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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. Indeed the basis of the gospel is profoundly unjust - not for us but for Christ. 1 Peter 3v18 "for Christ indeed has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God". Forgiveness and eternal life in heaven merely by asking forgiveness and placing ones faith in Christ who suffered terribly and died on our account; everything is stacked in mankinds favour here. I would contend it isn't a religion but a relationship with the Creator however I understand the word 'religion' means different things to different people.
  2. No because I'm not a moaning, whinging, demanding, carping harpy for a start. And secondly the politicians already know the general public's mood on this, hence they fear the plebiscite. And I can tell you the more the 1.5% continue to harp the less popular it becomes.
  3. Oh get over it, there is no discrimination. They are free to marry already, everyone in Australia that is old enough is free to get married. What a boring topic, good luck trying to appease perpetual moaners.
  4. Meanwhile in the real world many working folk are tired of this irrelevant nonsense being pushed constantly day in day out. That's why the establishment is terrified of a plebiscite.
  5. It can be very miserable indeed for the older ones, unless they have something else going like money for example. Yes there are a few exceptions but for the most part it's very very transient. Check the data.
  6. Sure some of my friends and relatives went homosexual and some of my friends used to be. It's a lust based relationship so always about younger, younger. This is very common knowledge and doesn't require any research. Give it a few years and we will be asked to have sympathy for pedophiles as they were 'born that way'. The softening campaign will begin shortly I suspect. I have some ex-drug dealer friends also (now to meet them you would never know), do you need info on that too? That Milo guy is a bit of a freak, crazy how he passes for a 'conservative'.
  7. Seeking 'twinks' is a core part of the homosexual lifestyle - the one embraced and forcefully promoted by the left.
  8. Actually the USA is not a democracy, it is a constitutional republic (there are some not insignificant differences). Or more technically a "constitutionally limited representative democratic republic".
  9. Yes Yenn and it's a shame as objective investigative journalism is very valuable to society.
  10. Fukushima Nuclear Reactor radiation at extraordinary levels! Unimaginable levels even! ...the radiation levels - as high as 530 sieverts per hour - are now the highest they've been since 2011 when a tsunami hit the coastal reactor. "To put this in very simple terms. Four sieverts can kill a handful of people," he explained. "The worry is with 300 tons of radioactive water going into the Pacific every day, what is that doing to the Pacific Ocean?" We are doomed! Or maybe not so much TEPCO and the Japanese government carefully measure the radioactivity in the water being released, and report it regularly. Their [/url]February 1 report records only one significant radionuclide in the water: tritium, the third hydrogen isotope. The radioactivity level is between 780 and 820 Bq per liter of water. What does this mean? Well, the U.S. EPA safety standard for tritium in drinking water sets an upper limit of 740 Bq/liter. Basically, you wouldn't want to drink it, right there at the outflow into the Pacific, for any extended length of time -- although it probably wouldn't hurt you. The take-away line: The third thing we learned -- and I think probably the most important thing -- is to never trust a journalist writing about anything involving radiation, the metric system, or any arithmetic more challenging than long division.
  11. Sure. Probably not six times in a row though. They are indoctrinated to hate Jews from early childhood. Even most of the the 'moderates' demonstrate this trait. Chat to them, it comes out. A significant percentage of the girls have their genitals mutilated; it's awful for them.
  12. Yes I have for dinner several times. But obviously nominal born-into-it Moslems like your acquaintances. And I don't fear them at all, I fear for you. BTW why are you constantly trawling through my profile like Dutch does? Marty?
  13. They are very simple, and sensible. Should be easy for you: 1) What do you call Obama's six month ban on Iraqi refugees? 2) And why is the USA obliged to accept people from these - or any countries - if its citizens vote not to? You have done this? Been in the same house with a true Moslem family at bedtime? (Forbidden in Islam BTW; any friendship with non-Mos is completely haram). Or are you referring only to non-adherent Moslems who are no more religious than you are?
