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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. Chat GPT5 should be interesting.
  2. So you’re saying you’re now redundant?
  3. They are just gathering statistics, but why don’t you ask them? They have an on-line enquiry form. Let us know how you go.
  4. I’ve just had a look at their website. Maybe you can show me where all this favouritism is happening because I can’t find it.
  5. Fair enough, but what do you mean by ‘giving preference’? They count the votes for all the individual candidates in the election so where does the preference come in?
  6. The AEC does not give preferences. The voters do. It’s pretty simple.
  7. The AEC is not pre-empting anything. it is simply recording the election results, not corrupting them. You are boxing at shadows and seeing things that are not there. I assume when you say `we are too dumb and gullible to be aware of it', you are not including yourself among the deluded masses?
  8. I don't think it's special treatment. They're just recognising the reality that with two major parties taking most of the votes, a minority party or an independent is not going to have the numbers to form government. It's also just a prediction tool, not some kind of award to the major parties.
  9. Or not flush and preserve the documents.
  10. It also only works if the computer is plugged in.
  11. It may not take that long. The mid-terms might see the Democrats back in charge of the House of Representatives and the Senate which would help, although by then most of the damage will have been done and Trump will probably still be the ruling monarch with Musk as his lead inquisitor.
  12. Exactly right, but Trump is incapable of understanding that. On top of that, the cost of providing that support via USAID is small change in terms of the US budget, so it's good value. No doubt there are parts of the USAID budget that could and should be reviewed and ditched, but feeding the whole organisation `into the woodchipper' as Musk is intent of doing is not in America's interest. The Chinese will be happy to pick up the slack and sideline the US.
  13. And at the same time raking in millions from his conflict of interest investments, truth(joke) social deal, flogging dodgy sneakers, bitcoin tokens, cheap bibles, and other scams. If he had any decency, the least he could do is donate his dollar to USAID.
  14. Because whatever `good' they may be doing, which is a matter of opinion anyway, is far outweighed by the chaos they are creating by their slash and burn approach to destroying every institution they can get their hands on. Besides which a lot of what they are doing is blatantly illegal, which is why the courts are stepping in.
  15. Agreed. It’s about half an hour from us. Have often called in there on the way to or from somewhere.
  16. The only saving grace is that his inherent incompetence and ignorance will probably mean that he won’t accomplish all that he would like to. As his attempt to tax the small parcel trade shows, signing an executive order doesn’t make it magically happen, and things that do happen often have unintended consequences that make them untenable.
  17. He's just sacked the Chairman and a number of board members from the Kennedy Centre for the Performing Arts, and announced that he will be the new chairman. I don't think he knows anything about arts and culture, but I guess we can now expect World Championship Wresting to be elevated to the Performing Arts.
  18. IFR is above my pay grade unfortunately. I’m just a humble VFR pilot. How many Australian weekend fliers need IFR anyway, particularly here in the Wild West. VFR has got me around a lot of the country so far.
  19. No thanks. I’ll stick to the RV. Less performance but also MUCH less to own and fly.
  20. No. Scarily convincing. Would it stand up to a fact check?
  21. Well, if it can understand your typing, it’s even better than I thought.
  22. For something that has no idea what it's talking about, that sounds almost like it has a fair idea of what it’s talking about. Could do without the bracketed humour though.
  23. Netanyahu presented Trump with a golden pager last week, similar to what they gave to Hezbollah. Hope it works.
  24. Who are the people espousing the policies that you’re talking about? Who is assassinating whom? Some specific examples would be good. I really don’t know who you regard as being so extreme anywhere in the world.
  25. She’s not dumb. She’s smart, articulate, confident and a very good propagandist for the MAGA cause, which means she’s as full of BS as Trump is.
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