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Everything posted by Jaba-who

  1. Doesn't only happen in Australia or England. Try this one from South Africa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55808-osLxE
  2. But just to play devils advocate for a second. The photo does not mention aged pensions at all. It says Newstart. That's the dole. There's a whole different argument between how much you should pay people who have worked all their lives and paid their taxes and are not ever going to restart working vs. people who are on short term help to hold things together while they look for a job ( vs. lifelong (or potentially lifelong) recipients of "income-equivalent" money which has the potential to remove incentive to actually seek out work and may encourage lifelong and intergenerational dependence on welfare) I think there is a whole different societal position on aged pensions to Newstart.
  3. Vegemite is made by Kraft Foods who are a subsidiary of Mondelez.
  4. Saw a video clip of an American bloke who was complaining about the newly introduced laws in his state against using a mobile phone while driving. He quite rightly stated it was not illegal to do any number of other things that in theory were worse but would be illegal to use the phone. So he proceeded to drive back and forth past the local police station first making a cup of coffee, then combing hair getting dressed for work and finally made a bow and arrows using a battery drill, various tools and tested it till he was pulled over by a cop who ended up letting him off.
  5. Jaba-who


    The media are a major cause of the weasel words. Pollies know that the slightest mis-speak will be dragged back out to thrash them with. Even in situations where no one can give a definite answer and a sensible listener should realise they can't - even the slightest nuance toward a real answer will be blown up as an absolute statement of intent, position or belief. So they are forced to not answer lest their words be used against them.
  6. [ATTACH]48604._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  7. Of course that's not true of mountain and valley flying where you should always fly to the side of the air (on the side where the turbulence is less and so you have room to turn to the middle of the air without hitting things.
  8. Ok fair enough - but it is a waste of time. Like debating why green is your favourite colour and why someone who prefers red is wrong.
  9. What's this got to with flying? Can I suggest political stuff and particularly political stuff unrelated to flying be banned from the website.
  10. Don't think you can hold that against him. The NBN was doomed the moment it started. It was always going to be behind time, over-budget and eventually to probably be superseded by other technology but we'll be stuck with it. It's like most giant infra-structure projects - controlled by large numbers of divergent self-interest groups and modified a bit by each successive group who get a foothold. The politicians ( including whoever was in charge when labour started it ) are always trying to please too many noisy self interested people. But while it is running at the forefront ( which probably won't be long) it has already been researched to suggest we will have paid a couple of hundred billion for almost universally high speed porn and you tube videos. The claimed major uses that have been the justifiers for it can actually do what they need to do with lower speeds and less bandwidth. Even now youtube and porn counts for most australian bandwidth.
  11. Yep and there have been anthropological research comparisons made with cultures who have no religion ( there are some primitive tribal cultures with no religion) and also cultures with no specific God figure ( many follow the concept of multiple spirits who live in natural features -trees, rivers, etc but which have no interactions with people) and they all still have almost identical moral codes to those espoused by main religions. The concepts of moral codes are without any doubt innate in humans. While the big religions claim to profer them as somehow intrinsic to just their teachings there are many peoples who do exactly the same good things to others without the horrors and hypocrisy that are also tied to religions.
  12. Near misses happen, complete disasters (hits) happen. Some of the near misses are only near to the person involved. Some near misses others would say - "He was miles away from it!" If random location is the determinant of whether you get hit by the truck or get missed by the truck it's just a statistical fact that given enough occurrences of the situations that some recipients will be in the spot needed for a miss and some will be in the spot needed for a hit. And of course you need to consider the huge number of "no-where near" misses too. How far away from a hit (or a near near miss) do you have to be to stop considering it a miss at all? If you had true figures for the incidence of each - I bet there would be way way more no-where near misses, and the number of near misses is purely defined by how close you define "near" is. Hits is another statics that will only be significant for comparison AFTER you have defined what constitutes a near miss.
