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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. Very true Nev. GON is completely isolated from reality
  2. Earth calling the Doctor.. We need you Doctor.. Now
  3. Politics? Dutton accused Albo of politics and to call a election soon would be betrayal. What the fuck? Dutton left Qld yesterday to attend fundraisers in Sydney with billionaires. Had others booked for today including Macquarie bank and Pharmacy guild. The cretin throws mud them scampers off to get money from the rich as his electorate gets slammed. And the hide about calling a election crap! Albo will let the cyclone emergency be managed first as any real leader would do. The fact that by law the election has to be called within weeks is not Albos fault but blatant opportunistic politics by Temu Trump.
  4. All the 'money' for aid to Ukraine is actually spent here in Oz to build the weapons we send. That's Aussie jobs, taxes etc additionally we send old gear to them and build new ones to keep the production going. The vast majority of money stays local and Ukraine gets world class gear. Do you really think the defence budget gets spent on roads? Wake up
  5. GON, Anyone to the left of Attila the Hun can see it's a huge problem.
  6. True but if you act like you will, life is more fun.
  7. Well done Peter. Here to another 33 years
  8. Careful, Next you will vote Goebells as worlds greatest communicator.
  9. I suggest a wood chipper, then we get useful fertilizer.
  10. Seems extremely strange.. Keep in mind we are getting limited info and that will change with time. I am going on fast changing reports from the media. Yes, we have a old 95 year old and 60's wife and pills about. But it seems incongruous how they were found. Both appear to have fallen, with no indication of violence and pills are about. The front door is closed/locked supposedly but doggie door is open and only one of the three dogs has died, but is locked up near the body of the wife in a cupboard apparently. The other two dogs have free roam from out/inside. The bodies appear to be semi mummified and weeks old. At first glance it could seem either a murder/suicide or wife suicides after discovering elderly husband dead after a medical event. Alternatively they have both created a suicide pact due to his health and her great love for him. Other possibilities include something deadly toxic in their immediate environment either accident/negligence or by intention of other parties. But the inconsistent details just seem wrong to support the initial suicide or possible accident. The position of the bodies indicates a sudden fall and incapacity/death is sudden. No feeling bad and finding a seat or slumping to the ground. No opportunity to seek help or a comfortable spot. The sudden death does not seem correct for poisoning/ overdose by medication for either body. Meds that kill instantly and bottled are extremely rare and not normally available as a script. It's possible some heart meds for perfectly well individuals can cause a quick death but unusual to be instant. Even finding the wife on the floor and surrounded by pills does not gel. If you wish to overdose, you would take all the pills, not take just a few and suddenly fall dead and spill the pills. In general any pills take time, they are not instantaneous. If as a couple, so in love you can't live without each other, wouldn't you wish to die holding your loved one? You would not be found in a different area of the house but next to them. If you wished them dead, you would find a comfy spot to end your life, one last drink etc. The dog is dead but the other two are roaming about via doggie door. If you suicide and take your partner and one dog, why not the other two? Did the dog eat some pills and die? Maybe, but it's locked up, who locked it up and why? If you loved the dog and wanted to relieve it's suffering in your suicide, as it's old/sick, why is it locked up, not by your side as you end it all. How does the dog get the pills? Why is it necessary to lock up the 🐕 it can't stop you from taking pills and no injuries indicate a vicious dog that must be detained? If one dog is a problem to be left alive, why not the other two? A gas leak has been speculated but has been tested and so far ruled out. Gas or CO2/CO could explain the sudden deaths. Gene falls dead and wife is feeling unwell and takes her medication in the bathroom, falls unconscious and spills her pills. Plausible but what of the pooch and why has equipment tests excluded gas leakage as cause. It's possible a so far unidentified gas leakage caused their deaths or some other toxic agent that causes sudden incapacity and death. Postmortem results should help but may be complicated by the time since death and the fact some causes of death are far from obvious. It all seems very strange indeed . I am pleased the local police have gone past the suicide assumption and opened a serious suspicious death investigation. My completely untrained sleuth brain says the poor dog is key to the puzzle. So far no indication of robbery is apparent, thus any evidence/motive for malicious intent is yet to be discovered/released. It may all be a simple explanation of unfortunate circumstances and clouded by poor information in the media or it could be a arse covering for a leak etc or malicious intent by other parties. Sounds like a great mystery of a famous actors death, and certain to generate many a theory filled by pod casts and some Netflix doco/ movie. Yes, my fertile mind has been thinking tangentially but an inquisitive brain keeps mental fitness and is fun. A 95 year-old movie star and his 30 year younger wife dying like this is gold to a writer and media. Sadly, even if an accident, I expect the life and death of Gene and Betsy will be exploited for profit and truth will come second to opportunity and money. Hopefully the investigation will be able to satisfy the curious.
