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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. If this guy was at the BBC for 25 years, given he is very conservative and right wing proves the BBC is not biased. Can't have it both ways. All media has some bias as they are only human, some far more than others. When guys like this complain, just like they do about the ABC, what they really mean is the public broadcasters are not biased towards them. It is easy to think anyone is a lefty liberal when you have far right views. Just look at fox news.
  2. I would be sceptical of any group that is called The new culture forum. Sounds like a right wing forum with an agenda. America is full of them and they are spreading through Europe and Britain. We have many here in Australia just like them, all well funded by vested interests with a right wing neo conservative agenda. Would trust them as much as Putin, Trump or any other fascist wannabes.
  3. Does not matter how well it is built it is a turd and a polished turd is still just a smart looking turd. If anyone believes in such devices........I have a bridge I would like to sell
  4. Spacey, the oldies with a pension card do not require a license, so no excuse not to feed the fish.
  5. Yep height hurts. I was "lucky" and fell 7 metres, broke through the tiles and got stopped by the big bloody truss across my side between pelvis and ribs. Not a great day as a chimney sweep in the Blue mountains. Four seasons in half a hour. Naturally in a crap load of pain then shock, apologized for the damage and said I would be back next day. Didn't turn out that way. Stupid youth and bravado, still have probs 25 years on.
  6. Spacey, trust me I like to see the Darwin award given, just doesn't happen often enough without innocents also copping it. Mowers, is yours self propelled? They often have the dead mans lever. You can always strap into the on position and add a switch if you want to stop it etc. Yes I hate the dumb mower switches, my brush cutter safety switch is constantly turning off as it is too close to the throttle. On the damn mower it gets turned off if you go under a low tree or brush. Biggest piss off is ones with a see through pump bulb on the carb, they rarely last a year. Then spew fuel everywhere. Had a Stihl once that caught fire whilst in use from damn cheap bulb and non tygon fuel lines. Burnt my arm, all for a few cents saved making it. I was once a small engine mechanic, some where so shit they died on first use and we just threw them away as cheaper to replace than repair.. For hedges get a smallish portable trestle under $200 and walk along in safety, falling from ladders six. Once fell two stories, it really .......hurts.
  7. My point was cars are safer for the occupants not those outside but in general are getting better at not killing pedestrians. Examples are large gap between bonnet and engine to stop your head smashing into engine. New Volvos push bonnet upwards when hit by a pedestrian. Some cars even have a airbag to do this. You can even get a BMW bike with a airbag now for the rider and Dainese make airbag jackets that protect the body, neck and head. Bull bars should be illegal for any vehicle not registered in a country area, they are designed to kill animals including humans. At one stage NSW was going to do this but backed down as the wimps they are. Only the soft shaped ones that are airbag approved should be legal. Some new cars are like a Jabiru, you have to try real hard to kill yourself. So pedestrians should come first program wise.
  8. Yes might work, but consider that a lot of companies use medicine that is banned in advanced countries as it has massive side effects like birth defects. But they see profit so do it. We must be careful what we wish for.
  9. OK forgiven- just
  10. Old man emu, can't help except to say f##k knows and he is a silent type. But why do you have roast potato in freezer? Are they precooked? And what is this Yorkshire pudding in a packet? If it comes in a packet mix it is just as quick to make from scratch. Just like pancakes can be made just as quick as the shake bottle crud but have real ingredients. And don't get me started on gravy in a bottle...... Do not say you are not capable, a 5 year old can.
  11. Given most situations where pedestrians are about, the speeds are relatively low. New cars are extremely safe esp. The euro ones like Volvo, merc etc so the default should be pedestrians saved first. I watched the show and the scenario was unlikely to have killed the car occupants anyway. Humans do not always go for their safety first in accidents and often just panic or do stupid shit eg swearving to miss a dog, wombat, dropbearetc and running into oncoming traffic. Or the classic of heading off road and fixation on the tree rather than steering around it. Research proves humans are often idiots.
  12. I have but ones that great and intelligent with humour are never for hire. Only issue is she would be smart enough to steer clear of me.
