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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. And the other more vengeful ad.
  2. Exhibit B The amazing stabilisation of a Chicken. And tasty.
  3. It was great. So was Ash with the Baby niece. No body takes defeat as well as Ash. It is never about "I" but "we" as a team and complementing her opponent. Grace and poise are just part of her DNA. So is a wicked and smart sense of humour. She did a presser after winning a Title and quoted her favourite Disney characters to make a excellent funny speech. No surprise Disney picked her as a sponsor big time. Meanwhile Dlyan Allcott did what he does and prove he is the greatest tennis player on wheels, the world has ever seen. Six times Australian Open Champion and he was completely dominant with a friendly huge smile. Inspirational
  4. I rarely watch tv, much prefer something useful like boat or aircraft building videos. Helps prepare for the Pirate life.
  5. Stirling would be great to have a beer with. I guess he was over for the Trans tasman series, all the F1 boys would come and race and party in OZ and NZ each year. They reckon it was the best time of the calendar, less pressure, great weather and hot women.
  6. Thanks for the limelight Nev. That's my 15 seconds of fame. Now just back to infamy which lasts longer. Meanwhile my horny mate the blue wren is back and shagging all the girls. Must be the worlds most sex driven beast. Its like a swingers party, he gets all the fun.....
  7. Ever notice the treatment anyone gets when they protest a policy the police like or their police masters? Very definition of a police state. You only have to see the police thugging and capsicum spraying anyone who dies not tow the line. Protesting is legal unless you upset their powerful friends. Then even grandma gets batoned and arrested. I have witnessed many a legal and peaceful protest charged with horses. You touch the horse as it charges you, that's assault police. Notice the cops cover their badge name or only use a number, that's police state tactics. Qld tried to use terrorism style laws and 10 years goal on climate protestors. Looks very police state to me. When the rule of law and police might is used to crush dissent, that is a police state. When the powerful industry's like mining and banking are immune from the law but you are not? That is a police state. Or call it a fascist state. At best we are a democracy one day every three years. But do not expect a free and fair election.
  8. So would snails, they could out run a Ural outfit. My bro has a Chinese version with chair removed- still has reverse. The acceleration is matched by its brakes. IE. bugger all. Could nor tear the skin off a rice custard.
  9. The answer is pretty much yes. Ever since the first fleet arrived, the power of state was very much totalitarian. To the point of the rum corps doing mutiny when they where scared of losing their power. It still has a lot of police state ideas and masses of laws to destroy any seen as not on their side.
  10. Yes, they certainly do squash more frogs. Three race car slicks each 10 inches wide means a lot of squash area and a huge 30 inch contact patch for a 200kg machine. Also why the G forces are extreme unless you ride a Saturn 5 to work. Sorry for thread drift.......................I blame Nev.
  11. The portly rider thing is often true. I think because they do bugger all except sit "in" their spot and just move the bars a tiny bit, the throttle a lot and brakes heaps. The rider is sitting in the bike and it holds them in place. So fitness is less of a issue than solo bikes. Also they tend to be lot more social than solo racers are between teams. Possibly due to the consumption of vitamin Beer amongst fellow comrades who may or may not be still viable after a race weekend. A bit like fighter pilots after a campaign they survive- lots of drinking. A fatalistic approach to life helps a great deal- why look after yourself if today might be the last. Us poor monkeys only got mega doses of brave pills, get thrown around by a G gorilla and hang on literally for life. So you have to be nimble, fit, not care about losing litres of sweat, have a spouse that understands you have not been in a boxing ring nor a S&M dungeon and a very high degree of invincibility/stupidity. Also a driver to get you home is needed- your body is almost jelly once the adrenaline wears off and the pain starts. For those unaware, the only thing keeping the outfit on the track is the movement of the monkey to balance the forces. Loose the monkey or failure to manage the forces means leaving the track very quickly and spinning like a top- until you smack something. Normally there is no such thing as a little off, not like the solo bikes- pansy's. My time as monkey was short enough to still walk on the earth and not be a Bionic Barry Sheene. Yes, I was young and full of ...... It was a rush though.
