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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. These days you'll find many Atheists like to share their faith also.
  2. The temperature stopped rising 18 years ago Andy, every singe climate model has been proven wrong. Don't be a denier - real science says it's time to dump the theory and start over.
  3. Birds of a feather flock together.
  4. Chief Flapping Turkey has spoken.
  5. Hmm.... I don't have time to wade through that steaming pile. I think Dazza (who knows his sh#t) would probably agree f_t's posts look about type 7 on the Bristol scale.
  6. ^ Here is a smart ass....
  7. An atheist was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and he turned to her and said, “Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.” The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total stranger, “What would you want to talk about?” ”Oh, I don’t know,” said the atheist. “How about why there is no God, or no Heaven or Hell, or no life after death?” as he smiled smugly. “OK,” she said. “Those could be interesting topics but let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff – grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps. Why do you suppose that is?” The atheist, visibly surprised by the little girl’s intelligence, thinks about it and says, “Hmmm, I have no idea.” To which the little girl replies, “Do you really feel qualified to discuss why there is no God, or no Heaven or Hell, or no life after death, when you don’t know sh#t?” And then she went back to reading her book.
  8. ^ standard CCP line again. You are a real mouthpiece for the Chicoms buddy, a useful idiot as Stalin would say. Tell us about the pheasant who had to amputate his own leg as the Chinese hospitals wanted a $48k deposit from him. This Man Amputated His Own Leg: That’s How Bad China’s Health Care Crisis Is More here....
  9. "Geothermal anyone? Temperature underground doesn't change much." Geothermal = fracking radioactive rock = nuclear but remote areas (in Australia) and with limited control. Why not have a proper controllable nuclear power plant positioned where you need it & save all the transmission runs also? As a bonus it will also work consistently unlike Flannerys dud thing. Bottom line, if you like geothermal you like fracking and nuclear, good for you. Nuke is natures power source of course.
  10. You could try Currency On Line or similar for overseas transfers, much better rates than banks.
  11. Peeved fundamental atheist expresses anger that he is unable to comprehend how completely unrelated topics are unrelated. Being uneducated in the basic tenets of a faith he enjoys the benefits of daily he bursts into profanity to unsure all credibility is definitely gone. Claims the USA is almost completely stupid despite what most rational people would see is a long history of innovation and creativity. Apparently thinks Australians have superior intellect but doesn't mention any actual evidence of this.
  12. "I like Malcolm too, he polled worse than Gillard after utegate, he's the best person to lead the - - - ALP at the moment."
  13. Technology just keeps improving each year; governments progressively worsen. Free enterprise rocks! I have a back-up FFT analyser that runs CP/M with 5.25 inch floppies, a clunky keyboard and a small mono CRT screen. Still a fantastic device.... have to remember the necessary commands to run it though. On topic windows 8.1 is easily the best version yet, stable and very fast. I also use classic shell just for familiarity reasons.
  14. Arrange for him to win some (minor but not not useless) item and have a friend contact to advise and arrange delivery. Or similar theme.... would he like a barbecue? A tool of some type? & have him volunteer an address. You could do it in conjunction with a friendly local business to make it more legit. Then deliver an old s/h item as the prize, don't want to be dishonest like him see?
  15. I find Windows 8.1 fantastic - it's much faster than previous versions and very stable. I don't use the start screen much, mostly the desktop - old habits I guess. Struggled a little bit initially but then added classic shell and would never consider going back to the old XP or 7 systems.
  16. Did you try deleting the recflying cookies then visit and log back in again? Also dump Vista, Windows 8.1 is terrific IMO.
  17. I have a Surface Pro 2, easily the best computer I've owned & personally find no problem with the screen size - I use a combination of touch, keyboard & mouse depending upon the task. The build quality and screen resolution is fantastic, battery life could be better. Unlike guts with screens bigger is always better of course, but then you have to carry both about...
  18. Just perfect weather here, nicest part of the year....
  19. You are aware that you didn't actually need to do a course to be able to test and tag OME? Not that the course would not be beneficial of course but probably why many businesses would prefer to do this themselves just for the cost of the blank tags, quite legal to do so
  20. His points in the follow up interview were good too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sykEOFu0aYQ
  21. In fact it makes perfect sense. Where should this stop Alf? If the government was giving the car manufacturers money why should they not also give my manufacturing business money? And why only manufacturing, why not give all employers money based on how many they employ? Now that would be nice as effectively we would get our tax money back but not so practical right? On the employment topic sometimes good advice comes from unexpected sources: "the only job that is beneath you is not having a job".
  22. Really? I find Moonbats fun.
  23. Reality is dangerous for some, or your computer maybe hacked by Communists. Have you been to the ABC or Fairfax websites lately, could've picked up something there. Anyway what you see in #819 is what is at the Quadrant link, minus the title. This is relevant also:
  24. What do RAN types get up to in their idle hours? Well, when not fishing illegal aliens out of the Indian Ocean, they amuse themselves by torturing those still aboard with red-hot engine mufflers and vicious beatings. Or so the ABC and Fairfax would have us believe. Is it that inhabitants of those newsrooms actually believe what they are reporting, or is that any slander, no matter how far-fetched, serves the purpose of besmirching the Abbott government? Zeg has reached his conclusion....
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