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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. I would be very happy to wear a 'helmet' when having a ride if such a fine filly. Safety first
  2. That might be the huge ones that use a jet turbine for power. Can power a small city alone. Naturally the news have no idea and the computer doing the headlines and sometimes stories has no clue about the actual world. So clueless robot or journalist.
  3. Given a recent report on health at Tumut hospital , aboriginal health is a secondary problem. Getting care is hard if they make assumptions of bias against you been a drunk/drug user/ etc. That's a big reason they have the poorest health outcomes in the developed world. With all the best intent on looking after their health, any major problem can be fatal if you fail to get proper and timely care.
  4. Ugh, 99% of rendered bricks are very poorly done and a lot is not even a proper render mix. I worked on rendering for a while, hard work. Unless the render is done by a pro it always fails, cracks, falls off and loses colour as the pigments are very cheap. You can tell all you need to know about most buildings just looking at the render. If the most visible part looks dodgy after a few years, the bones of the building would not have been done well.
  5. Spacey, The rest of us have 10 fingers including the thumb. No wonder you have trouble counting with 12 fingers. Next Boris will say they are moving England to the tropics as the EU is wrecking the British weather.
  6. My absolute worst was my Nephrologist , a entitled professor who was as arrogant as possibly be. Absolutely no compassion, no human skills and spent all of two minutes reviewing my case. My case is only one in country, incredibly rare. He just grunted and said f all. Would not even give a considered opinion about how the apparently impossible has happened not once but twice. But damn happy to take his fees and further guinea pig tests for more fees. I have shrunken walnuts for kidneys after a arterial renal thrombosis that nearly killed me and killed the tissue. Having a extra kidney was cool until the could never happen did ten years later in the other kidney. The expert was as useless as tits on bull but far more expensive. And no they will not give a new kidney as the risk is too high. Makes enjoying a beer bloody hard. And I hate taking rat poison every day but thin my blood I must. Even a small cut becomes a blood sport like someone was killed in the kitchen. Good times
  7. Red I wish I was. I am the poor bugger on the dole as what was previously my disability is now magically cured according to some shuffling of deck chairs by the government. Can I work more than 15 hours a week- no chance. Most weeks not even a half day. So I get about $200 a week less than I should. If you think its tuff on the pension, try almost cutting it in half. Yes the pension is a pittance but the new start is intentionally punitive and the libs love to hammer those without a job. So sorry Red but I wish I was back on the pension, I could afford actual food.
  8. Bugger the pensioners until the dole goes up to the same level.
  9. The absolute worst...... Bloody oncologist, will keep pushing treatment even the day you go to push up Daisy's.
  10. A GP is actually a specialist doctor here in oz. The specialize in general practice and will often pick up the things the others specialists miss. You must do considerable study and time in a variety of gp practices before been a verified gp. A quality GP is not a mere doctor. I am lucky mine is brilliant and when not in residence is training the new GP's or outback doing remote health or the same in Africa. Does make getting to see her tough sometimes. I have had the misfortune of seeing lots of specialists for me and work. A lot are arrogant turds, and miss lots of things blind Freddy would see.
  11. Damn, Racing and medicine have lost a great. How ridiculous that Nth Ireland has never had a medical heli service. I bet they had them for the soldiers during the troubles. Good reason to join Ireland and leave Boris to his games. I predict it in the future, same with Scotland. Meanwhile, Wear your proper riding gear, use a quality helmet and stay upright.
  12. Many so called training hospitals do not have places. It is up to the senior docs who call the shots. Some of the biggest Sydney hospitals are banned from training at the moment over sexual harrassment and bullying. It is very .much a bully boys club esp surgical.
  13. Excellent video. That is a very low flying doctor service. How did the doc pass away?
  14. The problem is not enough places at uni. It is a complete lack of training places to become a qualified doctor. No good spending years at uni to throw the student under a bus for lack of a hospital placement. The doctors Mafia , the AMA strangles the places to protect their mates. I agree, change the medicare and for doctors that won't bulk bill the poor- ban them from access to medicare. That will mix things up.
  15. That assumes your watermelon head is still in one piece.
  16. I am not saying you must have a mega helmet. I am saying you are a fool not to wear a helmet that at least meets the standards. It is your head, have it crushed if you wish. I do not advocate using 200 HP on the road, rather ride to the conditions. That instant power and amazing brakes, suspension can be a life saver. Modern traffic does not suit a bike far slower than modern cars. I will ride low power bikes too But the risk is higher.
  17. 200hp is a lot but so is a commode with 500hp and lots of them around.
  18. No protection is absolute. But my head is valuable to me and I like it warm, comfortable and on my shoulders. A quality modern helmet is a very safe place for your head. Modern riding gear saves huge amounts of lives and injuries. My son had a recent fall and broke both wrists, hurt his knee. His riding boots stopped a broken ankle by limiting deflection. The jacket took the heavy hit and slide down the road. The helmet copped a big scrape accross the side , back and top of helmet. He only had a headache. Are you really saying a helmet is not great protection? The ambos and doctors all agreed the helmet stopped significant injuries to his skull and brain. Do you wear a seat belt in a car or aircraft? Forgetting about crashes, a helmet can save your life just riding. I was struck by a galah full on at 100 and the bird hit my face shield. It hurt a lot but allowed me to get of the road and stop. If I had no helmet or no visor I would have fallen and been struck by traffic. Even a errant rock or beetle can do damage and cause loss of control. I do not weld without a helmet either.
  19. So you paid a tiny $7
  20. It all just seems like more bashing the natives to me. It is their rock, their heritage. All claims of sit down money of $5000 a fortnight are absolute bulldust. Just more distractions from reality. If they don't want us to climb- don't
  21. I always try to buy the best helmet. If you have a $10 head get a $10 helmet. Arai is the gold standard for expensive heads, ultra quiet and comfy But at $500 min to $1500. I bought a GP quality ARAI Giga in 1990 cost was $950. Did lots of years and huge miles. These days my budget is not so flush.
  22. I like a good open face with flip down shield. Works well. But a quality fullface is warm and much quieter. Just use ear plugs if needed.
  23. It is now widely known that the first proven agriculture was done here in Australia by the Aborigines. To claim otherwise is more whitewashed history.
  24. And many islander nations.
  25. I like the idea but would rather beer been the lubricant of revolution.
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