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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. Can you do that in English with punctuation so might understand?
  2. Given how rabid right wing many in the LNP are, even to the right of Attila the Hun. Anyone in the center is considered a complete lefty.
  3. I have three 14amp hr, 12 volt glass matt ones. I use them with a 18lb electric motor on my fishing kayak. Work great get 45 mins a battery. Going to put on a pwm controller and it will up the range a great deal. Would be great to get lithium iron ones.
  4. Problem is its the power mad mutters are running the show in the US, Russia and China. China is no longer communist but a new form fascist state. Russia a cleptocracy.
  5. Actually that is not how capitalism is ment to work. If the capital they invest is allowed to take the profits they must also accept the losses. Here in AU's. Just like USA if its a helping hand to the society through social benefits or public healthcare or public education then that is derided as socialist. But if it is mega money to big business or big farm concerns then its just good business.
  6. Want to make a big difference? A few easy steps,..... Make it illegal to have commercial in confidence agreements with any government body. If companies refuse to release the total details of the contracts then don't try and get the work. If they have something to hide, we the public are been screwed. Make corporates liable to the law fully as if a human. Kill someone or harm and the company and those responsible gets jail. Prove illegal conduct or unexplained wealth, then the company loses all wealth generated from such actions. If that billions tough. What about the poor shareholders? They loose as they should, they make a gamble the company will be managed well and make money. As such should have complete exposure to the risk side as well. You would be amazed how shareholders would be very activist to ensure proper and legal management of their company. At the moment we privatise the profits and socialise the losses and any hidden costs.
  7. Spacey, you utter utter barstard. You must remove that rain diverter. We need rain and your device is causing drought. Where did you divert the rain to? Townsville?
  8. They did, that car is captured and not getting away
  9. Regent debate aside.... It will not be long before solar covered wings with minimal weight are used to recharge. As long as there is daytime, you have some power. A bright cloudless day you have a handy amount to augment the batteries and greatly increase range. We are world leaders in solar research and have been for 30 years. We now have the ability to print a solar cell onto a plastic film. As efficient as a heavy old gen cell but will only improve. Its not much heavier than a laminating film. As development continues it will be much higher efficiency and even cheaper. Its uses basically a jet printer modified. 100 square feet as a example can provide a lot of charge and a suitable design with lighter batteries which will happen, is a exciting prospect. Long winged solar and battery aircraft have a big future. In a motor glider configuration, range at suitable speed could be very long. Then land and recharge from the sun. Add a small fuel engine to augment range when needed and we might see 4 LTS hr or less at a nice 120 knots. The small engine runs at high efficiency only when needed for boost power such as takeoff , low settings for cruise or charging. It can be wherever design and c of g dictates. A much smaller tank of say 40 litres and you could still go a long way. The pipestrel was using only 3o HP or less with good speed. A optimised hybrid with solar could get that a lot lower. I can imagine 120 knts cruise and 1200 nm. On good conditions lift would mean extended fuel free periods on battery/ solar power or no power. The future has come for our dinosaurs
  10. Neil, You nor anyone else has the right to decide which parts of the governments expenditures you will pay for. It is a government and that means we pay taxes and it governs for all of us. If the rich or you for that matter don't agree tough. Or would you prefer I decide that I refuse to allow rich people or even you, are refused medical attention because I might disagree with your views on tax. My taxes paid for that hospital surgery including subsidising private ones. But I would never have the option of saying no don't treat that person. Nor should I. Remember you breath the same oxygen as the rest of us.
  11. Is that the local Psychopaths are US store?
  12. Here is the article. Tasmania's lakes among most contaminated in the world These are not next to mines nor down stream but up in the elevated mountains, they are polluted from airborne sources from the mines over a 100 km away. They are Lead, Arsenic, Copper and Cadmium. All from mining and far away from the source. This is a ANU study from one of the worlds experts, so is very credible not propaganda before Storchy asks.
  13. That EU story is just more confected bullshite by the Murdoch press to push their agenda.
  14. Yes Nev, I have seen that ad. But it could be from consuming the beer and resulting beer googles.
  15. They might just like their canned german beer? Certainly explains my can collection. Funny how I can enjoy a good German beer with no crap in it for less than the dish water and cat piss most local brews are.
  16. The pristine lakes in Tasmania's world heritage areas are actually some of the most polluted on the planet from airborne lead, cadmium and other heavy metals from unrehabilitated mines. All from Queenstown and similar mine disasters.
  17. Yep the poor, unemployed and underemployed get screw every way possible. The ability to live of the new start is almost impossible but they refuse to lift it to close to the pension which is a lot more. Worse is that they have to deal with jobsearch providers that are paid $14,000 a year per unemployed person to " help" you find a job. So for 15 mins every fortnight of absolutely bugger all help they get more than $500, almost what the dole is for every two weeks. A absolute rort and all the time the rich bastards complain they can't find workers so must import them and pay them bugger all. Trying to compete for a job has become a race to the bottom. And the government unemployment figures changed under Howard to mean 1 hour a week means you are employed. This artificially reduces the real unemployment rate, ie people searching for work. "The rich get richer and the poor get the picture" Midnight Oil.
  18. Should stop all those buggers up north moving to Tassie. Its pushing home prices up way too much. Except me naturally as I want the tropical weather you will soon have.
  19. I find it very hard to believe they can't get tree planting done for $400 a day assuming its a wage and not expecting inhuman work rate and unreasonable hours. Sounds more like a excuse the employers use hear in Australia to import labour on the cheap. I would happily go to Nz to plant trees for that rate.
  20. I would say eat the rich, but they would be poisonous.
  21. Big dildo and vibrator with hand cuffs on one wrist. My dearly departed was shall we say adventurous.
  22. It is just a glass bottle with red stuff unless you open it.
  23. My best trick was to see who was at the door through the window.............................then quickly undress, grab some sex toys and open the door. Then exclaim, "Wow that was quick, but where are your toys, you said you would bring toys"? Never had them come again Some days are just fun.
  24. Sorry Yenn, May was actually a remainer until they gave her the hospital pass PM job.
  25. I would have kicked the bloody priest out, if the couple are not good enough for him to marry. The cheek of the bugger.
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