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Gnarly Gnu replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
I see some beastophobes on here. -
Gnarly Gnu replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
I tend to agree Marty (although I've never had a connection to the Liberal Party). The whole thing is media driven; now they have their pick they will turn on him, they exist to make the news after all and will push for whichever side they think will provide the most newsworthy drama. Like you I expect the Liberals to sink again before long. As opposition leader Turnbull was a real dud (all the polls & dates in the link above). As Communications minister it was a $15b budget blow-out so the days of balance or surplus are long gone. -
Gnarly Gnu replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
I was referring to our PM's mostly being mentally unstable and wasn't in any way endorsing Brendan Nelson, I don't know much about him. Seems to me Turnbull is another Rudd (although his most recent act of treachery is more Gillard). -
Gnarly Gnu replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
In the USA they get to scrutinize their leaders quite a lot before the elections, we don't at all. Heck we often don't even get to elect them. The majority in recent years at least have turned out to have mental disorders and need professional help, not a leadership role. Why shouldn't a detailed psych evaluation be compulsory for this job? -
Gnarly Gnu replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
Phil everything you want to know about Turnbull is here. A long history of attachment to the Labor party and strongly anti-Liberal. Even some communist sympathizing links. Some UK connections there also. Former party leader Brendan Nelson in 2008: “Most of the people who supported him [in the Liberal party room ballot for the leadership] voted for him to get rid of him… If you had any idea of what he said to me over those 10 months [of Nelson’s leadership], you would be shocked... You need to look up narcissistic personality disorder. There’s about 5 per cent of the population who are born with narcissistic traits, and about 2 per cent have narcissism. He’s got narcissistic personality disorder. He says the most appalling things and can’t understand why people get upset. He has no empathy.” -
Gnarly Gnu replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
He's rather like Jeremy Corbyn cloned with Al Gore. The dream he is improving is his own. -
That seems a bit silly, I found 8.1 to be faster & more reliable than 7. Not in a rush to update to 10, maybe next year.
[/url] LA's scheme to cover a reservoir under 96 million "shade balls" may not be all it is touted to be , experts told FoxNews.com, with some critics going so far as to refer to the plan as a "potential disaster." Experts differed over the best color for the tiny plastic balls, with one telling FoxNews.com they should have been white and another saying a chrome color would be optimal. But all agreed that the worst color for the job is the one LA chose. "Black spheres resting in the hot sun will form a thermal blanket speeding evaporation as well as providing a huge amount of new surface area for the hot water to breed bacteria," said Matt MacLeod, founder of the California biotech firm Modern Moon Farms. "Disaster. It’s going to be a bacterial nightmare.” Biologist Nathan Krekula, a professor of health science at Bryant & Stratton College in Milwaukee, said black balls will absorb heat, transfer it to the water and cause evaporation. And he agreed with MacLeod that the heat will prove hospitable to bacteria." Bacteria required a few things to grow a dark, warm and moist environment," he said. "The balls will give them the perfect environment to live in.
Business leaders, that's their companies business. Regarding politicians pay totally agree OK. Pay them a hefty fixed sum, no extras. Of course it would also work the other way - you stuff up and you lose your house and super. Like in the real world.
Poor David Cameron, not getting good press at the moment.
Gnarly Gnu replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
BTW Dutch I should make it clear I have no problem with you putting your faith in this theory, I just don't wish to follow or pay any form of CO2 tax because to me it is a green religious hoax. That's your view (I hold the extra CO2 is environmentally beneficial) - you are entitled to your view and are free to stop using 'fossil fuels' and emitting CO2 any time you like. -
Poor David Cameron, not getting good press at the moment.
Gnarly Gnu replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
Yeah firstly explain why the earth stopped warming 18 years ago despite every warmy climate model showing this was impossible. Is CO2 a 'greenhouse gas'? Sure it is but the effect is low level (compared to the effect of water vapour for example) and exponentially decreasing as the CO2 level rises not to mention we are talking such tiny percentages here. If I pee into the ocean does the ocean level rise? Exact same thing. Even the men you put all your faith in know this is all a game, not one of them actually lives in the manner they would if the theory actually had any basis. As do you. -
Poor David Cameron, not getting good press at the moment.
