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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. How about giving us all a list of places that embody atheist utopia? I'm only aware of all the awful ones. Ah, again we get the athi's favorite - flat earth / centre of universe nonsense. This is not in the Bible and has nothing to do with religion or Christianity. If you don't accept this please provide passages from the Bible that support your claim. Yes, same creator. At last something we both agree on. Regarding you & Don's favorite topic of Galileo being persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church this was due to the RCC being strongly influenced by the earlier science of Aristotle, a pagan Greek. It had nothing to do with Christianity or the Bible (which does not teach this) they decided 'the science is settled' and would not accept any contrary views. We are seeing the same situation today with specific topics such as global warming and Darwinian evolution. Any scientist that points out contrary data or the lack of supporting evidence is howled down and in many cases their career is curtailed. In the latter case it is predominantly your side that is howling down the new science of course. Advances in the past thirty years have shown that life if so vastly complex that abiogenesis and macro evolution are scientifically and mathematically utterly impossible - that's in addition to having no observable evidence. The more complex detail we find the more evidence of design is everywhere you look. It is more credible to accept that we are the spawn of aliens than that everything 'just happened'. Yes, as above atheists like you are indeed clinging to their beliefs despite scientific evidence to the contrary. The old doctrines are comforting to them. No creator means no judgement. You hope.
  2. They way you confidently trot out these ignorant notions is both scary and amusing at the same time. Yeah "he may have become an atheist at some time in his life" eh? Hitler was a practicing Christian also who wasn't at all motivated by his believe in Darwinian evolution I suppose? Up is down, cold is hot in Dons little world. Fact is countries who cling to Atheism are universally noted for their misery, human suffering and loss of freedom. And this is to be expected. If you hold to no higher moral authority than yourself and a dogma of survival of the fittest you spawn brutality.
  3. "Christian Religions" I think you mean Roman Catholicism there. Religion is awful and un-Godly but an inherent part of sinful human nature - including yours Don. That is why your chosen faith of Atheism has killed countless tens of millions and brought untold misery and suffering wherever the state has attempted to implement it.
  4. Assuming this is legit not sure how the engine handles the water? "Stunt rider Robbie “Maddo” Maddison had a “pipe dream” — literally. He dreamed of taking his dirt bike off road and onto the waves. For two years, he’s been in the process of fine-tuning a bike with specialized wheels that could do just that."
  5. Mostly young men. The very people that should be fixing up their own busted-ass country rather than fleeing. One chap from Iran who applied for a job told me he was a refugee & when I asked him why he came here he said he just wanted a change. That was it.
  6. I've seen some uncovered ones that were quite scary looking really suspected this may have been the issue that created this solution seeing as it isn't actually a Koranic command. Notice how the men don't even walk close to their wives? The 'letterbox ladies' with the freedom sack are something else though. Always tempted to compliment them on their 'hot looking eyes' so their husbands will force them to wear sunglasses also.
  7. Sure it is seeing as your side lost.
  8. Herring break
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGXTF6bs1IU
  10. Haha, I was waiting for one of these to surface.
  11. Just fly instead, never seen anyone checking speeds...
  12. Who's the hippie?
  13. Sorry to hear that OK, hope you feel better now. And yes I pray also that your perspective will indeed change a bit!
  14. Hard to get a heh heh from you, no? What you are (or should be) protesting is crony capitalism. As you say, do some research...
  15. Twas a joke OK. The organisation is actually just a socialist front, not an erectile dysfunction medication.
  16. Get Up are just another big corporation cashing in on older guys ED problem.
  17. Today sometime quite literally a tree or a dog can be regarded as more valuable than a person, ^ this is why. Many people now worship nature. Also themselves.
  18. Well he's against being illuminated.
  19. Yes the image was convincing enough but the sound track just sealed it - totally credible Phil.
  20. Where did they go? There are many, many foxes living all through Adelaide.
  21. Oh I don't mind it, the paint job is fabulous and I love the fact that no rego is apparently necessary. There are a few stray peafowl about, they roost high and in some ways are tougher than chooks. Incidentally I found the two don't mix so well as they have quite different traits.
  22. Not at all. You believe in the theory of Darwinian evolution (and most likely also abiogenesis) by faith. Fundamental atheists now hold Sunday meetings and have their own 'ten commandments'. It is a faith you hold to. Any religious inspired wars are awful of course but it needs to be pointed out the death toll and sheer human suffering and misery pale beneath that many tens of millions killed and hundreds of millions oppresses by governmental atheism, the most intolerant of all faiths. That is the Moslem and Atheism faiths - instructed in the Koran and also by atheist leaders Marx, Lenin, Castro, Kim etc. You like to try and paint that on every other faith but your own don't you Nev.
  23. Well certainly not to me, it is to be expected and pitied: 1 Corinthians 1v18 "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." As for the reference to David Phelps trying to sing (a very successful and highly regarded tenor) this suggests jealousy, again to be pitied. I note the fundamental atheists here have been stung by the article but not one has posted counter arguments to any of the writers five points, they are just upset with me for bringing it up as like all religious folk they object to critical scrutiny of their faith.
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