  13. In response to the above video. Sorry but this video is just factually wrong about almost everything especially bone, ribs and regeneration. Its a plucking of a few half truths, add them to half truths about unrelated things and claim they are the whole answer to how a third unrelated event occurred. The briefest of medical lessons on bone growth and usage of donor bone. A Bone (simplified) consists of 4 main parts - An outer fibrous sheath (Periosteum) An inner mineralized mass (Calcium in a scaffold structure) Bone making cells (Osteoblasts) that make bone mineral) Bone removing cells (Osteoclasts) that remove bone mineral) Ribs are indistinguishable from any other bone, microscopically, metabolically, regrowth and healing wise, (except their overall shape) they have ALL the same four components. All bones (not just ribs) will regrow - that's how bones mend after a break. In surgery (where I am sitting as I write this right now) we use all sorts of bone from all sorts of donor sites to help repair defects. We almost rarely use ribs, but occasionally do. We have easier places to get it- usually from the bone of the front of the pelvis, or just times get some from nearby or in the area of the surgery itself. Nibble it up into small bits and pack it back into the area of the surgery. Taking from a rib cage has all sorts of risks and problems (the heart and lungs etc can get interferred with in this sort of donor site surgery). Using chips of nibbled up bone gives both osteoblasts to grow bone mineral and provides mineral scaffolding. When ribs are removed for donor if you chop out a WHOLE RIB, IT DOES NOT GROW BACK. End of story! The muscles scar together and you can live without a rib - but its not ideal but usually OK. You may get a nubbin of regrowth from the stump. If however when taking the rib, we split open the periosteum, lift the segment of bone out and close the periosteal sleeve back up - THEN the osteoblasts that are left on the inside of the sleeve will regrow bone. Generally it has normal shape, sometimes its a bit lumpy and out of shape. But every bone in the body will do this - nothing special about ribs. Salamanders and starfish can regrow bits - but only the bits that were lost and only simple parts. Tails and arms. They can't grow a whole animal, a new head or a new set of lungs. In general no higher animals of any sort to regrow anything except specific parts of specific organs. Bone repair, a few replacement cells in some specific organs. A piece of bone likewise can not grow into a whole person or even a different organ. So this video is a typical scenario of a nut-case who takes a minor true point and extraoplates it wildly to make untrue statements and then uses the "proof" of the untrue statements to attempt to "prove" some even more absurd theorum. The ancient Greeks called this "Functio ad absurdum" (if I recall the source correctly) and its been around for several thousand years before Christians got to have a go at it.
  14. In the grand scheme of things "forgiveness" is what has caused the bad to remain bad while they think they can get away with it. Do what you like till you are called to account and then ask for forgiveness. And don't think I only think Christianity is a con for having it. Islam is just as bad. In that one, you do what you like and if you get caught, "It was all Allah's will". Buddism seems to have a reasonable approach - be bad - that's it, no forgiveness - just come back in the next life as a slug or a bot fly. Then work your way back up again. Of course I don't think there's any evidence that slugs "know" they did bad in a former life and now have to work at being good to come back as gradually better beasties.
  15. The whole idea of forgiveness as it applies to getting into heaven is a sham. Its a "get of jail" card put in place to allow people to do what they like in life and then when they see death looming and they start thinking "maybe there is some truth in this heaven story, so I'd better cover my arse. I was quite amused when I travelled round Italy how almost every church has a stone sarcophagus in it somewhere where the local medieval lord is buried and that in many the story goes that he was a complete horror to the local peasantry while he was in good health and then as he came closer to death he started getting forgiveness from the church - forgiveness they were happy to give as long as he paid for a new church, new monastery or something. As part of the deal he would demand to buried inside the church so as to ensure he could not be denied immediate access to heaven. All sanctioned by the church.
  16. yep. I come back after a few days expecting it to have died off, there it is...just asking for another comment to be made. Pretty sad when you realize its got nothing to do with flying and it is outstripping the number of posts on the really important stuff like the CASA Jabiru fiasco. I think we all need to get a life!
  17. Love it. But Just to throw a spanner in the works. The bible doesn't actually say there were THREE nor WISE nor MEN. It has been assumed the were 3 cos they gave 3 gifts. It says they came from the east and were Magi (who were sort of astrologers usually but not exclusively male who were given as much credence as science in those days. Is a follower of astrology wise?). No names were ever given and various cultural Christian teachings since made up their own names to personalise them. The commonly used Caspar, Balthasar and some other name I've forgotten are just the Greek origin names. It also says the Magi visited Jesus some unspecified time after birth ( in a HOUSE not the barn and where no mention was ever made of a manger. ) It is possible it was up to 2 years after his birth because Herod issued a proclamation to kill all boys up to age 2 years. Just another fictional book with a lot of funky stories that have been corrupted with time.
  18. Not just the planet. He didn't make anything right. Everyday I spend hours fixing up ( or assisting in fixing up ) problems that occur directly as a result of design errors in humans ( made in his image, apparently. ) He won't show himself because he's either doesn't have the answer to " What on earth were you thinking .....?" or more probably he's no longer with us. If we are are exactly in his image he probably already died of cancer, infection, deformity, genetic abnormality or one of the other multitude design faults we have.
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