Gnarly Gnu replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
Dutch really is a man of faith! But you forgot manbearpig: Might be time to round up the thousands of climate scientists that disagree with the extremist warmies and re-educate them, that's how your type of 'science by majority consensus' works no? Edit the temperature data to show some warming too, hide the decline and all. -
Poor David Cameron, not getting good press at the moment.
Gnarly Gnu replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
Because you believe we in Australia import a lot of electricity from other countries? -
Poor David Cameron, not getting good press at the moment.
Gnarly Gnu replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
Ha ha my sides! We are? How much of Australias electricity comes from geothermal? Oh yes. I wonder if you may have shares in Flannerys little outback geothermal stunt? Always just a few more sunsidies away from sucess. Being beaten up by reality is a naty thing to lefties but anyway at least Flannels did OK out of it. -
The joke is on the kooks running CA. If you've been following this rolling water shortage situation there and the intentional destruction of the previously very fertile San Joaquin Valley you know that the situation was repeatedly forewarned and entirely self inflicted. Similar to here, Greens - sometimes well meaning but always plain stupid - ruin everything they are involved with. And their best answer is plastic balls. Or more government subsidies.
Poor David Cameron, not getting good press at the moment.
Gnarly Gnu replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
We are effectively sitting on a radioactive ball, why not make use of it. Geothermal = nuclear power (pretty much by fracking I might add) and somehow to greenies this is good. But do this above ground in a controlled manner and it is bad. If you don't like the extra CO2 (personally I think it is entirely beneficial) at this point you have two viable options: 1) Go aborigine, sit in a cave and rub sticks or 2) Nuclear energy -
More dedrading plastic in your water supply is a wonderful advance, a triumph of green intelligence.
Poor David Cameron, not getting good press at the moment.
Gnarly Gnu replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
This is true, Greenies are strongly opposed to nuclear energy - nature's power source. -
Poor David Cameron, not getting good press at the moment.
Gnarly Gnu replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
Yes Kiwi the irony is that some additional CO2 is in every way beneficial to the environment and we are very far from optimal levels yet. As you say we would be best to concentrate on cleaning up actual physical litter, toxic chemical (like around the solar panel plants) and particulate pollution which seems to be what Col is referring to, not colourless odorless plant food. -
Poor David Cameron, not getting good press at the moment.
Gnarly Gnu replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
^ Upset he can't pay more tax. -
Poor David Cameron, not getting good press at the moment.
Gnarly Gnu replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
Basic Christianity 101 - you can't save your own soul. See this is the whole problem here Nev, you are arguing from a position of ignorance. Your comments repeatedly show absolutely don't know the fist thing about the most basic of doctrines and sadly appear to have no interest in 'fact hunting' on this one. So as you know better tell us all exactly what happened Bikky.
No problems in this world eh! Good to see a positive view, you should be in newsmedia. Actually on point 3 he does indeed know, there is undeniably an abundance of complex patterns and fractals in creation (or nature if you prefer). You can look at this mathematically also as Newton did when he discovered calculus.
Oh not nearly as much as the Athi's here! I feel it is healthy to examine what we believe in and why. As an example of alternate thinking take Ray Kurzweil: "As technology visionary Ray Kurzweil put it, "maybe our whole universe is a science experiment of some junior high school student in another universe." (Given how things are going, he jokes, she may not get a good grade.)" 1) He considers alternate views. 2) He acknowledges this universe has some problems. "Kurzweil's worldview is based on the profound implications of what happens over time when computing power grows exponentially. To Kurzweil, a precise simulation is not meaningfully different from real reality. Corroborating the evidence that this universe runs on a computer, he says, is that "physical laws are sets of computational processes" and "information is constantly changing, being manipulated, running on some computational substrate." And that would mean, he concluded, "the universe is a computer." Kurzweil said he considers himself to be a "pattern of information." "I'm a patternist," he said. "I think patterns, which means that information is the fundamental reality." 3) He knows there are patterns and a level of complexity in the universe that requires intelligence behind it. All the sort of stuff Atheists have shut their ears and eyes to. Nah, nah, it just happened. Don't question. We are smarter than you. Agnostics on the other hand are positionally more honest, logical and open minded.
Whilst you are upright it's never to late to re-examine your ideas and change Nev. I do acknowledge it is difficult after spending years in a group with strongly conformist views.