When I get a chance, I will photo my brothers oldie.
It a Chinese BMW cum Russian beast, not the best to ride in modern traffic. But a huge laugh to ride sometimes.
The brakes are jam tins for all they help, its 6 volt electrics make Lord Lucas the prince of darkness seen enlightened.
It has a gear lever not pedal and even has reverse gear. Gear changes are a very slow affair but stylish.
The leading link front end is a funky chaos of half blind Chinese designer working from a grainy photo of a German design.
Its carbs are, ahem, not to be confused as good enough for a old ride-on mower.
It has a oil-bath air filter, enough said.
The seat is sprung to keep the spine in one piece on good roads. The rear end is hard with slider style suspension.
The tyres are square-ish, and more suited to a old car trailer.
Its a Chiang Jiang CJ750, designed for a sidecar with a machine gunner for chasing non compliant peasants across the Mongolian Steppe.
This ones painted black, so more a secret police style is warranted. That's not quiet though, as the fish tail pipes, are hollow and wide tailed, combined with the backfiring on the overrun means people know your coming.
It is a blast when ridden in a suitable style.
The perfect antidote to modern life.
Back to the future with a attitude.