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The world is slowly but surely moving toward making humans redundant for most productive activities - this truly massive social change to the concept of a "living wage" or monetary payment as a reward for service rendered, is going to have to be radically rethought.
Australian automotive manufacturing industry
skippydiesel replied to Old Koreelah's topic in Auto Discussions
Hi Yenn - Indirect injection (pre-combustion chamber in head) was the main system during my youth & early days in agriculture. Direct injection (swirl chamber in crown of piston) was around but not so common. During most of my life diesel engines have been high compression - usually in the range 20-22:1, and until lately (last 30 years) naturally aspirated (no turbo). Indirect injection facilitates high compression - piston almost touches cylinder top. In indirect combustion, the injectors "spray" a relativly dense stream of fuel into the pre -combustion chamber. Indirect systems are tolerant of fuel quality and nozzle wear and much beloved by the vegetable/fuel oil converters because of this. Indirect cylinder heads are more complex and probably heavier and more costly to manufacture than direct injection. Indirect systems are probably marginally slower to accelerate than direct so are less attractive to the automotive application BUT are likely to be more fuel efficient than their direct injection peers. Direct injection systems tend to operate at the lower end of the high combustion ratio, need a much finer "mist" of fuel to be injected to achieve effective combustion, are not so tolerant of wear and variations in fuel quality. In recent years the turbo/supercharging (increasing air induction for greater & more complete fuel burn) of diesel engines combined with the more widespread application into small vehicles (cars, light commercials & 4x4's) has facilitated the focus on driving characteristic -engine noise/ acceleration/ visible exhaust pollutants/fuel consumption. Direct injection is more applicable to high speed diesel engines and also facilitates such things as cross flow head design for increased efficiency. In very recent times, the advent of common rail (extremity high fuel injection pressures) coupled with computer management of injector timing & opening, plus higher induction air boost has allowed for compression ratios to drop to almost petrol levels (my Ranger 17:1). This has in tern allowed for reduced engine weight, higher engine response /acceleration times, more power, reduced fuel consumption, lower emissions, lower noise (I love the old diesel rattle at idle) BUT there is a trade off (as always). The modern systems are highly intolerant of fuel quality variation, contamination and are very very expensive to repair -
Australian automotive manufacturing industry
skippydiesel replied to Old Koreelah's topic in Auto Discussions
Probably cost way less than your Corolla diesel - my entry to diesel sedans - a 1980, Mercedes, W123, 240 D, 4 speed manual. Great car, economical, cornered like it was on rails, 4 wheel disc breaks, smooth as over all road conditions, acceleration ? like watching paint dry but just kept on accelerating, as long as you kept your foot down. When I graduated to a 1985,W123, 300D, 6 speed manual,I lent the 240 to eldest son to commute to / from school. One day, while last in line of a stationary vehicles, at the traffic lights, he was "rear ended". Sufficient force to move the,near 2 tonne MB,into vehicle in front . 3 occupants shaken, bit of whiplash,but otherwise unscathed. Youngest son in back seat very lucky as whole boot area crushed in. MB were amongst the first to have "crush zones" in their vehicles. Car a write off - very sad. Nothing like an old diesel MB manual for youngsters to gain experience in. -
That's what, about 75 years of, unrelenting Uncle Sam propaganda will do for you
When I remember ; I use a cheap barrier cream on my hands BEFOR doing anything in the workshop. Work it in well around/under finger nails, between fingers and into creases aground joints. Does the job better than ordinary hand creams. Washing hands at end of work - no problem o! ordinary hand soaps & scrubbing brush remove greasy grime very easily. With the advent of CV-19 I have also started using workshop black disposable gloves. Nothing to do with "The Rona" in workshop but have the gloves in car for diesel fuelling & Rona protection. The gloves usually last a couple of days in the shop befor developing splits/holes.
The Bailey estimate, for reconditioning conventional indirect injectors, was about 1/2 of what I have paid my other service provider. True its just an estimate but 1/2!! wow!!
I am amongst the first to declaim its an unjust world but in truth it always has been. No matter the system, it comes down to who you know and what influence you can bring ($$$) to your cause. Until we evolve into Homo Superior it will always be so. At base , we are no better than a primate relatives - might (in all its varied forms) is always right.
Recently had a great experience with a service /parts supplier "Bailey Diesel Group" . I am not one to promote business (other than my own) but when I am the beneficiary of exemplary service ,I feel it is my duty to inform others of this rare phenomenon. I have only just "found" this family (now in second generation) business and was surprised to hear that they they supply parts and service all over Australasia and the W Pacific. The parts they sent me were very competitively priced and on enquiry I had estimates for injector /pump work that was equally well priced. I had a look over their workshops and found them to be second to non. The latest technology calibration machines, all sorts of high tech cleaning rebuilding equipment, etc etc all very neat, tidy and clean - very impressive. Their main work would seem to be heavy diesels eg locomotives, ships and generators but are equally happy to supply a set of "blue printed" injectors for your Ford Ranger/Mazda BT 50 Check out the Bailey Diesel Group next time you want something for your car, tractor, truck, boat engine
Great ideas - how do fit a grandchild capable rotisserie ??