  13. Love juice media and I want to marry that women.
  14. Fellas the credible scientists are correct. Climate change by humans is very real and will rapidly change our planets climate systems. For the non scientific, it is easy to understand. Methane is a massive problem in the past we had a few million cows and other belching ruminants, today it is 100's millions. And the big kicker is we have a planet with a carbon cycle which for 100's million years has put away excess carbon in the ground and all was in basic equilibrium. Alas in less than 200 odd years we have dug up that carbon as fuel and burnt it and released what the planet buried. Not very smart- the carbon cycle has crashed way off kilter. We have also cut down most forests that combined with oceans absorb excess carbon. Not only have we dug up and burnt millions of years of carbon but we are removing the planets ability to absorb normal excess carbon. In short we have screwed the very planet we depend upon.. This was plain as day when I studied science almost 30 years ago. Suppose you are sick with cancer would you see a oncologist who is a specialist? Would you see a chemical company that makes agent orange? Or just tune in too Alan Jones? Pretty simple really.
  15. Tassie may be land locked, but I am sure it is moist. Just look at the growth....
  16. The place the homeless and mentally I'll, disabled go is obvious. A growing private industry- jail. 50% or more in the can have a intellectual disability. We actually have falling crime rates and at the same time building new jails and swelling the jail population. Unless you are rich , bail is normally refused and 18 months before your trial is common. If you are innocent, tough. We also no longer employ teachers to educate and rehabilitate. That would be too bleeding heart progressive, and save heaps of money and wasted lives. Naturally the preferred model is privatised and costs over a million a bed to build new. The winners are Geo group and Serco, those nice folk we have run off shore detention camps.
  17. The greatest modern age general is without doubt Sir John Monash, a plucky aussie. He stopped the bullshite of trench warfare and rolled the Germans in quick time. He used all the tech of the time as a combined war machine and quickly routed the hun. He used artillery bombardment, troops, tanks, aircraft and soldiers as a coordinated force. No more of this slaughter of millions to get a few feet. Monash was a engineer and used all his intellect to form battle strategy's that awestruck the enemy. He was determined to not have his men as mere fodder for machine guns. His battle genius probably saved millions of lives on both sides and quickly ended war war one. Generals don't get any better than that.
  18. His mother kept warning him- be careful where you stick that disgusting little thing. His father said beware of your aim or you could be in a world of shit.
  19. Yes, I recently did the loom on a Yamaha TDM 850, i used a very small flat head and removed all the wires from the connectors, bundled them and threaded through new tubing. Then I reattached the connectors. It can be done, and clean all the wire plugs at the same time, any crap wire- I replaced. It was a 25 year old loom and electrics, it became like new and the cloth cover shrink looked great. Cleaned up all the switch gear, starter etc and added LED driving light bar at same time. Damn night became day with 40w of LED.
  20. Ian are you sure? I was sure that Heinz baby food was a genuine product. You mean there are no babies in baby fooD? I have been ripped off......................false advertising
  21. That was my first legal road bike- ran to school on it. Lots of fun, bugger all speed but fine in traffic. The brake was a disaster in the wet- stainless steel.
  22. Bring Both and we call ambulance for you.
  23. And when presented with comments like that - it is hard to believe you thought much before commenting. But what you believe is only that a belief- just like the sky fairies. When we white fellas invaded- we systematically sought to destroy a race of people. Possibly the greatest genocide in history- it is estimated we killed 90% of the aborigines on the mainland and every single one on Tasmania. It was government policy. They had overwhelming force and the technology of guns and cannon. They also used fire and worst of all deliberately introduced diseases such as small pox infected blankets. This was not by mistake or bad luck but by design and no less evil than a gas chamber in WW2. The plants they farmed were naturally natives species and seed traded with northern neighbours. They traded goods all over the continent, had hundreds of different nation groups with distinct languages, had very advanced navigation skills and navigated coastal waters. Some groups were even fish farmers. The notion they were just hunters and gathers is very far from the truth. But it is easy to dismiss the other as less worthy and subhuman, when we call them just a savage.
  24. Pretty much YES. They had to develop the design to get the results they wanted. They would have used some type of trial, error redesign etc to get the required design sought. It is called scientific method- just because we don't have any old texts describing how they did it- they still did. And many thousands of years ago. And not all boomerangs have the same purpose and hence a different design. Or do you subscribe to the "aliens gave them the design"? or maybe a GOD? You do not get aerodynamic shaped flying sticks in nature- it is a construct of the mind and development.
  25. And best of all Aborigines invented aeronautics- thousands of years before anybody tried strapping a set of wings on and falling to their death. What? The Boomerang is a sophisticated device that flies and comes back or can be used as the first flying weapon. That demonstrates a extremely advanced knowledge of science in practice. They did not just happen to find a special stick from the gods. The knowledge lost when we almost exterminated them on colonisation (invasion) is staggering. Us white fellas truly are savages at times.
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