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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. Quit being crabby folks, here's a wonderful song to brighten your Lordsday Marty - twas cut and past from the linked article that made the fonts thus.... liked your family photo BTW.
  2. Well the title is a link to an article written by an Atheist which includes all the subheadings I listed and he answers your questions quite comprehensively.
  3. 5 Ways Atheists Argue Their Cause (That Aren't Helping) #5. The Closest Atheism Has To Leaders Are Terrible People #4. It's Become Tied To Awful Ideas #3. There's An Arrogance To It #2. It's Become Too Defensive #1. It's Focused On The Wrong Goals
  4. Don't know if this is related but I heard these were plagued with electrical issues? Could be a computer issue dues to power loss? Guy I know that owns ones reckons it is a bit of a dog.
  5. Take it from their welfare payments.
  6. Fantastic OME. Sir Isaac Newton was likely the most brilliant scientist of all time and his discovery of calculus (also was Leibniz) was literally about how the universe was created. As Pythagoras said "all is number", that is everything we see in nature right down to sub-atomic level (OK we can't see that) is based on mathematics.
  7. Can America have fewer prisoners without more crime?
  8. Hey Frank I used to employ an Aborigine who was born in Innisfail, he looked & spoke quite different to the ones we see down here. Looked exactly like and Indian actually (same ancestors I would think). Is there a significant difference between the FNQ tribes and others in Australia do you know?
  9. Frank I was responding to the person who implied ISIS were avenging criminal acts against them, they are not. Nor do they follow the Torah, it is silly to even suggest this. Re religiously inspired killing still way out in front by many tens of millions of deaths is Communism and Socialism - the spawn of atheism which is why I regard the latter as the most dangerous faith of all.
  10. ISIS are killing mostly innocent people, their actions have absolutely nothing to do with equal retribution of crimes. Not that there is anything wrong with this principle, it is actually fair if you think about it. But in case you hadn't noticed the Jews that follow this OT law aren't out there doing what ISIS is doing. You are either confused on this point or are a God-hater who just wanted to try and throw in another smear.
  11. Oh but that is what we are required to do by law sir, odd that you've not caught on. No defensive weapons allowed in Australia remember? You do know the cops tend to take much more interest in arresting anyone who uses a weapon to defend themselves than they do in the perp? Soft vs hard target, recall that stuff?
  12. Yes. And the men that have been subject to domestic violence also.
  13. Exactly. The media here made such a huge thing about this affair the Indo's had to carry though with their executions as a matter of pride. Never hear much about other Australians in gaol / on death row overseas. Red Cross actively supporting terrorists with equipment etc in the middle east.
  14. Dazza will flip when he sees that headline. It's wonderful that Andrew Chan was saved before he died, all his sins forgiven - truly he can rest in peace. I sincerely hope at least some of the others were also. Life is short, despite what we have done or not done in our lives I see this as of utmost importance. Psalm 23 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou hast anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely, goodness and loving-kindness shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for the length of the days." Psalm 103 "As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. As a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. For himself knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust. As for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth: For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone, and the place thereof knoweth it no more. But the loving-kindness of the Lord is from everlasting and to everlasting, upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children"
  15. No, that would be FT.
  16. Great way to grab a few wallets!
  17. Just received a fine from them of $170 for being 8 days late with a payment so in turn I had the pleasure of sending them a fine for $850 as they were more than 23 weeks late sending my income tax refund from last year. Used their criteria: $170 per 28 days or part thereof, works for me. Rule of law in Australia, thus the rules apply to everyone equally.
  18. You have a point, I feel for the worm!
  19. Bad for the environment, causes global warming. Best to recycle Dazza.
  20. The moz have been doing that here for decades. On my way to work I drive past a mosque that has a 'vertical burial plot' (pretty sure they don't call it that) alongside, set up in the 90's. Wouldn't bother me, could use a length of suitable diameter cardboard tube instead of a coffin. Hmm as a further option could include a charge below if you wish your remains to be launched skyward at some point.
  21. Never watch TV and don't own one so never seen the ads. Internet (with ad-block) works for me. Used to use a Braun electric toothbrush but now Dr Tung's Ionic brush, doesn't look as funky but works well, needs no power outlet, does no damage & is much cheaper (sounds like an ad no?). Also used to visit Australian dentists, what an awful rip-off that was...
  22. You're a funny chap Marty! Be sure to sober up before you fly next, reckon that's some industrial strength stuff you got hold of.
  23. Perth - a car would be helpful, can't miss King Park. Sydney - if you are in the city don't get a car, plenty to see walking the city or via train / bus; maritime museum at darling harbour, zoo, Opera House, go for a ferry ride to Manly etc. At Sydney domestic is a small Qantas museum, open limited hours.
  24. - and no doubt they well get it! Ooooh Anna Pizzachook give us more of the new way! So how much tax does Australia's biggest media organisation the ABC pay then Marty? Oh, that's right...
  25. Yep, Fairfax media = tax cheats. Paid less than 16% last year.
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