy TRS80 that our engineering firm bought. It had a 2.1Mhz 8 bit CPU, 2x87MB floppy drives and 32k of useable RAM after the Basic Interpreter was loaded. Very exciting!! There wasn't really any engineering software around in those days (or much else) so a few of us jumped in and started writing our own. Great fun! I quickly moved on to my most serious project - exploiting this vast computing power to improve my chances of predicting next week's Lotto numbers. However despite a valiant effort, I eventually had to admit that the complex multi-variable algorithm I developed after exhaustive analysis of previous winning results wasn't quite up to scratch. Sadly, I had no alternative but to keep working. rgmwa
  15. Doesn't sound very hopeful does it. That wouldn't be April 1, 2015 would it? rgmwa
  16. It seems to me that Windows more or less peaked with XP and progress has all been downhill from there. More complicated, fatter and less intuitive to use. Some should tell Microsoft that perfection is the enemy of good enough, but I guess that won't keep them in business. rgmwa
  17. I have a recipe for gunpowder and some ideas for a release mechanism if that would be useful. rgmwa
  18. Yep, I've evolved to understand myself perfectly well. On the other hand, my wife is a mystery. rgmwa
  19. I'm in the wrong business. Work out the cost of recovering a 500 Gig drive. You'd need to be in the mafia to afford it! rgmwa
  20. First I couldn't see them, but now thanks to Sloper's helpful links, I can't get them off my screen. Ian's money counter must be going into overdrive. rgmwa
  21. Let me know if she comes back. I missed it all as usual. rgmwa
  22. Actions currently under consideration depending on who wins: Gillard: leave home Rudd: leave country Abbott: leave planet rgmwa
  23. Don't blame you. Those bowls must weigh a ton! rgmwa
  24. I recently read somewhere that for the same distance travelled, taking a commercial flight is about 7 times safer than driving a car, while flying a light aircraft is about 7 times more dangerous than driving. Don't know if it's true ot not, but it sounds plausible. rgmwa
  25. Maybe you need to clean the windscreen? rgmwa
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