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Everything posted by coljones

  1. You forgot Hawaii, California, Texas, New Mexico and the way the locals were traded away in Louisiana and Alaska - just sayin'
  2. This is the what's up Australia site where politics is mandatory!!!
  3. You are quoting some large numbers. Can you authenticate from a reputable source? One of the issues for nuclear was the vast amounts and greenhouse gases used in their construction. There are also issues in decommissioning. While the running costs are low the whole of life costs are high (together with health, safety and political costs which are very hard to cost)
  4. You will also find the odd medico who cooks the books and providing skeptics with a straw to clutch despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
  5. You're right - the bloody Normans and the rest of the royal family get the world handed to them on a platter!!
  6. I'm not sure what the figures are but a very large user of electricity is aluminium smelting for export. Australia is, in effect, importing a large amount of pollution. A reduction in either the population or the rate of immigration will have little effect on that. Export of iron ore and coal to China, Japan and South Korea and the import to Australia of finished goods leaves the pollution problems offshore
  7. I know some won't like this as it is from the ABC and supports statements from Barnaby Joyce. We don't have a trade deficit in food but do in groceries mainly made up of medicine, cosmetics, booze and soap (and toilet paper) Fact check: Will Australia ever be the 'food bowl of Asia'?
  8. An interesting quote - I would like to see an authoritative source. Apart from my Asian condiments, all of my food is grown locally including my tofu and Chinese vegies.
  9. You could equally ask whether the other religions are religions or political movements dedicated to eventually taking control of every aspect of our lives - a lot of them have form
  10. But it doesn't stop a poorly paid trucky doing extra work as a night filler at Colesworths, a barrowman at Sydney markets, a flying instructor in RAA or GA, pumping gas etc. None of these activities show up in a driver's logbook nor in an instructor's log book either. I hear what Geoff is saying but I don't for a second believe that the big end of town is out to do anyone any favours - despite any procedural fairness requirements in Corporation Law (and you will need very, very deep pockets to bring a case and even deeper pockets to win.)
  11. Not at all!! The current behaviors of Governments, oppositions, politicians and the public service are all waymarkers to future behaviors. The attitude of the government to indi truck drivers might be an indication of their future attitude to the non corporate business end of aviation. This includes RA and the private end of GA where procedural and financial constraints may well bugger our access to our sport, jobs and pastimes. In NSW the government decided that they would sacrifice cyclists at the behest of shock jocks and nanny staters. What next, banning ultra lights within 300 metres of any road or building because they make noise and might fall out of the sky? Beware any politician doing a favour for you - there is usually a well hidden plan up their sleeves.
  12. And staff are expendable, and children are forced to work, where workers are locked in, where the hours of work usually exceed 60 per week, where annual holidays are about a week a year (at your expense), where workers comp doesn't exist, where the waterways, ground, air and food are polluted not only with the not so good stuff but the really really bad stuff and there is no tax paid (just bribes) in the source country and certainly not in Australia - basically where human life just doesn't matter and the unions have all been destroyed and the freedom fighters and the outspoken are doing slave labour in gaol.
  13. Loyalty to a complete idiot is being totally disloyal to the electors, who voted for a variety of reasons and certainly not to the establishment of a dictatorship for 3 years. Both Turnbull and Gillard were entitled to display their loyalty to the Australian people by ridding the highest elected office in the land of a person they perceived as a dud. Our democracy would not tolerate a one party state and should not have to tolerate a one person political party.
  14. I said "the NBN also needs the support infrastructure in place well before the last customer is hooked up." LAST MEANS LAST but like all construction projects there is a lot you need to do BEFORE you put the front door on, part of which is the rest of the community and the road to the outside world not just to the next village.
  15. Everyone is a little crazy - even your Brendan Nelson flirted with the ALP, wore a stud in his ear, was the president of a major trade union well noted for applying the blowtouch to the bellies of government that antagonise it or its members and now rides a Harley - none a good look for somebody supposedly of mental stability. Oops, ALP flirters aren't too bad.
  16. The NBN was all about equity of access. The old copper and caox systems are aging rapidly and need tobe replaced to sutain the sorts of speeds now being demanded. It appeared that Telstra, sick and tired of being screwed over as the only carrier obliged to provide infrastructure was unlikely to stump up the cash to upgrade the service to support the new speeds if bit players like optus were to come in and pay pay pitiful low ACCC mandated charges on the infrastructure that Telstra paid for. This maent that on thin routes such as country towns. villages and hamlets were never going to get adequate services unless they were propped up with government money - hence NBN. In a lot of areas the copper is failing. When it was just phones one could get inventive to re-use the capacity but eventually it has to be replaced and the obvious solution is fibre to the home and you need to do it street by street, not just house by house (and fix up the pipes, ducts and pits as you go). As with anything - like a new ship, an aircraft or a road you can't use it till it is complete. The NBN, like a fleet of ships or aircraft, gets rolled out a bit at a time but the upfront costs are huge, particularly for a complete new highly novel, properly engineered and complicated design - the NBN also needs the support infrastructure in place well before the last customer is hooked up.
  17. Don't presume that any voter supports more than just a few of any party's policies. This talk of an electoral mandate is a fraud, but they all do it.
  18. One would like to think so but in Qld with the merge of the Liberal Party and the National Party it has been back to the dark ages with the old country party, ghosts of Joh, being rampant.
  19. The NSW Liberals approve so it must be OK - you don't go out and antagonise your financial supporters just for kicks. Keep Australia Beautiful (A CocaCola front) doesn't support it though. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/nsw-state-election-2015/nsw-premier-mike-baird-announces-2017-start-date-for-cash-for-cans-20150220-13k9gj.html
  20. Fil, you gotta keep wirking on yr speeling - it is spelt "edumikayshin"
  21. authoritative source, please.
  22. Authoritative source?
  23. We were talking about government surpluses and assets not private ones
  24. have you checked the build quality and current condition of your footpath lately?
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