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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. Just print one like you do with an ASIC? Haha, only having fun. As long as you don't start..... stuttering... like.... Phil....
  2. Yes, however to be a fair tax system mortgage payments for your place of residence should be tax deductible, as they are in the USA. (Also it should be "wouldn't" and "investors" Dazz.)
  3. Exactly - need a big pool of low-information, poorly educated welfare dependents to vote Labor. The party for the poor has an interest in keeping you there.
  4. And a cow was the first astronaut.
  5. Folk don't seem to care much about government debt these days, I suspect largely the result of dumbing down education. Where any economics is taught it tends to be pro-Keynesian rubbish (essentially pro-debt / borrowing with failed outcomes). However in this distorted post modern world what politicians call a 'saving' is frequently a tax increase so good not to pass them. Really this government like the last just has a crazy spending problem, LIB are just as bad with this as ALP nowadays:
  6. Don we know from scripture that Jesus Christ (who it seems you are inferring) did not have long hair, your thinking is distorted by your Roman Catholic upbringing. To me the pictures are a couple of hippies. If referring to Darwinian evolution theory you haven't offered any scientific enlightenment rg. You folk cling to this one so desperately, I'm just pointing out the emperors lack of clothes - no evidence of DNA being added, no mechanism to even do this, no example of one species transitioning into another, no example of abiogensis or how that might ever happen, no reason as to why the 2nd law of thermodynamics must be inverted when considering this theory but not for anything else - the list goes on and on. Instead of throwing in one sentence why don't you start by explaining to us the use of partially formed sex organs and how they became functional over time for example? And with examples?
  7. Hey Don, my faith is in no way fragile - on the hand grenade analogy I just toss them right back. But most are fizzers so I tend not to bother with them. Regarding your comment in #1800 above - no it honestly does not remind me of anyone at all. You think it should? I'm not aware of anyone that looks like this, but I would like to give him a haircut. Update: maybe Guy Penrod? Great singer, scruffy hippy.
  8. Like Atheism? Plenty of them about in the west. Yes, atheists have started their own Sunday services, they are very popular. Yes atheists find comfort by faith in their belief that life has no meaning or purpose and there will be no future judgement of their actions. That would be Moslems. Christians worship Jesus Christ who sought no earthly pleasures. True, fundamental atheists are very intolerant. That was the Son of God! And on our behalf, so we don't need to. You are quoting Isaiah 53v7 - a prophecy written 750 years before the event took place, confirming the authenticity of scripture. Yep, you should start examining the lack of science beneath your core belief in Darwinian evolution hypothesis. It is the holiest doctrine to all atheists so don't expect them to be accommodating of your free thought.
  9. Haven't looked yet actually... how long's it? Real nice weather for flying at the moment, this global warmning thing gives sweet summers. Must offer up some more CO2 to gaia.
  10. Phil I see Apple also have a similar problem - don't blame them, it is the tax systems that are distorted. It is the same principle as you and I looking for a good deal or purchasing a cheaper imported product over a local one (which may or may not be as good).
  11. I agree with your points Nev, glad you enjoyed my post and found it somehow both illogical and not.
  12. Confirms again what we've seen in the preceding pages - fundamental Atheists* essentially don't do humour. To me it comes across as a narrow minded hectoring, soulless religion for the spiritually dead. Just in case you were wondering. Hey I feel for you stuck in that Marty! * just to be clear I am only referring to fundamental Atheists (really anti-theists) here.
  13. QLD population is 4.7m so state debt is around $18,000 per person or $72,000 per family of four. Federal government (ALP) debt is an additional debt of approaching $28,000 per person or $112,000 per family of four. So nett government debt for each Queenslander is in the order of $46,000. Much higher again if you look at it per taxpayer. But note also I haven't included local government debt in this figure.... anyways, as long as you feel you got good value for all this debt it's sweet. You do have a bunch of shiny new assets to show for it right?
  14. Cooper in the US they quote / charge outrageous fees for hospital expenses.... but then it is very much subject to negotiation. The insurance companies don't pay anywhere near the fees the media quote, only a fool would pay the full amount. Typically you can get it down to perhaps 20% so probably cheaper than in AU, and generally better / quicker service. On topic this American sound like a jerk who hates his own country (seems to be fashionable there, even their Pres & his first dude wife does now). But as long as he spends $ here who cares I guess.
  15. That most of them are criminals?
  16. To answer your question absolutely not. It is surprising to me you would even ask this which is why I assumed you were just being silly - if you actually understood the immense doctrinal differences between the Bible and the Koran you would not need to ask this question. I fear for people that blaspheme, but then I also understand why it is; punishing them would be the last thing in my mind. But the people in your picture are young, you and I have one foot in the grave and we should know better right? To anyone reading this you can of course chose not to believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ however if you live in a western country and are honest with yourself you would have to admit that you have personally benefited immensely from his teachings many of which are very much part of our western culture and laws which we tend to take for granted. So ask yourself: why would you curse and deride this man Jesus? You have benefited and he has never harmed you in any way, so why mock a person you have never even met? Why not also mock other historical figures or leaders? Could it be that there is something driving you to mock that particular person above everyone else? Matthew 20v19 "and they will deliver him up to the nations to mock and to scourge and to crucify, and the third day he shall rise again."
  17. Which Christian churches are you referring to? That you believe Providence College is a "Mickey Mouse University" suggests you are at best confused.
  18. Haha you crack me up Don! All this in response to my #1696 post which was simply a link to a Federalist article. You really complain that you can understand a link? You do get that I didn't write the linked article and that it was actually written by an Atheist? Re blasphemy have you noticed that the violent response problem exists with Islam or are you like Marty who can't grasp the differences between faiths? From the silly question you posit above it would seem so.
  19. There is some truth in this Nev. The Christian reformation was about returning to the teachings of scripture and tossing all the ungodly trash the RC church at the time had added - the cry was Sola Scriptura and salvation by faith in Christ. Now it is the time of the Moslem reformation, millions of them are turning to and reading the teachings of the Koran and the example of Mohammad. As the Koran is the antithesis of the Bible (read both) the result is instead mass bloodshed, violence and unrest wherever Islam is practiced.
  20. Harbourtrade Christians started institutions like universities and hospitals that we now take for granted. A few pages back one of the resident Athi's was repeating the common 'flat earth' myth so this seems appropriate:
  21. I get it, more intelligent = less able to understand. Thanks for your gem of wisdom there Don
  22. Why Islam is more violent than Christianity: an Atheist's guide.
  23. Sorry I'm not sure what you are claiming rgmwa? I'm very tolerant of atheists and certainly don't wish to silence them or restrict them in any way; I enjoy discussing these matters with atheists and urging them to reconsider the evidence is certainly not intolerance. In fact quite the opposite - if I didn't care about their eternal destiny then I wouldn't take the time to warn them of the consequences. Many freedoms such as freedom of religion is a specific attribute of countries that have a Christian heritage; I'm currently in an officially atheist country and no such freedom is found here.
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