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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu
The transitional species ate it.
Cool, this idea would make Greenies head explode. Maybe dress them as a windmill?
It's exactly the opposite Don and you know it. No Christians is demanding you to surrender your atheism, that is absurd. Yet the atheists here are the ones demanding the closing of the thread (you still recall saying that?) and the blocking of children's ears from hearing any discussion of faith or even daring to point out the lack of scientific evidence for the holy atheist doctrine of Darwinian evolution. Anyone can look at the fruits - atheist governments have historically murdered the most people of all and give the least freedom, you'll just have to live with that inconvenient fact. See you are not just an atheist Don you are specifically anti-Christian. All of the other faiths don't bother you like this one does, I'm sure if you hit your thumb you don't curse Mohammad or Buddha. That is your choice however every day you enjoy the benefits and freedoms and laws that the western world has, a good deal of which has come from Christianity. So I tend to view anti-Christian bigots living in the west as just freeloaders who despise the very culture they benefit from. Still pedaling this utter dishonesty I see. I don't suppose you actually read what Mohammad said after his first revelation in the cave? Because at the time he didn't even claim this himself. See if you actually read the primary sources you can understand this stuff and then don't have to rely on fabrications and quotes from fundamental atheist websites. Unless you prefer to stick with the latter of course.
Hmm, I used to ride a unicycle. Well I also used to be an unbeliever (we all start that way) but yes, not an atheist. Frankly atheism and its doctrines Darwinian evolution theory and abiogenesis - I simply don't have enough faith for that stuff. You and I have one foot in the grave so to speak so it is worthwhile considering these issues. It doesn't have to be Nev.... doesn't have to be. So here is where the confusion lies. In Christianity no-one can save their own soul. Regardless of how many good works we might do it just isn't going to happen. Salvation is instead by faith in Christ, Ephesians 2v8 "For ye are saved by grace, through faith; and this not of yourselves; it is God's gift: not on the principle of works, that no one might boast." This is an amazing thing to grasp; a person might have mocked God and blasphemed his name every day of his life but in literally the last minute of life (eg as the Jabiru conks and heads down towards the rocks) that person can be saved eternally by believing in Jesus Christ and calling upon Him - Acts 2v21 "And it shall be that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Many reject this as it just seems too simple. I think the most amazing portion of the book of Revelation is found in chapter 3 "Behold, I stand at the door and am knocking; if any one hear my voice and open the door, I will come in unto him and sup with him, and he with me." The door latch is on our side.... This sets Christianity apart from all other religions. To Daz and others it's not confusing when you analyze it as there are only two types: 1) man by repeatedly doing good works strives to reach and appease God or 2) in biblical Christianity God, despite all that we have done, is reaching out to man.
Keep trying to convince yourself that.... the facts and evidence say otherwise - not that you like searching for them when it doesn't suit.
I like freedom and Atheism is a belief system for those with totalitarian views. Plenty of examples on this thread how they want to impose their faith and doctrines on everyone else, just because they smugly claim to know better. Dawkins is a pompous fool (Ps 14v1) but I'll credit him with honesty in that at least he says 6 out of 7, he realizes that to claim 7 (as the Athi's here apparently do) requires scientific proof of which there is non and this puts Atheism firmly into the position of being a faith.
Still not able to answer my question I see. Atheists are very much a minority on this planet - why do you demand every child be raised in your belief system? Who gave you authority over everyone's children?
So now you get to raise your children how you like. I still don't get why you want authority over other parents, can you explain? This desire is not something that has ever occurred to me. The idea of personal choice and freedom seems anathema to atheists.... Personally I like my children to understand something of all the different beliefs and views, not this blinkered approach athi's espouse.
This one opposes children learning how to read and write. OK.....
Why does it bother you - do you think everyone's children all belong to you? You believe that you have superior knowledge of child rearing compared to children's own parents? Or just another case of garden variety atheist intolerance.... scratch the surface, find an autocrat. Your athi children are brought up being indoctrinated that they came from nothing, have no purpose in life or real value and will return to nothing when they die. Big surprise so many turn to drugs and others end up topping themselves. Apparently this is superior though.
Well the funny thing Dafydd is that your view here actually agrees exactly with what the Bible teaches. We humans are an amazing creation but deeply flawed in nature, religion and violence are examples of that. If you cared to read it also explains the origin and reason for diseases and other afflictions that you referred to earlier and incorrectly blamed God for. And on the topic of religion I also agree, it has a long history of destruction - Jesus Christ (who was very anti-religious) was persecuted daily and finally put to death by religious men. Although it should also be noted that the Atheist religion in the countries it has been implemented is the worst of the lot when it comes to intolerance and human suffering. Actually I noticed your previous post #332 illustrates this - the desire to suppress anyone who doesn't agree with Atheist views, this attitude seems very common.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU9qVxEwE9g And there are so many more.... here's another: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp0DG9uuSMQ
No, you miss the point. Irrespective of my opinion or how you personally regard scripture you would surely agree with the principle that the head of the RCC is meant to believe the words of Jesus Christ.