  11. 6 cylinder Cortina.. Aka the lead tipped arrow. Chronic understeer was built in.
  12. Penfolds 707..accept no substitutes. Great for the lucky or super rich. I would buy by the case if I could ever afford it.
  13. The big BMW Gs are awesome but get very heavy when fully loaded and are tall, low seat is a option but still tall. The GS 800 etc tend to more popular due to less weight and easier to move about. The Yamaha's are very good esp the TDM 850/900, fast, light and comfy.
  14. The world gets nuttier by the day. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2025/feb/19/clive-palmer-trumpet-of-patriots-ntwnfb
  15. And it sure seems like some are Dumb Shits
  16. Trouble is they would never spell it, they would change it to Victory swill.
  17. Your both right to a degree. He has been thrust into a position of huge power. He is not up to the ideals of the job and has no interest in government for the people or law. But he has learnt about government process since last time, mainly stack it with appointments to suit your dictatorial whims. Remove the controls over presidential power, ignore those you don't control and appoint cronies and even teenage ideologues to slash government departments. Next step is privatise all government services. It will be a great deal- just ask him.
  18. Litespeed


    A sucker and his money are easily departed... A smart sucker has a system to loose his 💰 A sophisticated sucker tells all his forum mates, then looses his 💰. A addicted sucker will modify his system this year and loose more money than last year.
  19. My condolences Spacey, I hope your daughter gets the mental health care she needs and recovers soon.
  20. I saw a short once a girl was wearing.. "Put it in the bum, you won't be a mum"
  21. Seems like we have made a very fast shift to the right and authoritarian power of the sycophants and billionaire elites to me. Completely stopping all work in any department of government that is a check on power or regulatory body. That includes any scientific agencies, education and health. Knowledge is power and not for the mere masses, they are to get what they are fed. This is the Trump doctrine, all part of a plan he has not read and just makes up depending on who massaged his giant..ego. We are headed for dark times indeed.
  22. Jerry, I was referring not to the war crimes as per the ICC have indited Netanyahu for. I was referring to the new 2nd coming of Trump. He has already actively pushed the idea of removing the entire population of Palestinians to be refugees and develop a new resort paradise for the approved rich. That is the very definition of ethnic cleansing and the UN, ICC and 80 plus years of law agree on this. This plays perfectly into Netanyahu's hands as he has been supporting 'settler' violence to displace Palestinians in the West bank. They have long planned for the "resettlement" of the Palestinian population and after turning the world's largest refugee camp/prison into rubble. Trump has a great idea for a new 'Riviera'. I don't know what equal rights you speak off, because on the ground the vast numbers of deaths are innocent children , mother's and fathers. Bombing and collapsing a block of units with hundreds dead or hospitals doesn't sound equal at all.
  23. OME, Normally I would agree, but shit appears to be getting real serious and real people are going die potentially in huge numbers. Anyone who puts a end to this disastrous dictatorship will be judged by history for the times we live. Would I have killed Hitler...probably giving the opportunity. We live in violent world where millions suffer the whims of murderous dictators. How many will die in ethnic cleansing of Gaza? Millions die fighting others soldiers but the leader is always considered safe, the piper should pay the price. In a dictatorship where the rule of law is not robust, in the end violence sadly tends to be the only solution. Better to be applied to the very few than the masses.
  24. MAGA hats are the new ten gallon hat for a tea cup brain.
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