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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. No good on a boat but.... I would love to have made a Dalec aka Dr Who shaped one in stainless. Would look very cool. And a minions version also.
  2. The collective noun for a grouping of politicians? Parliament? No It's a Masterbate. For the LNP? A Fuckem
  3. I even would take my son to play on DVD Mary Poppins for the house kids whilst I swept. Blue mtns is heaven and hell for a sweep
  4. As a ex chimney sweep and stove builder, I like it.
  5. At least now we know he is a mammal not a green blooded alien.
  6. Cool little thing for Europe and city work. UP! Much better than a pretentious Commodore- WTF, it's not a Naval battle group or Falcon, a top predator. Far less cardigan than Cedric, Cressida, Crown or Avalon. Not a Gulia from Alfa Romeo, which illicit heart palpitations, winding roads and been convicted of sex with an automobile. It's not 540 BMW announcing in its subtle Hugo Boss suit - don't fuck with serious Germans. But a name that says get UP and get to where you want to be, and German with a smile from a girl fresh from a Berlin dance party. Car names are weird rarely are they even sensible. And a lot of the new Chinese stuff sounds weird too.
  7. Yep he is a greedy billionaire. Straight from the Gina greedy school
  8. I often wonder..
  9. My prediction is .. Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.. Extreme heat summer and big chance of major bushfires.
  10. On stage right.... A Bear comes round trying to cause trouble... And gets swifty kicked in the nuts by a Emu. The Bear runs away screaming Well modded
  11. Heaps of overtakes will naturally effect range but so does full throttle in a ICE engine which will guzzle each time. I dont think it would be a big issue unless you need to pass then slow then pass constantly.
  12. But the cost in Saudi is only a small part of the market cost at the servo in Australia. Every part of the system inflates their profits and manipulates the market on a daily basis. Someone farts in Riyadh and next day it's $2.50 a litre. Those oil barons will happily charge us as much as they can till we bleed, if fact lots of people have died in wars over oil.
  13. Onetrack, For road train passing I expect the EV would be the winner every time. Almost every EV marketed has far superior acceleration than any ICE version of the same car. The max torque is instant and linear, it's not rev dependant, so always is "on cam" and rockets away. Assuming you have some juice on the battery, you could do multiple overtakes and barely notice a range drop at all.
  14. I expect medium and long term the resale of EV's will be excellent. When choosing a second or third hand car, the big issues are running cost and worries about big bills for service or repairs that are either unexpected or big dollars service ie belt changes etc. When EV cars have extremely low running costs and servicing is very cheap, they are big issues in their long term favour. They are also considerably more reliable and have far fewer components to wear out or bust suddenly. And they can be fuelled at home/ work/ shopping centre. Plus as a mobile component of a home power system. And the scrap/reuse value will be much higher as a old EV can become home battery storage. Far more valuable than the metal shredder value for a ICE car. Petrol or diesel is never going to be cheaper but all EV batteries and motors are getting better and cheaper every year. Anybody can harvest fuel at home or even camping if needed with a solar system. It's makes us far less dependent on the industrial capitalist system of big oil and big energy markets. Put simply, if your buying a second hand car the EV is the much better choice, esp if you don't have money to burn.
  15. Meanwhile back on the ranch.... Jimmy went to the thunderbolt and Redback but him on the balls..
  16. In Putanas case that would be ... 6 litres av. times the world population minus himself. Like ego, money and power for him, no amount of blood is ever too much. Unless it's his blood, in which case a pin prick would make him scream.
  17. A little like that movie.. Fun with Dick n Jane.
  18. I only have a phone and it's bloody autocorrect. It's a pain sometimes but U fellas seem to get the gist of what I write.
  19. No, The original was lost, all we have is photos.
  20. Wow what a week. First Zak found images of a painting my Jane ( his stepmother )did of him as a 5 year old. Done in oils, it was a work of love during her first year of cancer. It was lost in the turmoil of life and death. Zak found it and we will have it replecated in oil paints. To see it again brought back so many great and not so memories. To see my little boy on canvas and now have him reach for the stars is humbling, and ecstatic. It's been a journey that would seem a fiction on paper but life is stranger and far more surprising. I know Jane would be just as proud.
  21. Can? So last millenium. More star trek technology than spam cans. Fingers optional
  22. The fabled Black Russian. The ruski bear 🐻 is all growl and very little bite. At this rate a Drop bear would shred them.
  23. Just got off the phone from my son in Sydney. He is a robotics/computer development engineer. He just received with his tech partner a $100k grant from a big Uni innovation fund to develop a new technology. Can't say what it is but will lead to very big things and hopefully a high tech development of world leading stuff. Just the bottom rung of the R &D bucket but a very important start. Meanwhile he is been head hunted by big venture capital and some dark box government stuff. I am absolutely stoked, all the hard years and effort, never fitting the mould of society and being outside the box. All those years of R/c cars and airplanes have paid off. I will take some credit in upbringing and 50% credit at least for the DNA. I can't say a lot about it, but he has many things all leading to a big future. My son the inventor, has a very nice sound to it. I am incredibly proud, he has overcome incredible health problems, obstacles and many years interrupted from education in a system that doesn't know what to do with a brainiac on the spectrum. He is going to change the world. You may never know but I will. Damn it feels great.
  24. My mind is open Feel free to comment or discuss.
  25. Lord Lucas.....prince of darkness
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