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Everything posted by coljones

  1. All you have to do is ensure that you are an Australian citizen and renounce any other citizenships or allegiences. Not rocket science.
  2. And the big end of town doesn't use purchase orders for prostitutes? Some companies provide a chauffeurs service for the big boss so he doesn't get wet - even when it is dry.
  3. Australian Unions
  4. Change the rules
  5. You've been reading the Telegraph again. The vast majority of union officials and employees are dedicated hard working individuals who have a long term commitment to the ideals of there union and their membership. There are bad people in all professions.
  6. In a lot of cases the territorial extent was never achieved with a 2/3 vote but at the point of a bayonet at the end of a gun and consolidated with massive migration and state sponsored holidays eg West Papua, Catalonia, Kurdistan, New Caledonia, Tahiti, Alaska and Hawaii (where do I stop?)
  7. Australia was an early adopter of the 8 hour day, during the 1850s, the 40hr week was not universally achieved till much later. Russia only acheived the 8 hour day in 1917 but I can't find a reference to the 40 hour week. The significance of the 8 hour day is that it was never the gift of capital or government but a hard one right following long campaigns by workers and their unions.
  8. Jeez Koreelah,. A leftee ratbag in Quirindi, that must be a hard act.
  9. Or spent overseas buying fancy aeroplanes, flying first class and spending big on 6 star hotels.hotel and damaging the Australian economy.
  10. "The Media's programmed narrative" usually comes from external sources. While ever we give equal time to the anti-vaccers, the climate deniers, political extremists and other fringe groups we guarantee that weird ideas will breed. The BBC like the ABC does at least sort out the chaff from the wheat. While Brexit might have got up UKIP didn't and they Farage and the more ludite end of the Tories will be consigned to the dustbin of history to be remembered only as ugly falsities that should have been exposed and drowned at birth.
  11. I don't doubt your friends but from my perspective in Sydney, where I personally, don't see this sort of crime being committed, have to rely on rags like the Daily Telegraph to vector bullshit dressed up as stats and other horror stories. In the Telecrap we have society breaking down with gays and refugees committing all sorts of crimson and ripping off decent god fearing "white" folk. The truth is that politicians and the big end of town are gaming the system economically to the detriment of the rest. It would appear that NewCorp has a story factory that churns out near libellous stories twerked to suit the local community and I have no doubt sold on around the world and even translated into German.
  12. It would appear that "Voice of Europe" is a right wing front. I'm not sure that I would regard it as either factual or authoritative.
  13. Donald Trump blames UK crime rise on 'Islamic terror'
  14. Having the Albanians running the UK Drug Cartels would enable honest Poms, who would otherwise run these Cartels, to engage in real meaningful work.
  15. Australia is working on it as we speak - we have the motor vehicle industry off the government teat - the last Australian car manufacturer has produced its last car. We have some ways to go as mining who still wants to dig it up for free using cheap foreign labour transfering it off shore via tax havens and booking the lot tax free and borrowing money on the cheap from Australian governments. I think we are being suckered again.
  16. Your suggesting "nature" vs "nurture". Being pig ignorant is part of family and societal conditioning, not hard wiring.
  17. "Affirmative action" has always been with us. It is usually done by the simple expedient of hiring some of your old school mates. Blokiness has and will continue to have significant deleterious impacts whilever we continue to deprecate and ignore the positive contributions that are and can be made by women in all endeavours.
  18. you may well be correct for modern power stations but you need to transport and crush coal for use in the boilers and there is a constant pressure to relax environmental standards. Cooks Hill was a filthy place when I lived there and there is still a major coal loader down on the Hunter River even though BHP has gone.
  19. Or the french
  20. That is only one of the models and the one put up by Howard to break Australia's heart. After the last election the USA needs the queen to take over as obviously democracy has failed in the US
  21. Please re-read and recompose, thanks!
  22. Or as in any monarchy, such as the Norman monarchy of William the Bastard, King William 1 of England.
  23. Nev, that's OK, the local residents vote Labor and wouldn't know the difference - not at all like those smart people in Sydney and Melbourne or those Country Party voters who don't want polluting stacks anywhere near them nor a carbon price to share the pain of polluting coal. Cooks Hill, gotta love it but you never left your windows open while BHP was there.
  24. The time for a mine to pay for itself is measured in decades. The life of Liddell is measured in just years. Why would a bank sponsor a mine that might run out of customers in a few years? It is a bit like buying shares in Channel 10, not the brightest idea.
  25. Nope - Life Membership of the NRA for marksmanship and commitment to the 2nd Amendment.
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