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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. "The lessor of two weevils" A fine quote from the glorious Patrick O'Brien author of the best book series ever. Also made into the movie Master and Commander. Still waiting for a sequel. Back to normal poo throwing for the election......
  2. Naturally shaft drives need to be maintained, but it is not a big deal and far less often than a chain. Yes they limit the tyre size at the back in general- but a modern shaft BMW has wide back rubber. The rise and fall issue is not a big deal once you get used to it. Modern Guzzi and BMW bikes have a parrallegram rear end which stops this been a issue. Weight wise, the BMW system is actually pretty light these days. The only chain I have ever seen last the life of a bike is one on either a postie or crashed before its time was up. The chain on a modern bike takes a huge amount of power and if used as designed, does not last. Sure a slowly ridden one will last a while on a superbike. None of my mates have ever got past 70,000 k on a set with religious maintenance.
  3. Funny you mention that , his workshop used to be in my street, only a few houses away. Lasting a day is great considering the competition s motors last a mere minute at best. For those wondering - they are dragster motors.
  4. True the shaft does need maintenance but that was meant to be done when checking the swing arm bearings after many k's. And not a huge job in the end. Still far less than the multiple Chain and sprocket replacements. Chain drives have got better with high quality chains but still are a consumable. And a disaster when the break. Horses for courses, for speed racers a chain is better.
  5. Yep, the price for Honda parts was high even for the Japanese. The one thing about the Honda though was the very high quality of the thick fiberglass and paint. It sort of made the pain a little bit better. The BMW fairings were very high quality but much cheaper. The japs pricing meant they made bikes that were considered a write off even after a small fall. Add to that engines that stuck out the side very far to account for the stator on the crank end. Many bikes would slide on the cover, abrade through and stuff the motor. A thicker cover would have saved thousands of engines. Other side would have distributer and similar result. I used to restore bikes for people and the piss poor design ideas had the head scratching and owners crying. Kwaka are also notorious for the starter clutch which would fail and require a complete engine strip to replace it. Probably the worlds most expensive starter repair.
  6. I remember the original pipes for a Z1 were over $3000 in the late 1980's. Extortion, especially as they rusted real fast. Same deal for the CB750, a complete ripoff. A carb rebuild kit and carb rubbers could be $1000. They might have been reliable but amazingly expensive for parts. That's why I went for euro bikes.
  7. I remember a friend had a Z1 kwaka and I rode it a bit. It felt like it had a hinge in the frame, cheese for forks and brakes that could only be described as optional. The stainless disc brakes were a nightmare in the wet. The motor was strong but wore quickly. I have had a road bike licence 33 years, still ride and managed to stay upright with no falls/crashes.
  8. They definitely don't make things to last for most brands. I could easily keep a older R series BMW or Guzzi on the road for 50 years as the parts are available and not changed yearly. Also tough as bridge girders. Even a modern Guzzi is a very simple beasty. Both my BMW and Guzzis had 200,000 plus on them and going very strong. Just run in really. That's 4 or 5 engines for the old Ducati brigade.
  9. Don't worry the hipsters will find fun spending a bomb on modified jap crap that we thought were boat anchors. Like Cb 250 or cx 500. If you do wish to get rid of the boxes of fun , I am interested.
  10. Guzzi has kept up the tradition with the V7 been a new version of the beasty. Not big power but super sweet ride and small enough for us older non beefcake riders. Very popular and on trend for the hipster set.
  11. Old, I should be a fairly easy job to bring her back to glory if you have the parts. They are a beautifully simple design. It would be a pity to see her just sit in pieces in a shed. I can help if needed.
  12. What do you mean by excessive clearances? In the motor? Suspension? The carbs are known to wear. Did you want it back to stock or improved to suit your taste?
  13. A Lario is a 650 cc Moto Guzzi it has 4 valve heads. They are made in Italy in a factory on the shores of Lake Como at Mandello de Lario. The V50 is a 500 cc and a cute little thing. It is a two valve engine, they are both V twins, across the frame. Not in line like a hog. They are all shaft drive like a BMW. Guzzi is famous for racing machines mainly endurance racing. A well known one is the LeMans 850 to 1000 cc models from the early to late 1980's. They are also famous for the California model which is a cruiser looking beast that handles like a sporting bike. They are loved as police bikes esp in USA. The le mans is a very tuff machine faster then a period Ducati, as strong as a BMW twin for big miles, and a sound that can wake the dead. I have owned a LeMans and my bro had one as well as a California. They are amazing machines and very different to any other machine. A well run in Guzzi will leave a period desmo ducati owner in tears for revving higher with its pushrods rather than desmo valves . And the Ducati will be on its fourth rebuild before the Guzzi needs a clutch. They are much loved and have space in my shed any day.
  14. Ah.......yes, off course that's what I meant. What's wrong with the little beasty?
  15. For those uneducated heathens, A Guzzi has very proud jugs and you buggers keep your eyes and grubby mittens off.
  16. Old k, I could have a fondle of your wife's v50 if you like. I am in Sydney.
  17. Like all proper bike men, I am a Guzziologist. All types of cycle medicine, but I prefer to work on those with big jugs sticking out proudly.
  18. I have a intensive care ward waiting for your Guzzi. I can guarantee quality care and much throttle abuse. All Guzzi's get free lifetime care at my retirement home and include visitations for the owner.
  19. Yes, Classic rego has a few rules that are easy to follow and still use your steed. Join a few mates and start a classic bike and or car club. Rules are simple and you can still do some extended journeys without needing the club along for every ride.
  20. Its OK Jerry, That counts as old enough for me. A fine motorcycle and worthy of a place in the shed. Keep in mind bikes over 30 years so, 1989 and older are now 'classic' rego . That means no huge rego rip off just a small fee to enjoy your riding. Bargain riding if you ask me.
  21. I don't think there is much relevance between Bill and Barnaby in the affair stakes. Bill was honest from the start and did not make up excuses, misstruths and run about slandering even his girlfriend by saying it might not be his child. Barnaby even used the press to make money from it but refused to speak with payment. Barnaby was sleeping with a employee paid by the taxpayer. He was only months earlier campaigning on family values and the same sex marriage debate, at the same time as his affair. It was these values he said was the difference between him and the rest. He was found to be a hypocrite.
  22. No one is asking you to freeze, stay in the dark or starve. The metric of change is Not in the normal range nor within normal time scales.
  23. Guys, We can debate as much as you want but at the end that is just a masturbate, and only makes us feel good. It helps nothing. We have a existential problem and it must be dealt with. Not just for our kids but for us living today. The effects are real and been felt today, they will only increase. We are the frog, put us in a saucespan and by the time it starts to boil it is too late, we thought it was just a warming bath. There is no possible metric where doing something to help can be the wrong thing. Even if we don't believe, the world's economic masters do, so the only profitable way forward is to change. If we are wrong we will get a nicer environment, cheaper decentralized power, and more jobs that don't really on over industrialized power hungry products. We win anyway. To do nothing- will at best lead to a economic deadend. At worst...........life as we know becomes very difficult.
  24. That would be the deluxe brexit edition. White gold exterior and gold interior.
  25. And don't forget Palmer gets a preference deal for his divided Australia party.
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