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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. Angus Taylor, Matt Canavan and Scomo. The three horsemen of the Apocalypse.
  2. I had the LeMans which was like a BMW of the era which I also owned were extremely tough mechanically. Both did 200,000 km plus with minimal attention bar normal services which are very simple at home. The desmo was a specialist job, often and expensive. Most if my mates ran big desmo or pantah engines. None got much past 40,000 kms without major work. Rebuild prices even when friends with a ducati specialist Gowanlochs made the eyes water. The one that made a valiant effort to kill me was a concourse quality Pantah 600, and was a extremely well sorted machine rebuilt by the Sydney experts only 3,000 kms earlier. It was never riding super hard and at the time I was cruising on the way to the Philip Island. The group had sped ahead, I in deference to my friends machine was taking it easy. Its rear rod split, impacted the crankcase, shattered and destroyed the gearbox. The classic leg out of bed syndrome. So unfortunately no ability to use the clutch to unlock the rear wheel. I survived but mechanically the machine was a complete write off. I managed to stay upright, which was amazing in hindsight. Then spent a few hours on the grass watching the stars and relaxing with a medicinal herb. My devastated mate returned after finding I was not at the next planned stop. He was on his other identical but silver Ducati. It was a very sad night and a show winner was no more. I do like Ducatis but am wary. I agree with Nev, they look great, sound great and are stable at speed. But absolutely hate rough roads and dirt invites a easy fall. The Guzzi and BMW had no such problems and made excellent fast touring machines. Note the Guzzi had Laverda adjustable bars and a different seat to make it comfortable. My Brothers le mans was stock bar a better standard style seat and was very hard on the wrists and bum. Not a touring machine except for masochist's.
  3. Litespeed


    I would like to take a moment to thank Ian for allowing us this site. We learn a lot about people by their comments.
  4. Litespeed


    Bruce, How is it possible you see a man who was the 3rd most powerful man in the richest church on the planet as the underdog? How is getting him to pay $100 k and even smaller sentence fair? Damages are a civil court matter and should never be a consideration of sentencing. That thinking of yours means the rich get to pay their way out of goal. The damage is lifelong and worth millions. The church have spent millions defending the barstard. And he is the chief who covered up all the other priests crimes. They have spent hundreds of millions in lawyers hiding their crimes across the country. Once again you are claiming that its society's fault for the shame felt by the child. No it is not. The shame and mental torment is from been abused by a church power that tells you no one will believe you. And a church that did everything to cover up the abuse and let the offenders go to another school and keep doing it. They even had cops in pockets. That is not a function of society at large but the church and its leaders, which was him. Where is this society that wouldn't make a big deal of raping a child? How can you possibly say you feel sorry for Pell because he is convicted but you feel he is guilty? I am having a great deal of trouble as a human, a father and a former Catholic understanding how you can think these things.
  5. What's wrong with filling up a bottle at a tap and taking it with you? Virtually free, esp. If you use a public tap or servo or neighbour or even your home one. Sorry old mate, your argument is full of holes.
  6. Litespeed


    Sharks are endangered for most species and though hardy animals should not be feed poison. Even a croc would spit him out.
  7. Spacey I think you are " taking the piss". Who would pay $6 a bottle for water? At that price it is cheaper to drink local champagnes. Last time I checked my toilet, and it was flushed it did not use bottled water. I know see your problem, you should use water from a invention called a tap.
  8. Until it self destructs as you arrive at the corner.
  9. Litespeed


    Norfolk island would definitely be too nice. A cage in the desert might suffice.
  10. Litespeed


    Spacey I agree, His sentence should be appealed as manifestly inadequate. He should get the max sentence and if that means he dies there, it is a good day. He should also not be in protection in jail, with all his mates he protected. Let him stay in general down in a supermax and see him feel justice. He has gods protections after all.
  11. Spacey, What is it with your obsession with nuclear? We would need one just to power the desal plant to provide the freshwater needed to cool the nuclear plant. Seems pretty self defeating and would make it the most expensive water and power ever created. Why not just mine asteroids to get the water? About as useful. We do not need to desalinate water, we need to stop wasting water on stupid things like cotton when people can't get water to drink or grow food. And the amount used by coal mining is obscene. Even simply recycling water and stopping industry from polluting the rainwater that falls, would solve our water needs. But no that would be sensible to collect the water that comes from the sky. But I get a feeling you like global warming as you might get a banana crop.
  12. Yes, they sound good but not as good as a Guzzi Le mans with reverse cones. That can wake the dead and make em dance the jig. And from experience the Ducati sound on the over run can be followed by the sound of complete engine and gearbox destruction. And naturally the slightly quieter scream in the helmet as the rear locks up as a corner approaches. I missed the oncoming truck by inches and the bike was only a good frame and bodywork. The owner was devastated, he had just had it restored. A very sad indictment on 80's Ducatis
  13. Litespeed


