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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. I think the young pregnant women was found to be ,,, Pregnant whilst been black. Justice is not colour blind
  2. Penny Wong, She is a star performer in the senate, esp the committee's. She gets answers when others get lied to. She has never been in a scandal as she is a cleanskin and far smarter and more ethical than the rest. The reason she is not PM is she is female, Asian background and a lesbian. But most of all she is a senator not in the lower house. I have a great amount of respect for her, she would be a great leader.
  3. Meanwhile at the god nutjob camp,..... Jared Hayne is up on Two charges for rape here in AU's and one in the USA. Today he got his bail changed so he can attend in Perth a spiritual education course. I can save him some time. Don't rape women
  4. You forgot one, Uranus
  5. Litespeed


    And why would you mine a ship above the waterline? Seems like any story to approve war.
  6. Ah the fond and terrified moments from youth. My first machine was when I was 13 and a light bugger at that. Naturally I picked a easy to start and ride machine,......,........Not. It was the first big enduro machine from Honda the XL350 Elsinore, lots of trick stuff for its time. And a absolutely obstinate bastard to start. I had seen it break a guys shin bone. It was scary, fortunately my lack of weight helped in managing the backfires. But boy when it ran, it ran very hard indeed.
  7. Forget the ford. A real V8 GT car for me thanks. Alfa Montreal, just as fast, smaller, lighter, handled and braked and sexxxy. And was actually powered by a pedigree racing engine not a modified truck motor.
  8. A great trick to recover a carboned engine is..... Drain oil, remove plugs and fill combustion chamber with acetone can be mixed with kero or atf fluid. Let sit, add as is slowly drains. May take days. Turn over engine on starter a few times. Repeat. If you use 4 Lt, then that's good. Drain, add oil. Can also be used in oil paths to remove sludge and clean up top of head. Have seen it done and recover a motor I thought was a boat anchor.
  9. Sold To Tony Abbott. He needs a replacement, but he better shrink it first.
  10. As a confirmed greenie, I do have a problem with. Stop messing (edited...mod) in our nest before doing it on the moon. The moon is dead and a great reminder of what our nest could end up like.
  11. And a even more foolish one to ask what's been in the box in the past.
  12. Self interest trumped society. I agree polls were swayed by wish but in reality their greed won out. Also the amount of lie ads by Palmer were millions spent to prop up the LNP. I was even getting ads every 10 mins on web, even on Sunday.
  13. Clive Palmer bought the lnp a election. Aided by the Murdoch media and friends. The country lost, the people voted for more bad years and coal madness.
  14. He was the greatest PM will ever had and with Keating they were they dynamic duo that changed our country forever in many great ways. A real life political Batman and Robin. And he was a battler, he started from very humble very beginnings. He was never given anything on a plate. He was a giant of his times. Yes I have met him and Blanche. I fear his kind will never be repeated.
  15. Vlad the Impaler will be very pleased indeed. His Manhattan candidate is paying off big time.
  16. I agree, I expect the young voters have a particular anger overall about lollies and the planet. As well as the inequality between generations. I reckon they will decide the election and not many will be voting LNP.
  17. Never too old to ride, just add some bike stickers to a mobility scooter:helmet:
  18. I know weird , but it was just the base modified with a custom seat. Compared to the plank from the mk3 it was heaven.
  19. As a tragic testament to the strength of the design, my brothers bike was a rebuilt with new forks and clamps, fairing and paint. The rider was on Philip Island on the road and stuck a horse broadside at the old ton over a rise. Sadly he didn't survive, nor did the horse. The frame was unbent and mechanically the bike was fine. It went to the frame straightener and he said he had never seen a bent Guzzi frame. The perfect steel frame for low weight and strength.
  20. Yes, I love the Guzzi for compact and sexy with two big jugs sticking out. Combined with the locomotive on speed feel. A feeling of relentless mile eating. Mine was a modified mk 3 LeMans with a 950 cc kit and a comfy seat modified from a 860 GT Ducati and a stainless guards , round headlight and Laverda 3 way adjustable bars. And pipes from Staintune that didn't wake the dead on start up. My brother had some very fruity reverse cone pipes that had no thought for 3 am rides and angry neighborhood. Mine was a much better long distance than my brothers rock hard seat and endurance racer stance. I love every km on that bike.
  21. When I get a chance, I will photo my brothers oldie. It a Chinese BMW cum Russian beast, not the best to ride in modern traffic. But a huge laugh to ride sometimes. The brakes are jam tins for all they help, its 6 volt electrics make Lord Lucas the prince of darkness seen enlightened. It has a gear lever not pedal and even has reverse gear. Gear changes are a very slow affair but stylish. The leading link front end is a funky chaos of half blind Chinese designer working from a grainy photo of a German design. Its carbs are, ahem, not to be confused as good enough for a old ride-on mower. It has a oil-bath air filter, enough said. The seat is sprung to keep the spine in one piece on good roads. The rear end is hard with slider style suspension. The tyres are square-ish, and more suited to a old car trailer. Its a Chiang Jiang CJ750, designed for a sidecar with a machine gunner for chasing non compliant peasants across the Mongolian Steppe. This ones painted black, so more a secret police style is warranted. That's not quiet though, as the fish tail pipes, are hollow and wide tailed, combined with the backfiring on the overrun means people know your coming. It is a blast when ridden in a suitable style. The perfect antidote to modern life. Back to the future with a attitude.
  22. Nixon would be class A saint compared to the classless ass which is the Trumpet.
  23. Mr potato head should have been the winner and yes I would be a huge landslide. Instead we got the smiling face of scomo as Prime Munster, a Ad man from the bible belt of Sydney. Just like last election they gave us Mr Turn of bullshite instead of Abbott the mad monk. We would have had a much different result back then. Time will tell but the smart money and those who want a planet to live on rather then sell it off, want this Coal party out.
  24. Back to bikes, Working on a Hyosung today, a copy of a Suzuki v twin road bike. Not a bad bike but the distributer has pulled out of country. So no bloody parts bar some poorly stocked web places. Customer can't wait for a shipment from Korea, so have to get creative. Grumble grumble
  25. Feel free to drop a message then come by for a chat. Lots of motorised wheelchairs around here.
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