  12. Meanwhile back in the bubble................... Sco mutt has decided to "rescue" Aussies in China and send then to Christmas island as quarantine. But also insist that those "rescued" have to pay $1000 for the air fare. Next he will charge to see a politician............................. Oh, thats right he already does.
  13. According to some, That would make you a half wit.
  14. Whitlam was considered a enemy of the state as far as the CIA was concerned. And a communist cum pinko Lefty. Which just meant he did not agree with all the way with LBJ. The yanks had a very big background influence on our elections and really pushed with the right wing news (Murdoch) to keep him from power. Anything was considered far game. So did ASIO, who actively tried to harm the labor party and anyone who was critical of the lib government. Even today they are very much part of the right wing might. Lots of us got special attention from them and special branch. To have a ASIO file was a badge of honour, it means they were worried. If you don't believe it- just look at press freedom today and how whistleblowers are treated.
  15. If you did not believe you were a Heretic and liable for a nasty death. So you towed the line. AS per my tagline........ read below
  16. Simple really, Just trust Bruce, he knows everything. Obviously if you had a accident you must be a dumb f..k , if not your a genius.
  17. What your talking about is true to a point but it is a function of under resourcing in both the uni, the hospital and cost shifting. As a teacher I learned on the job every year as well as at uni. Theory and practice is the idea. But guess what? The govt and uni were just money hungry and took every opportunity to save money, push costs onto student teachers. Practicums, even though in a classroom, taking a full teaching load and with minimal supervision, and relieving a teacher for other duties etc....cost big hecs debts as it was charged to the student . You felt screwed by the system as they made you a focus of savings. The nurses also get screwed big time in training, massive numbers pushed through just to get bums on seats and govt funding. Lectures of hundreds of students and using tutors that are almost slave labour does not help. Student nurses are just treated like cattle and get very little attention in the wards, when hospitals are squeezed, they don't have the time,money or inclination. Most uni lecturers and tutors have zero job security, are casual and have no career opportunities. That is the capitalist system at work. Why would you expect greatness when you pay peanuts and constantly devalue training. When we constantly attack educators, reduce their real pay, remove career progression and treat them as sausage makers......you get what is natural. No top chef wants to work on a sausage machine. If employers committed to trai ing and apprenticeships rather than just importing skills or expecting students to magically become experts, you would see improvement.
  18. If your helmet is not almost touching the road- you need to lean more. Yes Mad as a hatter. Horrific accidents were common at Bathurst.
  19. Since when does a local mayor have anything to do with a school canteen? I call bullshite.
  20. Side car racing used to be great fun at Oran park. Being the swinger- monkey is a extreme sport. I learnt very quickly that you hold on or a very short and hard landing will occur. A real lesson in g forces that is impossible to forget. And you have to hang off like a monkey to make it go around corners. A real blast on a tz powered long bike. It is brutal on the body though, like been mauled by a gorilla. And that is if you do it right. If not, an ambulance is a real good outcome. A friend still builds race chassis for the racers. His body is no longer race fit but he lived. Slightly less dangerous than six rounds of Russian roulette. But a lot more fun.
  21. A saying used often by those that either have a low IQ or blinded by one experience. Such comments are exactly why we are a dumb country. Want to see a clever innovative country? Pay , resource and respect educators. Even little children understand that.
  22. You know the writings on the wall, when the bankers flee. But the gov scream how good is Adani.
  23. Gravity is a very cruel mistress.
  24. I can see it now....... How good are choppers?
  25. Latest fire in Canberra,.... Started by the genius defence force helicopter landing with mega power lights on. Heat started fire and also damaged aircraft. Does not take a big brain to see that happening, long grass, massive hot light under helicopter........ Like sending live shells into the bush in fire season....starts fires. Now over 7,900 hectares and growing fast.
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