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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. The Kokoda trail happened well before the bomb was ready to use. It followed on from the capture of Singapore. The yanks were pretty determined to get it done and dropped off to its intended victims and shrine to war crimes. I could be wrong though I wasn't there.
  2. Spacey, Looking good. How much beer does the basket hold? Priorities are important
  3. Guzzi electrics are made from spaghetti and the switch blocks from low quality Parmesan cheese. My mk 3 LeMans never had problems. I had replaced the switchgear with ally ones from a 70's Yamaha. Tough and reliable. The ignition went to a Dyna electronic unit. And high output coils . Awesome spark and reliable. Easy to start every time even bump starting. The crappy headlight replaced with a big round BMW one.
  4. Yes, the orange one is the best ad for contraception.
  5. Don't forget the impending recession about to strike the USA due mainly from Trumps policies. That will kill his election chances. He has already started blaming enemies like the fed reserve, economists, the democrats and naturally the fake news. Next he will say its sunspots.
  6. Now I just consulted my own dickbrain and confirm it is far more intelligent and honest than UKIP. My little brain reminded me what UKIP really stands for.... U know Its Psychopathic.
  7. Even the biggest spruikers of nuclear like Ziggy Switowski last week admitted that even with the optimist cost reductions of a next gen plant it is not economic. The fundamental costs of nuclear are immense and even the biggest corporations can't afford them without state subsidy and indemnity from any costs of a accident. And they use incredible amounts of energy to build and water we do not have spare. Even in countries with abundant water, the economics do not work for private industry to do it. Solar including costly batteries are now by far the cheapest and that is only getting cheaper. Same with other renewables and pumped hydro storage. Even with no concerns about the environment, it is economically a disaster. It will never happen unless a sociopathic government does it to spite its critics. And then it will be stopped well before a shovel gets near the site by a new government. The lead times are 20 years till full operation. We could spend 10% of the budget every year on nuclear for 20 years and only replace a fifth of our power needs. And not see any power for 20 years. And every plant would need to be near the sea and desalinate the water it needs. The whole nuclear debate is just a smokescreen to look like action. Just moving the deck chairs for a better view on the Titanic.
  8. Even some of the later ones. I redid my Yamaha Tdm 850 when I converted it to street fighter and lost 40 kg. Transformed it onto a very mean wheelie machine. And stoppie beast. Superbike brakes on a adventure bike standard- got to love that. But the loom ended a touch too short and would sometimes cut the ignition. Mid corner. Not fun. Fixed it but lesson learnt.
  9. Ah......we are doing the same as trump. The LNP have stacked the public service and any government body with their mates and donors. How else do we explain a bunch of climate denier business groups getting $463 million to " help" the barrier reef. Instead of giving it to the world leader and governments own agency. Yes that's right, to silence any dissent and get the actions they want.
  10. Silly is not a word I would use when discussions about the LNP and global warming arise. Sociopathic at best. They know what they do and even know it costs more to do nothing. But they don't give a shite as long as their mates get ahead.
  11. Nice condition in the photo. Be a fun club rego beastly.
  12. I do not know if you can get the grey tube but maybe use black if needed. Simply cut the old one off carefully, so you don't nip any wires. If you use a very small jewellers flat screwdriver - you can release each wire as it enters a connection block. Best to do a drawing of what goes where first. Then slide the new cover on the group of wires. Put wires back into connector and make sure it is correct way up and the little tab on the wire end is up so it can engage the connector. Pull each wire to make sure it has been secured into the connector block. Connect to the loom and you check operation to endure its all good. This can be done with a voltmeter or even just a wire and bulb. I don't remember the loom on a 70 model but the basics are all the same. Some looms will actually require you to split the loom where it branches out and often includes wires that are soldered together. That is a pain but just takes time to resolder. Just make sure any soldering efforts do not shorten any wires too much, as that can cause problems if the loom becomes too taut when installed. Esp around the headstem ends. Don't forget to inspect each wire for faults, burn marks, corrosion or brittleness. Also clean them and the ends well. Any areas that are not covered in tube, use a self amalgamated tape on. It self seals and provides a water tight closure. Hope this helps. Feel free to ask anything else. What model is it? Tx 500? Cheers Phil
  13. The correct term is propaganda with a big dose of sport to keep the masses distracted.
  14. Litespeed

    Holy Water

    That makes sense. Remove all the goodness
  15. Agreed. Have done lots of wiring on my bikes over the years. Old looms are a constant cause of frustration. Highly likely it has a corroded wire inside the covering. Gives off dodgy readings and needs to be replaced. First try running a new wire from the sender to the gauge and see if that helps. If so replace your loom whilst your at it or that part at least. Only ever use quality tinned wire.
  16. Sadly the high pole is already melting and very quickly. Meanwhile Iceland just lost a glacier. But Scomo said f....k you to the pacific
  17. Litespeed

    Holy Water

    True to form. Never miss a opportunity to brutalise. Dog made him do it.
  18. What's the problem with it?
  19. And the way it should be. As in you should never have prior notice of any compliance inspection. Or the non compliant just fudge it and comply knowing you are coming. Then continue to break law after you leave. But yes it is a burden on the copper.
  20. Anton Checkov. The most recent actor to play him died after his jack fell whilst under his car. Bugger
  21. Remember them well. My cousins ex husband was the importer cum dealer for International trucks and farm equipment plus some related brands. Very big business in the country in 60_70's . was solvent even in drought times. Then got involved with the above dodgy bank for finance. Went down like a rock in Sydney's under the harbour tax schemes. I bet he could watch it all sink from his harbour mansion. Complete wipeout, all staff lost jobs, all assets gone into the wind. Amazing what happens when dodgy tax schemes get ahead of paying tax and running a business. Must have hurt knowing his money went to fund drugs, guns and reported mercenaries. I must admit he had a big collection of cars and bling, that probably didn't help. Neither did his wife's habit of running into other boats in her massive cruiser. Not to mention some divers she ran over.
  22. Don't forget. You have to burn down the gunshop and regularly threaten the life of the owner and his family. And remove any government funding for any state or aid to any country that dare teach about gun safety.
  23. Use a kiwi black flag not a unionjack blue one, often mistaken for our flag.
  24. Putin has no reason not to be charming and nice in public. He knows he will get what he wants, when he wants and from who he wants. All psychopathic dictators like to smile in public.
  25. And don't forget who has constantly pushed for it..... The LNP lead by Abbott the mad monk and its side kick Crosby of election distortion fame. Did such a good job the knighted him. Also the same firm in the Cambridge Facebook scandal. And the nut jobs just had a propaganda fest here in Sydney.
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