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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. To all those seeking fast justice and righteousness. Please make a orderly cue to the right, yes, in front of that wood chipper. Now start it. Now, just take a leap of faith, yes a forward leap, back to the inquisition. If your righteous, your going to be saved. The rest of us( the humans) line up on the left, breath the fresh air and enjoy life.
  2. Joel Hailey Osman?
  3. Codpiece
  4. "Cockpit", Meeting place for the LNP
  5. Have any of you seen the series "A handmaid's tale" or the book? It's really scary, it seems to becoming true. Women only as breeders?
  6. It reminds of the bad old days for motorbike plates. Do you guys remember the front mounted plate aka pedestrian slicer? I remember getting pulled over by plod and fined for not having a front plate. I pleaded ignorance and the fact I had just bought said old bike from a dealership, with 12 mths rego and pinkslipped, only with its back plate. Even though the front plate was well and truly banned for new bikes on obvious safety reasons, the cop was not reasonable. Because the rear plate had the old triangle in the middle, plod insisted I was illegally riding without a front plate. Could I get a copy plate from the RTA? No. Then for my trouble as a L plater, who dared ask for an explanation, my bike was disassembled on the side of the road to look for drugs? Seat torn up, everything searched. So I was fined and had my bike damaged to meet a outdated law, and the ego of a very unhelpful copper. Not a good intro to the police. I figured the bloke hated motorbikes and was on a crusade. The "overpowered" bike I had was a 1970's RX125 Yamaha.
  7. I wish to apologize for the offence I made. I had not intended to be offensive but I certainly was. I see how my words were easy to take as a slight by Nev and others. My words were foolish and childish. I have always had great respect for Nev and his contributions. I unreservedly apologize for any implications my stupid post made in an extremely misguided attempt at humour. As Nev stated above, it was out of character (too many new meds) but that does not excuse what I posted. I am responsible for my posts and accept I was wrong and insulting. Nev, I am sorry. Phil
  8. Maybe my humour was too obtuse. It was meant to imply fork it's a hunter.
  9. I don't think they are psycho, just wary and protective of the mob. Nervous and ready to fight.q I would be too, if lived with Facthunter. They know what "Hunter" means. But have trouble understanding "fact" and mistake it for Fuck.
  10. I have more than once, tried to get from shore to my tinny and been up to my balls in mud. I didn't invent shit, but sure felt fuckin stupid at the time.
  11. And he will continue with the Sundance festival for indie films he runs from his ranch "Sundance".
  12. Have you ever been with a homesick drunken Irishmen? Until they fall over the, wind is bloody constant. Lungs like a forest and ya can't understand a word. The Scott's are wind bags as well, so much they make strange sounds with them. Poor buggers must wear a kilt, or they blow their pants clean orf. The English, seem wind deficient, generally all you hear is a strange whiney nasal sound. Everytime I hear it, I never can see their lips move in sync. I am sure they have wind, given the constant complaints, the tortured faces, whining sounds. I checked the symptoms and have cdiagnosed, they are full of shit.
  13. The bi- camaral system with preferential voting is the best system by far. It works best when voting is compulsory. We may not be perfect esp the states that don't use this system. But still the better of the world's democratic nations.
  14. Is that a rust hole? Bugger
  15. I must admit , your Honour, Having observed the same 8ft tall giant ute, still in the casino carpark sun 1 hr later, I was instantly horrified, as I walked past to hear a crying child. I was overcome by the need to gain entry and minimise the amount of glass into the path of the child. After trying both rear doors 1/4 windows, I was forced to take another route in my effort to open a door to gain entry. By this time the child appeared to be in great distress. I smashed the front passenger window, hoping I could then gain access to the child seat behind. It would not open nor could I reach the rear door inner handle. The child was now screaming. I ran around to the driver's side and broke the window to gain entry, even after climbing the sidestep, I found it hard to climb through the window. I was desperate to get the child so tried the rear drivers window, in the hope it's shape would allow me to get in. Alas I still could not get in . It was then your Honour, as I ran around the giant vehicle, I noticed at the back of this massive highrise ute, on the very tray I found the crowbar were sliding rear windows. I was able to slide the rear "shotgun" window across and unbelt the child. I rescued her from the hot vehicle. As the infant was clearly heat stressed, I bought icecreams and called 000. We were under shade at a cafe. As the police car arrived, a electrical short , that must have happened in my desperate attempts to save the child, burst the vehicle into flames. When the vehicles tires burst, each time the child would laugh and cheer. I took this as a good sign of her recovery. All of my efforts were to save the child. At no stage did I think about the special nature or cost of the vehicle nor its owner. I had no idea it belonged to Scott Morrison.