This pope is well meaning but a bit of a dud IMO. He claims to follow Jesus Christ yet Jesus Himself believed in creation and indeed the Bible clearly states Jesus Christ is Himself the creator (Col 1v16 etc). Does Francis think he lit the fuse or something? This is one of the doctrinal differences I've noticed between Christians and Roman Catholics horse, many of the latter believe in evolution.
Don has apparently locked in his faith on this one and seems incurious about any scientific discoveries that may interfere. Exactly when dinosaurs disappeared is of no consequence to me except I would've liked to have tasted them. As it turns out very likely being too tasty was their problem. Now well known Paleontologists like Mary Schweitzer and others have found T-rex fossils (remains really) that smell rotten and still have fragments of flexible ligaments, soft tissue & marrow blood cells we can be 100% certain that particular critter certainly didn't kark it millions of years ago. Besides there are plenty of ancient artworks that depict what we now call dinosaurs, so all taken together I'd say yes - good evidence some of them were around when our human ancestors were.
It's actually the exact opposite Daffydd - science keeps changing rather than religious doctrine. The text books for the former are regularly re-written, the latter remains the same. Ooooh.... question atheist doctrine or the high priest Darwin and you get a strong reaction! This is not a scientific, inquiring mind but a closed mind folks. Why do you claim this OK? Charles Darwin* himself stated that transitional fossils ought to be the most abundant types found and acknowledged that his theory rested on this being the case. So you disagree with him? * As a scientist I believe he was quite a good one and was frank in his statements; just that - outside of natural selection - the rest of his hypothesis didn't pan out.
Seems to come naturally Don, perhaps you don't realise it. And repeating the false claim that Yahweh of the Bible is Allah of the Koran is either ignorance or another example. Everything described in both books about them shows polar opposites.
This thread has now gone full circle back to smug atheist claims again. As I tried to explain to you in #63 some people (like ISIS) are so vile they must be destroyed. The Canaanites were the same - engaging in violent and perverted practises such as child sacrifice means you are heading for destruction. Jericho and the land around is the inheritance of Israel so these creeps (v9-12) were also invaders. This may not sit well with your secular humanist views but so be it, in the end justice will be done.
Haha.... disappointment - found one thing Gnu is good at. This present pope may well be a nice person, I just prefer Mr Rapsinger.
This pope is no good, he is boring and a socialist like f_t. In the bad old days things were more lively. At one stage there were two popes sitting at once & fighting with each other. Another time there was a woman pope (dressed as a man of course). Sadly she died in childbirth.* * no, not making this up...
These are common myths and having studied both in depth I can assure you they absolutely incorrect Don. Besides I didn't claim Moslems were atheists, just that the countries they rule share many common traits. Moslems worship Allah who is the exact opposite number to the God described in the Bible. Allah dwells in hell for example (the one place God cannot be) punishing unbelievers, he encourages lying to and stealing from non-Moslems and there are many other instances. Moslems absolutely do not follow the moral code of the Bible. Much of the major laws and legal principles in western countries are still based on the Old Testament laws, Islam has sharia law which is altogether different and indeed opposite in some key areas. What ISIS shows us so starkly is that some people are so utterly evil they must be completely destroyed. It was the same in Old Testament times; you have places like Sodom where the entire population were participating in mass gang rapes and other violence and depravity. Again what seems "acceptable practises" to you doesn't to other people. On the humour side I find it funny you still read f_t posts, I gave up long ago. He is a disturbed individual and longs for the response and reaction of others; instead of threatening to break his fingers you could maybe offer him professional help or something?
You might hope. There is a strong correlation between fundamental atheists and Islam (strictly Mohammadanism). Countries founded on these systems like Cuba, North Korea, USSR and Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan etc have no problem killing plenty of people as 'a moral thing to do'. Freedom, joy, love are suppressed - bigotry and intolerance rule the day... not quite what you imagined as "acceptable practices" I suspect. This is why atheist organizations in the west (like the ABC here) are quite accepting of and active in promoting Islam. I believe they serve the same boss.
Sorry rgmwa I've been away for a while.... that isn't the high court decision I was referring to. But this is a humour section anyway so no need to get into heavy stuff here I guess.
Yeah I get the thing about 'I'm smarter than you, fool'. It's another feature of the faith.
Marty as an example most atheists have faith in Dawinian evolution and abiogenesis. According to the definition of religion established by the High Court of Australia this is very clearly a religious belief. Agnosticism is not religious, atheism is. Agnostics tend not to preach, atheists frequently do. I would say anyone that still believes in anthropogenic global warming is religious by your definition. Totally fine by me of course, just as long as I don't have to comply with or pay for their religious beliefs. See, I've managed to connect with the other religious thread now...