    Bruce, How can you possibly think that naming, shaming and possible Loss of a job can be considered punishment? They are merely the normal response of the public to those who are found to be unethical or immoral. It should never be considered the punishment. Additionally he has no shame. To rape anyone is a crime if extreme physical and mental violence and must be treated as such. To rape a child and one you have power over is the most henious crime bar murder. If not many in his case would simply keep offending and not care what society thinks. The need for a priest to be celibate has absolutely no bearing at all nor the shame felt by a victim. They do not contribute to the crime at all to reduce his responsibility or the vile crimes he committed. I fear given your comments and previously in the thread, you are blaming the victims and make excuses for the perpetrator. You have repeatedly given the impression he is hard done by. That I find abhorrent.
  14. Bruce there is a massive difference between a nuclear powered war ship coming for a short visit and building one at broken hill. The US has over 60 years of proven success in the field of navy nuclear power, but they are not perfect. The Russians have proved they can not be trusted with the tech and regularly have accidents that they refuse to admit. Putting a nuclear powerplant in Broken Hill would be a massive cost and water waste for the cooling needs. Besides the fact it is not needed there.
  15. Labor seem to think they lost because they were too far from the LNP crap. No, because they were too much like the LNP. And too chicken to stand up. Now they are just yes men for the LNP
  16. Litespeed


    Try telling the poor kid whose life has been wrecked or the other child who took his own life from the torment. 2 and half years is pittance, he should have gotten 10 at least. You rape a child in a position of authority and the punishment should be harsh. Puritanical? How is that? Or is it because he is a high power in the Vatican? Or it was a boy not girl? Or do you think because it happened over 10 years ago, that standards were different?
  17. Litespeed


    Thankfully he has next to no chance. The real issue he will fight is the jury believed the truth of the poor bugger that was raped. The court can not review the jury. So no issue. Let him rot
  18. Best for a car is a old Alfa V6 echoing of canyon walls.
  19. So once again we are going on another adventure of confected sabre rattling in the middle east. We are sending a warship to keep open the Hormuz strait. For oil once again, to protect our oil supply they say. But only Boris and Donnie are joining, not the countries who export the oil or those that use it. Iran has been quite rightly annoyed at constant sanctions even when they do everything asked of them by the UN. They will only get more peeved and I expect the US will engineer a bay of Tomkin lie to start a war this time. And Scomo will happily jump and join in the killing. Quick, look over there, its a bad guy.....
  20. Chief petty officer also did the same. Penis to testicles...... They measured all the way to Surrey. His ex wife's bedroom dresser.
  21. Making special laws and special classes of offence with draconian penalties to stop dissent and protest is the realm of a police state of dictatorship. We already have sufficient laws to deal with this issues and it is merely a case of crushing any dissent. The same goes with special laws for farmers. It is already punishable with trespass. Special laws for special groups makes them above all others when it comes to law. So much for democracy and the blindness of justice. We are also actively trying to jail whistleblowers and journalists. Is this the new Stalin state? Australia, from convicts to a police state.
  22. Oh and for those saying we only make a tiny bit of world emissions.... Absolute bull dust, we in fact export most of our emissions via coal sales. 7 % of emissions come from coal mined in Australia. And saying the world will just buy elsewhere is a false argument, we are actively trying to ensure the world sticks to coal.
  23. Clean coal? No emissions? What planet is that on? There are no clean coal power plants at all, some pump a small amount in the ground, and at great cost. Australia's coal plants are some of the most polluting in the world. Burning coal pours out bulk chemical pollution like sulphur dioxide. Coal is not pure carbon. It is chemically impossible for it to be a clean energy source. No matter what process involved the pollution goes somewhere. And that is after the mass pollution involved in mining and transporting it. A simple understanding of science is all that's needed to see we are in deep shit.
  24. I really doubt they would care about ensuring the public get the water. The atomic plant will take complete priority. Naturally they will claim it is to ensure safe operation, true. But you can bet that any water available will cost gold. You only have to look at the Murray- Darling system. Nothing matters not the life of the river, not the ecosystem s around it, not humans or even farmers. Unless you are big cotton with LNP mates.
  25. Yep Manhattan project. Cost well over a $trillion dollars in today's terms. And that was for two bombs. And any way you look at it was mass murder of civilians and a war crime. But the victor is never punished. Claims it was necessary to end the war are bulls....t. They knew Japan would be done in a matter of a month anyway in its ability to fight. They already were hammered and unable to do anything but suicidal resistance on the last of its islands bar the main islands of Japan. and there they were starving and by that time poorly armed.
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