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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. ^ Thanks for making the thread funny again Scotty. In summary the Liberals are evil because they made your head explode.... OK they may be a little hopeless in some areas but see to many of us this just makes it all worthwhile!
  2. Haha, neat. Many guys would aspire to own balls of steel (boom tish) but yeah as you suggest head to a bearing shop first & ask what they can do.
  3. The ones on the left are pasted - kinda like paper mache really (French for "chewed paper"). You make these using kraft paper on a hemispherical former. Not as strong.
  4. Welded as in plastic welded that is. They are some moderately brittle type of plastic as they are designed to shatter. I just googled and found this picture (the plastic ones are on the right): You only need a couple right?
  5. Perhaps what you need is a plastic aerial shell (fireworks), they come in two halves that clip together. There would be a small opening on one for the fuse, not sure if that's a problem. Could be welded over.
  6. What diameter range is acceptable?
  7. f-t could adopt the scrotum frog?
  8. Ha ha, you sure about that? BTW the 98.5% DNA similarity claim figure has since been revised downward by more recent studies, it is now a claimed 95% similarity in one and 86-89% in another. But then they also didn't tell us that chimp genome is still well short of being fully sequenced yet.... in the meantime the original figure makes a good headline. As there are four bases in DNA the starting point is 25% similarity not zero; apparently using the same comparison technique humans are estimated to share 35% similarity to daffodils.
  9. Dazza remember how we used to hear a lot about "junk DNA"? And notice you haven't heard that term for a long time now. That's because with further research scientists have since realised that all DNA is actually relevant and important, just initially they had no idea of all of its function and assumed a lot of it was superfluous due to the influence of evolutionary thinking. BTW a watermelon and a rain cloud have more than 90% in common, must be from the same origin perhaps.
  10. As a matter of fact like the elder when I see seashells in central Australia or fossils buried deep under sediment I also believe this is evidence that there was a flood that caused this - a very large one or possibly more than one flood. You don't think there was? That's fine by me but the difference is I wouldn't call you anti-scientific, perhaps you haven't gotten around to objectively examining all the evidence yet. As for evolution personally I hold to the well established and clearly observable 2nd law of thermodynamics. The famous scientists I mentioned (and many others) believed in creation yet you infer anyone who holds this must be unscientific. All the churches I know that teach biblical creation are also very big into examining evolution theory, seems scientific to me to examine and test all theories not to block your ears to alternative views. That would be belief by faith. I find many who hold dearly to evolution theory have not even read Darwin's book, they just believe the theory because that's what they were taught and it is somehow comforting to not be confronted with an alternative view. (Darwin BTW was a real scientist who himself postulated that his theory would only stand on the observation of transitional fossil evidence which he said should be the great majority numerically; not one species-transitional fossil has yet been found.)
  11. As you have offered no evidence to support this claim I remain thinking that it is just based on bigotry. The article you posted above has zero to do with any churches, suggest you try the public school system (also the excessive welfare system that removes incentive).
  12. Good bigoted point you made there against your own argument. Many of the fathers of modern science & mathematics were Christians (eg Newton, Bacon, Kepler, Boyle) and the university system itself was started by Christians as were most of the most prominent universities today (Yale, Oxford, Harvard, Princeton - all started by Christian or church groups). If people like you that are ignorant of western culture and history are teaching young people then why the surprise they also often turn out the same? I suspect you like modern (pseudo) science - belief in concepts established by consensus & majority vote right?
  13. Maybe they were taught by Ernest Hemingway.
  14. That's bad Russ, many of us learned this the hard way I suspect. Any chance of recovering anything off the hard drive? I've had success with swapping the circuit board on one and with freezing another, enabled me to grab chunks of data briefly as it thawed out.
  15. This is kinda dramatic - be sure to turn the sound up to catch the full impact:
  16. Sheesh, just move into a suburb and get over it.
  17. Very good planedriver! Due to Hollywood movies we all have a distinct impression of life in Chicago under 'the mob' however the reality is that the murder rate in Chicago is much higher today than it was back then. Don't know how the population compares.
  18. Tim Matheson posting here now? She's 100% failure Tim & bankrupting the country, only useful as a concubine. And who cares about Libs, a syphilitic camel or a drovers dog would make a better leader than Gillard. "Marriage is a form of prostitution" - Julia Gillard
  19. Bex - no actually things run better here without a leader. Illegal immigration aside, when nothing is being done by government that's actually a good thing. We wish they would holiday for 9 months a year. Everything they do is a disaster and costs lots of money... federal debt is now approaching $13,000 for every man, woman and child - racked up in just five years. Their only substantive achievement in fact. If you then add in State and Council debt you'll need more than a bex. I hope she apologises to the stolen from generation.
  20. Ha, I venture to suggest some New Zealanders may wonder how you can live in the economically unstable UK whilst being choked lifeless with senseless regulations and PC....
  21. Tsk.... some pilots will do just about anything just to gain a knot or two. I bet like myself you've worked hard to get to this point and paid a lot of money in food and drink over the years - a shame just to throw so much of it away now don't you think?
  22. Why do we need a 'Gripes' thread when there is a whole 'Governing Bodies' section on this site that is used for this?
  23. I beg to disagree Col, what about Queen Victoria's jubilees.... the period when the sun never set upon the British empire? I would say the downhill run was much more recent. Not that we in AU can now speak too much of course. FH the fatwa decree was from the head imam at Lakemba, Sheikh Yahya Safi - of course it was authorised, he preached strongly about it also.
  24. It is largely a post-Christian country now with a large Moslem population. Why do you seem surprised, not been there for a long time? BTW I see the Lakemba mosque leader has declared a fatwa on celebrating or recognising Christmas in any form, might start to answer your question.
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