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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. Did Bob fail due to insistence on a carry on beer keg?
  2. Farage is a big danger, but not yet on Trumps level of proven malicious destruction of democratic norms and illegality. I would have thought Farage would be getting votes mainly from the conservative side, not Labour voters.
  3. Nev, I too, would never trust a clothes peg to save my neck or skull from a bonnet or boot lid. If your brain is worth 20 cents buy clothes pegs. If your brain is worth saving , buy the bloody struts, far cheaper than a trip to the doctors.
  4. I think imagination is required when dealing with Farage the farcical f**K wit... A bucket of diluted honey and fire ants should help that itch.
  5. You first line is problematic dear OME... In Donnie's case, you certainly should kick him when his down. And keep kicking him into a prison cell. He's a rapist, a fraud, a insurrectionist, treasonous and if he wins would happily be a murderous dictator. He already has blood on his hands.
  6. Litespeed

    PNG NRL Team.

    It's all a bullshit money grab from the NRL In the deal, each team gets an additional $2 million a year, for 10 years to cover travel etc to compete in PNG. That's $400 million over ten years. The code deserves no gov funding at all and that includes stadiums. They are a rich sport which huge tax free funding status and commercially successful vultures. A typical Australian style Aid program where the vast majority stays in Australia and the rest gets spent on Aussie helpers overseas.
  7. Some cars get to top speed by dropping of a very tall cliff.
  8. My old BMW E39 V8 had a 300 kmh Speedo but was electronically limited to 255 kmh. And would do a genuine 255kmh on GPS. Add a chip which deleted the limiter, it would do 300kmh. Not suitable for Aussie roads but the Germans and Italian makers tend to actually build cars for that speed not as marketing slogans. A world apart from a big Aussie V8. Wish we had Autobahns and educated drivers.
  9. I expect it would be a Raven, the world's smartest bird. They are often seen cooperating with fellow Ravens and sometimes other species. Do you have the video?
  10. Keep in mind if the Egyptians allow the Israelis to open the the borders, the Palestinians would be forced out of Gaza and either into the sea or Egypt. Either way it would mean forcing the Palestinians out of their land and this is a War crime under the definition of ethnic cleansing and genocide. Ie die or leave the country. Even if the Eygptians wanted the refugees, it would be aiding Israel in war crimes and ensure the complete destruction of Palestinian hopes for a separate state. And why should Indonesia get involved, they have never aided and abetted Israel in their persecution of Palestinians. The countries that have aided Israel in arms and political cover should accept the refugees on the basis they help created the problem and must be part of the solution.
  11. I agree, only a few English have their head occupied by brain cells.
  12. I also blame Olaf Sholtz the German PM. He has been extremely coward like in response to Ukraine and Gaza. Angela Merkel would have slapped down Putin and Israel. The EU lost its strongest leader when she retired.
  13. He would never use them, he knows it's total death to all. Like any bully he will do anything and say anything until put on his arse. Ukraine should be given everything NATO has to stop the Russian's inside Russia.
  14. Perpetual growth is the biggest problem we have and is flows to all aspects of society and the environment. In a organism perpetual growth is called Cancer and kills off the organisation, the organism , the community and if left unchecked - the planet.
  15. The other issue is fees and hire/lease of the reader and it's software. May be easier to have a phone app that does it.
  16. But if it's a commendable goal, then it supposes that you agree, we have a huge problem with human induced global heating. It's effecting our environment, economics and is a existential crisis for all humans and other species. We are heading to a minimum 2 degrees global increase of temperature by 2050, at the rate of current change. Anything more than 1.5 degrees C is going to make like far harder for everyone. Wars are being fought over resources not just minerals and oil but water. Environmental refugees are already a big issue and in a 2 degrees scenario, Billions of people will be on the move or at war over resources to just survive. No one is going to be unaffected but by how much depends on what we do now and every day forward. The cheapest solution even purely on economic grounds, is going as fast as possible to reduce emissions and add a carbon tax. Net Zero by 2050 is possible and will lead to massive increases in productivity and quality of life for everyone, particularly Australia. If we don't get on change in a hurry, we will be seriously Fucked up. As it is, we will feel like a child fighting a Gorilla. Even as it is, at best case scenario of 1.5 C, the world will be extremely different climate and weather wise in 2050. We are the frog in the saucepan, and keep turning up the heat.
  17. I resemble that comment.
  18. You can bend anyway you want fellas. Me I will just stick to being a genius rather than a simple genus.
  19. Not a bad living, if you like been up at night in the middle of nowhere, and have a mobile butcher room/cooler. It's a hard life for hard men or women. The moneys ok, not as good as shearing but far better on the body. He has always sheared or shot, so a remote lifestyle and very hard on family members - your rarely home. He is based in Hay, where Roos are steroid injected killing machines and drivers are bloody nervous. I have been with him in his big wild boar hunting days - he will still use a compound bow for stealth. If you shoot and not kill it or it hears the missed round, it can attack, given the chance a wild boar will make sure it kills you and will then eat you for dessert. At 250kg plus they are tanks with tusks. They are f..kin scary and charge. One night he shot a big boar but only glanced his skull, the bugger charged the little LJ 55 Suzuki side door and rolled us, caved the door in completely. Scary shit. On the subject of work tools, he absolutely loves his Beretta .223 a hand made precision Italian masterpiece- oldest gun maker in the world. He treats it like a violin master would a Stradivarius. When it's your profession, you use the best and have pride in your work. If we ever get invaded as a sniper, my cousin Lyle has it covered. Bloody glad he is on our side.
  20. The solution is a Beretta .223 into the head. My cousin is a licenced kangaroo culler for meat and skins. Head shot everytime , instant and no cruelty. Not a Rambo with a gun but a professional who hates animals to suffer.
  21. Yep, We are quickly and systematically destroying the trophic levels of the marine ecosystem. A very stupid state of affairs. Homo destructus strikes again.
  22. 😆 It's revenge for all the big holes we made. Ready made dams to fish farm. There is a barramundi farm here in Port Stephens, but most you buy will be import crap. I'd rather not pollute my taste buds eating the muddy crap. If I want to taste the " terroir" of my fish, I'll catch some nice mullet. I never pay for fish but if I did barramundi ain't it.
  23. And they, whilst tasty are getting low in numbers for many species which screws up the food chain. Worse is the bastards that just take the fins. But I admit we have lots of small bull sharks, as it's a breeding ground. They really do taste good when small. But that's as recreational not commercial fishing and a rare take. The days of sustainable shark fishing are long gone esp. with foreign ships netting anything they can get. A battered Jew fish fillet is far more guilt free locally.
  24. Makes complete sense. But does make me wonder about Heinze baby food. How many jars can you make from a baby? What about babies not called Heinze? Are the rejected and thrown back like John West?
  25. It's the only way , he can't see his wee willy or feet. But he never seems short of sycophants kissing his ass, and licking the shit, no matter what he does. If hand size related to willy (which is a myth) he would have babies hands.
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