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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. It is never ever too early if you understand the Sun is always over the yardarm somewhere in the world. I just bought 3 bottles of the cheap stuff but tasty enough, it is for cooking. I am making turkey pies today on mass, the local colesworth had size 38 frozen for only 8 bucks. Personally I like cork, it is the green alternative and employs a lot of people.
  2. You do realise he is Donald Trump not Donald Duck........
  3. that was awesome, if i had the money, i would buy one in a instant.
  4. I did quite a lot of them as a kid. Even had a large scale B29 was maybe two feet wingspan. Awesome
  5. Very true, but you don't have to spend anywhere near that much if you don't endlessly pour money into local pollies pet projects for votes and welfare for defence companies. Anyone for a $200 meal for a soldier who is even there?
  6. Yes exactly, imagine how liberating that we be for the the people and how upsetting for big mining, big power and big merchant banks.
  7. As soon as the dam started rising, they should have realised it would keep coming and started to release water. To do anything else is pure negligence.
  8. If we stopped spending on Military for just one year we could put solar panels and batteries in every home. Would be a huge win for the planet and greatly reduce the cost of living. And generate a lot of jobs.
  9. Yes I did. Did you know the what Pajero means in Spanish? Wanker. That's why they don't use that name in Europe.
  10. As an aside, years ago I went to a Rotaract ( young rotary) party which was themed P&P. Naturally I took along some friends and on account it been the Hills district- Sydney's god fearing bible belt. We dressed appropriately....... I was Father Hymen:pope: and came with two of the Sisters of Perpetual Penetration. :babe:We were a absolute hit of the party. When they stopped hitting us we were very relieved.
  11. OME, At least when you look at the fillies, what you see is what you get. About the only thing honest you will ever see in racing. I have said a million times the only way to make it fair is have the horse ride the Jockey.
  12. I think the study makes a really good point. We should follow the effects of colonisation by gun and disease as suffered by Australia, the Americas and sadly too many others. Simple really just kill 90% of the population and let nature do its thing. Or we could stop deniers and get on will doing real action, before the planet kills us off for the parasites we are.
  13. So what you are arguing about the Hummelbird is that the law is arse in this case and should be changed. We are constantly creating new laws and often they are shortsighted. You are defeating your own argument. laws should never be set in stone but reviewed to ensure they actually meet the needs of society as we develop and so must the law. By your logic we should never have allowed cars on the road without the previously mandated man with flag in front. Oh except when the law changes to your dismay with the Hummelbird. You can't have it both ways, you can't be absolutist about the law except when it suits you. If we followed every law and never changed as needed, never ignored any and enforced absolutely all laws, we would all be in Goal. I agree the rules with the Hummel are self defeating and stupid. But your anger over that should not mean you are happy for all society to suffer from the laws and rules just because you have.
  14. A pure pill can easily kill, just like any drug that is given even legal ones. The drugs we are prescribed only have a tiny amount of the active ingredient. I take blood thinners aka rat poison, if I bought a street version it would have a unknown mg of warfarin and most likely kill me as any amount over prescribed can be deadly. The tolerance is quite small between therapeutic and death. The party drugs are much less lethal than this, but a excessively large dose either too many pills or high a purity or nasty shite it is blended with can be fatal. That is why testing is so important and the willingness of friends to seek medical attention ASAP. Many do not from fear of police trouble and hope for the best. Many die when seeking help would have meant a minor hospital stay. If we had a legal regulated supply then deaths would be extremely rare and people would choose safer drugs than things like ICE, which people take as it is cheap and easily available. Also keep in mind a lot of dance party deaths are actually not directly from the drug but from excessive alcohol as they just keep drinking or hyperthermia as the keep dancing and overheat. Others are from excessive drinking of water. Yes too much can kill, and has many times, the blood dilutes and the brain actually drowns. This was the case of a famous drug death years ago, it was her drinking 6 litres of water in approx a hour- her body could not process that much in such a short time. It is the fact such drugs are illegal that leads to the vast harm, injury and deaths.
  15. It should also be noted that the police have a vested interest I. The status quo that many do not realise, they are paid to attend such festivals not by the government but by the festival organisers and often at overtime rates. This is often a demand by the police to allow events go ahead, don't pay our blokes and no event. So effectively extortion from the police to do the job we as society already pay them for. A friend is a cop and such events often add 20k to his yearly income.
  16. There is also the argument that planned maintenance and decisions to declare a fault critical on the highest demand days of the years ensured that spot prices jumped through the roof allowing a surge in profitability from other supplies. Which are also owned by the same power groups. If not planned maintenance would be done in the lowest demand periods ie spring and Autumn. Cynical but possible.
  17. https://www.canberratimes.com.au/environment/sustainability/inexplicable-power-plants-pollution-limits-weak-by-world-standards-20181106-p50ec8.html Check out the allowable pollution and we blame China as a polluter!
  18. Here is the latest article about the pollution from coal fired power, and note they have lower standards that even China now does. The NSW EPA just ticks the box and they get to continue to pollute with no new filtering required. https://www.canberratimes.com.au/environment/sustainability/scandal-nsw-coal-power-plants-will-kill-thousands-before-they-close-20181120-p50h66.html
  19. A lot of it had to do with Napoleon, he wanted to ensure the British had no source if hemp which is essential as ropes, caulking of planks and resins the ships used. Many tons were required for each ship and replaced often. Too lose supply could bring a navy to its knees. The Russians ended up supplying the British via American privateers, this led to Napoleon GPI g to war with Russia. The potential to ensure hemp supplies made Australia of strategic importance. The Hawkesbury river are was were the hemp was grown, but eventual peace with France after Napoleon's final defeat meant it became less important as Europe was now again supplying the hemp.
  20. So you don't believe the massive holes in the ground and air pollution from mining it are a problem? Ever been to a coal mining area? What about the black lung for the miners? What about the highest levels of asthma in developed world? What about the estimated 10,000 deaths a year from pollution by coal power stations- far more than the road toll.
  21. Storchy, We are amused at your inability to accept any evidence that does not fit your world view. You have a right to a view but not to create your own facts. How can the wind and solar be blamed for the old coal burners breaking down? Or do you have special knowledge from a parallel universe? Just in case you did not know- the Earth is Round not flat.
  22. No, you just use existing farms and produce it, it is only one of many crops that can be used as a solution. We should never cut down forests for farms.
  23. Here is a Hemp skateboard- the deck is hemp and 100% bio resin.
  24. And a whole side panel of a small car from Hemp Plastic, here Henry Rollins gets out some anger! As I have said the ability is out there we just need the will to do it.
  25. And here is a Lotus Elise /Eco concept from 2008, panels are lighter than originals and strong.
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