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Everything posted by coljones

  1. Which part of the UK is this from? 24 Apr. 2013 · As "schedule" is not a word of Germanic origin, the "sk" sound is correct and was the only pronunciation until the 19th century, when "received English" took on an affectation and switched the "sk" to an "sh" sound. Funnily ...
  2. When were you last in "shule"?
  3. Maybe the land will return more money to the farmer as a solar farm than as a rice farm, allowing the farmer to retire with dignity. Every third day? Day 1 the power will come from Sale, day 2 from Geelong and day 3 from Mildura and if it gets a bit hairy from the Snowy - you never walk alone.
  4. And we fix up the spelling although "kinwah" is taking a bit of time - the latte drinking, kale and mashed avo eating yuppies are buggering up spelling reform.
  5. Ah with all the arrogance one might expect of Jones, Zamarnek, Price, Hinch, deVine, Credland and Hadley. If he had started his spray at 8 minutes 30 it might have had some semblance of a balanced report. I'm not sure what he does in his day job but I think I would be more prepared to follow the lead of the manufacturer than this guy.
  6. The problem around Sydney Newcastle and Wollongong is not waste leaching out but water pouring into underground mines through cracks in the river and lake beds. Thirlmere Lakes SW of Sydney have almost disappeared and have ended up in a coal mine
  7. That sounds a bit like trading while insolvent and unable to pay your bills as they fall due. Did they forward the staff super or make provision for staff holiday pay?
  8. 18 months in choky (and in Bathurst) He must have been a bad, bad, bad boy.
  9. A lot of companies that go broke because of tax demands because they fail to allocate income received to a tax holding bucket. The main reason for this is that they have spent to tax owing and usually their employees entitlements including Holiday pay and superannuation deductions. If they don't have it in their business plans to hold these funds in trust til demanded then they really shouldn't be in business.
  10. Almost everyone has a connection to the tax office so a demand from them would not appear to be out of ordinary. This is why the scam works so well. In the case of Social Security the scam is actually government policy.
  11. It will be very liveable for pedestrians and cyclists. Car drivers need to stop the car and get out and smell the roses. As a taxpayer and ratepayer and registration payer I am over gifting roads to motorists just so they can kill people and run over those they don't kill and harass those they haven't yet managed to hit.
  12. Hyundai servicing is at 15,000 unless you flog it. Modern materials and manufacturing means that cars are made better and cheaper and should last longer in normal conditions. You will still need a Rolls Royce if you insist on driving all over the farm delivering hay or picking up sheep. The Santa Fe might not be up to that abuse. Engineers making life better for you!!
  13. Was she eavesdropping or merely in earshot? If your mother was in the next room she might be very offended by the discussion and language and wash your mouth out.
  14. Your question could also have been "are you travelling alone or with someone?"
  15. You have to take some German stuff with a grain of salt. Remember, they did say to the polish people, "we're here to help", in 1939. Some of modern neo-nazi stuff is even more phony.
  16. One could go off the grid, become self sufficient and self insuring.
  17. In the case of Gunna Ganoo - the early white settlers couldn't spell - and the way they spell Kinwah as quinoa or Neslay as nestle.is an outrage.
  18. a bit too simplistic. You need a grid to deliver power from a generator to a consumer, be it across the roof or across Australia. You also need a grid for supply stability - where supply is provided to a consumer regardless of the operation of their local generator. You also need a grid to provide fault tolerance - to protect against generation and network failures. You need a grid to provide quality of voltage and frequency. To provide the best supply to the maximum number of consumers you need big interconnected networks so that any failure can be isolated and bypassed. Small networks are unsound as the impact of a single event can disable the ability of the consumer to get power when they want it. Having solar cells or windtowers together with batteries will reduce dependency but may lead to dis-economies of scale as there may be a need to overprovision to cover time gaps in generation (this can be helped by interconnectors to other grids with a surplus of available power).
  19. Then they whistle "times up, back on your heads!!!"
  20. There is a large and increasing gap between what might be and what can be. Check out Ziggy's comments at Australia has 'missed the boat' on nuclear power There are also questions about energy security with uranium ore being exported and nuclear fuel bring imported, some sources are very concerned that a substantial portion of our liquid fuel is imported as a finished product. Would you like 100LL with that?
  21. There was the case of a hospital reusing breathing tubes with inadequate sterilisation. Who should bring the hospital into line - the insurance company who will make a decision on economics, the hospital who will make a decision based on PR or the government bused on their responsibility to the community? Just a thought.
  22. would you like the power in the OR to be tested and tagged by a politician, or would you prefer a qualified and licenced electrician?
  23. Trains, plains and trams are point to point only and buses and ferries are not much better. Autonomous vehicles aren't bound by these constraints and you can relax while you go to your ultimate destination on time without uncoordinated timetables
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