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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. Like the USA Turkey is a republic not a democracy. And in such the constitution is king, the president of the day simply does not have the authority to fiddle with it such as his efforts to make it 'more Islamic'. Goes for Obama as well as Erdogan of course.
  2. Yes I also noticed Merkel and Obama were quick to side with the Islamo-fascists that are currently dismantling the constitution there. Turnbull.... of course it was a given that he would also, didn't even need to check.
  3. They have been destroyed by state welfare. AKA victims of socialism. There's a lot of them out there - in fact everywhere in the world it is tried...
  4. You should not have done that to the young blokes.
  5. Sure, he was born in the 1870's so you must have one of his first models. You're doing terrific for your age BTW Sorry, couldn't resist...
  6. FB's no good, you should stick to The Guardian Phil, their work is beyond excellent.
  7. You may have perhaps unknowingly done something to buzz him off earlier? I find the great majority of interstate truck drivers are top notch. But this one may have been on something.
  8. As I said they (Koch) are Libertarians, not Conservatives. There are significant fundamental differences Marty, you should look into it. BTW the left agenda items you mention have harmed a great many Americans financially and only helped the 1% get richer.
  9. No idea. Most Libertarians tend to be pro - open borders though, not sure specifically about the Koch views on this. This is a primary area of difference with Conservatives.
  10. Are you asking yourself? A couple of wealthy brothers, they own a diverse range of large and successful industrial businesses in the USA. Politically they are vocal libertarians and are thusly despised by lefties who desire the opposite.
  11. Why? I installed LED floodlighting in my workshop and it was a disaster. Poor quality light (as above) variable light level between fittings and constant failures of both the LED modules and the drivers which is a hassle when they are 4-5m up. Thanks China. I replaced them all with high efficiency fluoro battens, on par efficiency at over 100 lumens per watt, vastly better CRI and not a single failure or issue since. LEDs are good for effects lighting but like the compact florescent I found them nasty for general lighting. Still curse the totalitarian Marxist egomaniac waffleworth that banned the light bulbs.
  12. The colour rendering index of incandescent and halogen lamps is very high and quite linear. CRI of compact florescent and LED tends to be quite low and nonlinear especially for the latter. There are significant areas of the visible wavelengths most LEDs don't produce. It's simply a much poorer quality light Marty. If Phil is happy to pay the bill why should anyone dictate what type of lamps he chooses? If he chooses to use an older long-life fridge instead of a newer high electrical efficiency but short life version why should that matter to anyone else?
  13. It's impossible to separate comedy for what passes as real life in the European Union. This could be just a joke or it could be a legitimate program to some Brussels greenie weenie: EU to launch toaster and kettle crackdown.
  14. Presumably if you leave the EU you will team up with some middle eastern trading block more matched to Britain's current ethnic blend?
  15. Well yes if you don't understand the cause that would be the case.
  16. Seems a lot easier and cheaper not to let terrorists move into your country in the first place.
  17. Anything that isn't extreme left wing is obviously biased to a commie loving blasphemer. Stick to quoting Marx, Fairfax and Al-Jazeera and not a thing will be questioned Phil.
  18. You're such a fuddy-duddy Phil, you need to embrace England's glorious future as a green islamo-fascist police state satellite of the EU.
  19. Yes, welfare. They are receivers (and not just the ones kissing the dirt). End the socialist welfare state and it would almost end the illegal immigration racket overnight without having to build a single fence. If not by decree it is destined to end before long anyway when the cash runs out.
  20. Just musing I wonder what would happen if the Somali ah.... navy intercepted weapons being delivered to the Australian armed forces?
  21. Well figure that Obamas biggest enemies are Americans that didn't vote for him.
  22. Are they gas powered?
  23. Au contraire the Rotherham ones seem quite keen on Poms.
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