  16. Spenaroo, Have you noticed much difference in handling, steering and performance since losing the anchor weight bumpers?
  17. It's Blacktown not Blackstown. The Aboriginal peoples ( nations) have never said their cultural law should apply to others. It is practised in some areas but the white man's law coexists. And if it did, "a spear in the leg" was often for a extremely serious crime and then justice was seen as served. Or they were normally cast out of the community. By its nature tribal law was not about been vindictive or disproportionately applied. They certainly didn't send poms across the world for a hankie.
  18. Jerry, I can tell from experience that the "pot " stoned driver is generally far safer than a pissed or ice drugged one. They tend to drive slowly and not aggressively. In all my years, I have never seen a violent or aggro pot smoker. Nor had my emergency nurse brother but he had a lot of aggressive pissed ones and ice users. If they suspect any drug use that's not pot, they immediately called 3 security guards. Sometimes they even drove through the ER doors, expecting immediate care. Even worse was giving life saving Narcain for a OD, after their partner has driven through the doors, only for the patient to immediately wake up and start punching or magically find a secreted knife and start slashing. Hence now at least two guards are used to hold down the patient. The third is ready to help and a spare nurse has a strong sedative ready if needed. The drunk, opiate or Ice user are the most dangerous type to give medical care. Here is Australia we now have medical cannabis but it's more expensive than black market. Additionally we have issues with police testing as the test can not show impairment only consumption possibly a week earlier. They are now looking at changing the laws as unimpaired medical users can loose their licence and jobs.
  19. Can you still get BP Corse 50+ oil? That's what I used in my old Alfas, they had a huge 6.6 litre sump for a 2 litre engine and used oil by design not leakage. Oil changes always cost a bomb as two containers needed.
  20. Donnie is going to hate the debates. No audience of maga nuts. No talking over the other debater, the mics are turned off. It's not on Fox and fuckwits.
  21. OME, It would probably be cheaper than the nukes to give every house free solar and home battery storage. But I can't do the calcs as Dutton has refused to provide details until after the election.
  22. You can guarantee that I would smash the window on the driver's side front first, as many new cars will not open other doors unless the driver's in openable due to the locks. Then I would smash the window rear opposite to the child if needed to access. I would absolutely smash the rear quarter windows as a Fuck you to the owner for endangering a child or animal. Yes, I know they are hardest to replace, that's the point. If they have any windows left they are going to be lucky. I have zero tolerance for such car drivers and yes I have smashed windows before to save a dog. If it's a child or disabled person on board, they may discover them having a icecream with me and their car in ashes. It's that serious and if you endanger lives, I will fuckem up. I am a pacifist but do have a limit.
  23. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/article/2024/jun/13/farmers-who-graze-sheep-under-solar-panels-say-it-improves-productivity-so-why-dont-we-do-it-more https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/article/2024/may/29/macintyre-turbines-queensland-southern-downs-windfarm-largest-southern-hemisphere
  24. Who will build it? Given everyone currently in the game is losing money by the billions in building reactors, who? Not the Chinese, they are behind and massively overcost. So much so as a partner with the French to build the UK reactors, they have pullout of the contract and taken multi billions in losses. Additionally, the USA has made it clear, no military subs or other programs if we jump in nuclear bed with China. Not the French, they signed a semi fixed contract for Hinkley and have lost billions. They are also losing billions on their reactors which are already amortised for build cost. They are 74 billion euros in debt. The Koreans are unlikely as they are having serious overruns in time and cost. It won't be Americans as they are going broke building the two way overdue reactors they are finishing. The cost and availability of uranium is almost irrelevant as it's only a tiny percentage of running costs. No grid usable SMR reactors exist, the Russian one is basically a dirty military reactor in a shop, no one will allow it to dock and provide power. The Chinese nor USA have any and all prototypes have either failed or proven so expensive per power unit, they have stopped research. Dreams do not make reality.
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