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Everything posted by Russ

  1. You've gota tip your hat to them......govt is considering ways to optimise available grounds at cemeteries...... Some " thinking out the box " person has a novel way........dig vertical holes, takes up less space. Adds a new meaning to " dying on your feet " ..........love it
  2. When away we sucessfully use their internet banking with an iPad, all goes well, however recently we had a glitch so dropped into a branch enroute, fronted to enquiries area, that had 2 other folks waiting as well, ok, no probs, Enquiries had 4 separate counters ( desks ) chairs etc etc, but only 1 desk was staffed. After a short wait chap comes up to us, and asks did we need to see an enquiries person.........yes please I say, have you made an appointment he asks.........no I haven't, would you like to make an appointment.......no thankyou, we are travelling through, so we shall wait........he then suggests we actually make an appointment.......( now I'm not happy )........ No thankyou, we shall wait.........ok, sir, you will be attended to in approximately ......ONE HOUR...........you must be joking is my reply, you have 3 unattended desks there, sorry sir but you will have to wait. UN BLOODY REAL............ A 2 min consult........( staffing to bare bones )
  3. The closer I get to my camp fire, the hotter I get, so.......why is it so, the closer I get to the sun, the colder I get. ( they tell me the sun is one boiling mass of ???, ) The Grand Canyon being perhaps the fartherist point from the sun is perhaps the hottest point on earth. All seems to conflict with my sandfly brain.
  4. Yr or 2 back, chap won inventors award here oz, for paint on solar generation, then read later, he was bought out by ??....that's the last I heard of his invention. Recall 1 query from the panel....how long does it last before performance degrades, ....answer, 7....8 yrs, then just repaint the roof again. Another great idea........gawn. ( well, shelved anyway )
  5. Dry as an Arabs sand shoe.....
  6. If I meet up with one of those channel 7 or 8 idiot dumb arse reporters, things might get interesting.... They are salivating at their chances to repeat same ol, same ol brain dead questions... When do you think it might hit the coast Where do you think it might go If the power goes off, how long before it comes on again What will you do during the blast Do you think it might get more serious Then they get onto .....the tidal surge.....O for christs sake, How high do you think it might be Bla,bla,bla Throw away your microphones tossers, grab a shovel, and help fill some sandbags, do something to HELP, barging into folks lives, shoving your microphone into their face ain,t helping. Mate runs a motel at cooktown, he rang this morning ( sat ph ) letting us know they were Ok, He said one crew were whinging to him because he did not have backup power for the motel, he said, no need, we got gas kitchen, gas hot water, and plenty of candles etc for light, and enough standby food to feed an army. City slicker reporters....pathetic.
  7. "Red tape" decided to get onboard. Then greed, throw in rediculous demands, just for a finale....woollies Coles wanted all the fruit/verges at a price that "they determined" regardless of where they came from. Effectively the prospective growers were about to be screwed. Walk down your woollies Coles aisles, the amounts of imported foods, even fruits veges etc, is staggering. All......all, was, should be ozy grown. There was/is ?? One big grower, that told the 2 monopolies, go jump, and he was/is, air freighting tons of fresh produce Asia way, japan in particular. We import fish,prawns for goodness sakes.....yet we have them here, in abundance. We,ll be importing sugar,milk,vegemite next.....mark my words. The 2 monopolies will be telling us that is what "we" want........pigs arse, it,s all about their bottom line...... PROFIT. Govts are gutless to take them on. ( oh, I forgot the fuel companies, that,s bordering on price fixing amongst them, they are deadset shafting us ) ....Grrrrrrrrr
  8. Yea, beautiful fresh water just flooding into oceans. Yrs back we bumped into a crew of guys 4, in the middle of whoop woop NT, turns out they were water ologists, head honcho said the yearly unused flood waters was simply massive, and topics re piping it south just wither away. His crew were mapping points of natural basins....pipe to a basin, then re commence piping at it,s southern lowest point. So water get,s moved from Northern Australia, via basin to basin, so to speak. He said it would be a massive task, but most doable, and constructions should be over the next 20 plus yrs. 10.....15 yrs ago, the ord river was damed, created lake argyle, near cunnanarra WA, holds about 20 Sydney harbours, only a pittance is used locally, the rest just pours into northern oceans. Top half of oz, has limitless fresh water, and during the wet seasons countless amounts heads to the sea. Water control/ownership will make a visioned company wealth beyond their wildest dreams. Litre of water today, is more expensive than petrol.....almost.
  9. Wet,wet,wet......I,m walking like a duck, quacking like a duck, and it doesn't look like letting up any time soon. Me jabs packed, fuelled etc, just waiting for a break to head way south for 3....4 weeks. Return trip was dropping into the gyro nationals at Wondai Q, Could be worse I spoze, bet your bogged on the coast there frank.
  10. well bugger me..........got me pewtar back with it's new HD..........sighted the old HD, and it was logoed " Toshiba ".......toshiba in a "Mac"......well well
  11. apple guys are sending hard drive south to se if some tecko co, can get into it, but the've indicated about a 20% chance. They did offer to replace the hard drive tho under extended wty.
  12. Well...............i've learnt the hard way............if you don't backup your pewtar to an external hard drive, one day you'll lose the lot..........i just have. 100's of photos, docs...................everything. My 16mth old "mac pro" had a hard drive "stroke"...........terminal. ( not happy )
  13. 2nd gripe........heading off for extended holiday, overpay credit card so it's way way in excess.......( limit, plus plus ) then when you redraw YOUR money, they hit you with a "cash advance".........hang on, that's my excess money in the account Mr ANZ......sorry sir, thems our rules. Only did it the once.......the excess bit.
  14. Gripe.............renewing me asic card each time.............they have all my details from previous cards, NOTHING has changed, but i have to resend the EXACT same documents all over again...............??????????
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