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  1. IE10+ is not supported on any OS below 7
  2. chrome, plus adblock plus (free from google chrome store), is what i use, and have zero problems with popups
  3. I'm in mackay.. weather has been sporadic here, ie. Whenever I'm over the hill at work, its severe clear and 5 knots, and when i'm home, its bucketing down :P hows it affecting me? No flying, but getting a bit done on the 601 while its cool :)
  4. Might I ask what sort of job/workplace you are in, and the "Bully's" position relative to you? Boss? Subordinate? or equal footing. As the others have said, you really don't have a choice but to involve the employer (legally speaking). That being said, I've been in very similar situations, and I'm not known for my tactfulness, and after a few choice words, sometimes bullies realize that you will not be spoken down to etc, and come around, so to speak. I personally would rather approach the person and have it out with them initially, and if that doesn't work, escalate to direct supervisor, and upwards if necessary. Be sure to have a witness to any and all interactions you have with bosses, and the problem individual. Record anything, be that with a notepad or phone etc. A diary becomes legal evidence in such situations I'm lead to believe. I'm not sure on the legality of audio/video recording without someones consent or knowledge. If you are a member of a union, speak to your delo or rep. The above it my opinion only, and does not constitute legal advice. I am not a lawyer.
  5. Can you do a system restore to an earlier point? Or go into the registry and strip out it entries? Not telling you what to use, but for a media player, if wmp is frustrating you enough, try zoom player free. Has all the codecs built it, and able to be updated individual, remembers where you are up to in a file etc. As for power shell commands and syntax, you can get on the msdn site and have a look, or go to powershellpro. I think that's the site, i'm out and about on mobile at present.
  6. obviously you will have to change *.wmv to whatever file type you are using, or add it to the list
  7. Are you familiar with Powershell? Its is basically an extension of DOS, and it is very powerfull, so be careful. if you are used to DOS or unix though you will be well at home Download that latest version of that then use a script like this. I just wrote that, and had a different set of file extensions and repplacement terms to get rid of 'new' out of a heap of just created 'new text documents' Get-ChildItem -Filter *.wmv | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name -replace 'QI'} msg me if i can be of any help
  8. I use this for TV shows http://www.therenamer.com/ Drag and drop the files onto it, it will rename them however you set it up, and also move it if you so desire.. You can also set it to monitor a certain directory, and process files as they show up.
  9. buy an aircraft ppl maybe
  10. wouldnt work, as its meant to be a suprise reunion of sorts
  11. Does anyone know this hotel, and or the publican? Please pm me or reply here if you can help... Nothing sus, trying to find an old friend for a friend
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