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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. Happy new year from your huge local gang of marauding refugees: 60+ women assaulted or molested in Cologne. If this is going to plan it was a bad plan, a very bad plan as Andy Griffiths would say. Well thankfully the police will sort it out. Or maybe not.
  2. Yes, this is how Darwinian evolution is supposed to work, except without any hands. Just needs blind faith - a lot of it.
  3. All the best with your recovery and NY resolutions Pearo! And everyone else on here, God bless you all, even the God-haters. Pearo you would most likely be inspired this talk by Brian Jones who has largely self-recovered from a massive injury where he wasn't supposed to be walking again. Even just watch the fist few minutes - and you'll want to see it all:
  4. Hey I can relate to this. I also do some walking and amateur powerlifting and have eaten grasshoppers (crickets actually). Dunno about with rice though, had mine with a side of silkworms (they are nicer IMO).
  5. Personally I'm sticking with 8.1 which works great, but hey David she might just be the adventurous type married to you and all!
  6. The safety regs are rendered useless when workers can barely communicate in English. That apparently isn't recognized as a problem to safety nerds though, their training course didn't cover it perhaps.
  7. How about unveiling the Bex aircraft? More like this here, good to see.
  8. At some point it's all relative!
  9. "Windows 10 covertly sends your disk-encryption keys to Microsoft. And under the “third party doctrine,” the government can get them from Microsoft without a warrant. But wait, there’s more: Windows 10 has many unprecedented anti-user features: a remote killswitch that lets it disable your hardware; keylogging and browser-history logging that, by default, sends it all to Microsoft, and a deceptive “privacy mode” that continues to exfiltrate your data, even when you turn it on."
  10. Pretty sure that would only be one word in German.
  11. The current workplace safety obsession in Australia is not very much about safety anymore as it is passing the buck i.e. legal & insurance industry driven (+ unions where they can get their paws in). If there is any sort of accident it means I can produce a document or present some safety equipment to show I complied therefore it was not my fault and must be the next guys. The odd thing is I cannot sack an employee that fails to comply with PPE or removes a safety guard yet any subsequent accident it then is not his fault but mine. Hence the need for management liability insurance.
  12. Yes, sort of the point Phil. The bungers probably cost more than the loose change to be had. They are big on these roadside vending machines, especially fag machines. Wunderbar apparently.
  13. The cost-benefit analysis could do with some more work there.
  14. More peace being spread every day, this time from Syed Farook and his jihadi mujahs in San Bernardino, California. Probably because of global warming.
  15. Good, I'm glad you are easily amused!
  16. ^ lobotomised by Fairfax. It's a shock but many things are happening in the world that you aren't being told about Marty. They decided it's for your good.
  17. Need to update and add a few lines about Obama & Hillary attacking Libya to kill Gaddafi. Heh Heh Heh Hillary! That turned out just great no? Obola must apparently have the same voices in his head then. BTW not to mention there were WMD found in Iraq, but hey let's not complicate the narrative any more.
  18. Yes, the French attackers apparently came from Belgium, similarly it's not clear why they are now bombing Syria and not Belgium.
  19. Terrorist ringleader got into EU as 'refugee' "The mastermind of the Paris attacks was able to slip into Europe among Syrian migrants, it emerged last night, as police on the continent admitted they are unable to monitor thousands of suspected jihadists." Never heard an explanation of the positive benefit of having Moslems in the community i.e. above any other group / culture? Good for the security industry perhaps? Arms manufacturers? The Japanese seem to function just fine without them.
  20. Yeah there is actually only one religion causing this terrorism mayhem but being either intolerant or perhaps unwilling to admit the obvious you apparently wish to crush all. You guys actually come across as anti-theists that despise the west's Christian culture. I don't get it - if you despise all religion so much why not move to a country with an atheist culture? Should be wonderful apparently? And if you are looking for a common cause of all mankind's ill it is called sin, not religion.... hence big problems in atheist cultures also.
  21. Two articles I noticed on ISIS and oil / funding which may be of interest to you Willie. Seems the Russians aren't quite so fussy where they deposit ordnance and may be making more of a dent than the US / AU pilots.
  22. I was referring to those that embrace the terrorist ideology that is Islamic doctrine. Not to say we shouldn't help but the shot is to help them in their own country - if they want help that is. In this case it is predominantly Mo on Mo violence so western intervention is generally not appreciated. A civil war in any country is the responsibility of the citizens of that country to sort out first and foremost. No dummy, they will give it up when there is no more cash left to hand out, that day is fast approaching.
  23. Nor would you recall hoardes of Nazi's fleeing to the UK and claiming to be refugees, Nazi following refugees. Seems reasonable to not accept any of these people untill they declare the anti-western war to be over. On the plus side this is the end of the European welfare state, it was always unsustainable of course but this has rapidly hastened its demise.
  24. Imagine all the British men walking away like this when the London blitz started?
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