  14. Yes polls in the US show similar results. No answer to my two simple questions...?
  15. So what do you call brainy Obama's six month ban on Iraqi refugees? And why is the USA obliged to accept people from these - or any countries - if its citizens vote not to (which they did)? Your views are in the minority of course, you must be already aware of that.
  16. These countries were listed specifically by the Department of Homeland Security - during the Obama administration - as countries of concern; see the executive order. So one could say it is Obama's list he is applying. Your confusion is understandable; this sort of information is carefully filtered by the leftmedia so you wouldn't hear it there.
  17. Your obsession is getting creepy.
  18. You are easily amused. I don't like this lady much and agree she needs to be careful what she says but this one does seem a fairly mild error of speech. Like hyper-bowl. Did you get equally steamed about Hillary's intentional whoppers (Bosnia etc etc etc)? She was apparently referring to the two Iraqi terrorist enablers who lived in Bowling Green and were arrested in 2011 for sending money and weapons to Al Qaeda in Iraq. These were very serious crimes, one got 40 years and the other a life sentence. The fingerprints of one of the Iraqis was claimed to match those on an IED which makes the above tweet in very poor taste; very likely American lives were lost and it may have even been a massacre, just not in Kentucky.
  19. Everyone has banned you papa
  20. No, you didn't comprehend what I wrote; suggest read it again if it triggers you so much. I referred to the 'progressive' protestors as being 'soviet in a way' - that is they are just another group of Socialist activists that hate democracy, the west and our heritage. After having benefited from it of course. Obama implemented massive changes by EO including starting a war and forced Americans to change their health insurance rather than the standard process via congress. So you can't chuck a tanty when the next president does the something similar. At least Obama's legacy is easily erased, with the exception of him doubling the national debt in eight years. Perhaps Trump will also sic the IRS onto his opponents and critics like Obama did, who knows? Start a bushfire, the future direction may not always be to your liking. But thank you for conceding I am correct.
  21. Hilarious, I'm loving it. There was apparently no problem at all when Obama ruled by executive order for eight years - no media outrage, no riots, no violent protests or childish meltdowns. These 'progressives' hate progress - and also democracy and the west of course. Rather Soviet in a way. Mob mentality rules the left. Outside the elite and the thugs many are well-meaning but very gullible, naive and easily led people. The latest fake news outrage they have been deceived by is the "seven country ban".... not willing or curious enough to actually read the Executive Order to find it does not even mention the "seven countries", only Syria is mentioned. Check this CNN fake headline then read the actual EO text below. The countries were compiled by the Obama administration DHS, maybe that wouldn't fit into the headline or text though. Calling this a "Muslim ban" or implying a conspiracy like #404 is even more exciting and outrage inducing. Again there was no problem when Obama blocked visa's for Iraqi's in 2011 for six months, no outrage in the press at all; oh actually they may not have even mentioned it. These media minions have been conditioned to only jump when the left media clash their outrage cymbals. Which is daily now.... keep it up guys, wear out your remaining followers as your credibility (and income) trickles further away.
  22. Sure, while you are down there you can read it and perhaps start to understand what I'm referring to.
  23. Totally, they know which side their bread is buttered. Oops just noticed some grammatical errors. The Bourke Street murderer was likely more inspired by psychotic drugs than the Koran, however he certainly claimed to be Islamic so I think there is clearly the possibility of demonic influence as well.
  24. Just saw this cartoon. This sort of thing has been happening in Israel quite a bit. A friend of mine was part of the UN force in Cyprus for a few years. He says there was not much to do but about every 12 months or so the locals would stage a bit of shooting and arguing purely with the intend to keep the UN presence there as an ongoing financial contributor. There is very little the UN does these days that is not primarily a scam and frequently actively harmful to the locals. It's notable achievements are all well in the past.
  25. Thanks for conceded I am correct on available space. Yes the exercise was simplified, intentionally and (very) obviously so. I wish the population to grow, you do not = we have very different worldviews. So what. This has no relevance to the argument which is a mathematical one.
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