Solution ?
When I was in my mid twenties, late 1970's, I was managing my first farm property. Green as, know it all, punk! We were fencing across some pretty rock ground, very hard going! It was suggested to me, we could blow the post holes. Off I goes to the local hardware store (Mudgee). Yes they could supply me with "sticks' of explosive, detonators & cord but first I had to go round to the cop shop and get a permit. No problemo! Back to hardware with permit in hand and little "how to blow things up" booklet. Purchase box of explosives (about the size of two shoe boxes), very smaller box of detonators and a role of ignition cord. On the trip home I was TERRIFIED. Box of explosives was confined to back of ute, chord & detonators rode with me in the cab (might have been better the other way around). It took a little while, much nervous sweat and many craters later, to develop some skill at just loosening the rocky ground enough to have something to pack back around the fence post. It was all very exciting and no one got injured - probably more by good luck than anything else. It still amazes me today, that I could obtain an explosives permit without any training or references of any kind and go out an blow things up - very different world.
Fair observation BUT in the adage "innocent until proven guilty" does not apply to the individual who has charges dismissed on a technicality alone. For Pell to be proven innocent, it would have to be demonstrated that the accusers lied/falsified their statements. This is a most unlikely scenario. In the Pell case, the accuser has been found to be a credible witness of good character. In my opinion it is more than likely Pell committed crime(s) against children and or aided and abetted paedophiles within the ranks of the clergy he was associated with and or administered (crimes in themselves). Due to the length of elapsed time, between the offence(s) and the accusation, it was always going to be difficult to make the charges stick. The law is of necessity extremely pedantic - a person may not be guilty in law but never the less have committed the crime(s)
In ones dotage, one can but live in hope of there being more than one. Make of that what you will.
Must be getting old - read this as the Getting Laid conversation
Hi Red - much of the great caring story you relate could be attributed to almost any club and that is how I view the various organised religions CLUBS!. The main difference is of course, you stop paying your dues to the local flying/golf/sailing club, you dont go to hell. You may be able to find the very odd flying instructor who acts as if his/her word is handed down from god but this would indeed be rare. Religious clubs are ultimately run by complete nutters who believe they are the conduit by which god imparts his word to the proletariat. The administration is set apart & above the common herd. They answer to different rules (and we let them) and almost everything is hidden behind a veil of secrecy. I accept that humans have extraordinarily divers world views but find in quit extraordinary that great swathes (fortunately diminishing) of people actually believe that priests are somehow beings that have a special connection/contact with a god - mass (pun intended) insanity! It is this blind faith in the priesthood (of all faiths) that allows them to behave in such abominably ways - ultimately the Pells, et al are the result of the unquestioning/brainwashed support of the faithful.
Exactly! in other words there was insufficient/strength of evidence to prove he committed the crime he was accused of - this is far from being exonerated/declared innocent. This is a technical acquittal not a deceleration of innocents or false accusation - this will hang over Pell's head for the rest of his miserable life.
Yenn - I doubt very much that Pell has been found innocent. Having charges dismissed/found unsustainable is not the same as being found innocent, no matter the Papal propaganda.
Nev how can you be a fan of anyone who believes that they speak to an unseen god and then that god then speaks back to and through them, to the great unwashed. ALL holy-men/women are unhinged period! No exceptions! Yes a few do good and those deeds can be respected/admired/supported but not the insane spring from which they claim their inspiration comes. They are nutters as simple as that. I am not against personal faith & respect the very few who not only have it but actually live/practice it. I can not abide organised religion and the people who administer/promote it. Time and time again, throughout history, they have been shown to be the very evil they claim to appose. I am against all state supported religious organisations (including schools). I defend the right of those that wish to set up/support a religious organisation (cult) or school but to have any relationship between the state & religion is anathema to me. That Australia still has special tax/financial/legal provisions for the religious is an insult to me and just demonstrates the venality of our leaders in courting votes wherever they may be found. Rant over - I feel better now, even a bit spiritual
I must have missed something - is this statement just a little too late. As I heard one commentator say today, if this was any other large international business (eg Microsoft) with its history and behaviour (right up to the Popes latest arrogant communique) it would not be allowed to operate within Australia. What I find astonishing, after all the revelations and the lack of any real accountability by senior management, is that there are so many people who still call themselves Catholic and follow the ridiculous mumbo jumbo espoused by this criminal cult.
How are you filling in your day in lockdown?
skippydiesel replied to red750's topic in General Discussion
Watching Pepa Pig with my Granddaughter - very entertaining -
Pell has not been found innocent. The law requires that to be found guilty, there must be no doubt - the doubt existed - he walked but he will never be free. There is no doubt in my mind that Pell, as a senior figure in the Australian Catholic Church, is complicit in the protection of paedophiles and the "cover up" of a thriving culture of sexual abuse within his church Personally guilty of child sex abuse ? quite possibly but too much time has elapsed for a convincing (doubt free) verdict. As happens all to often the senior people go free, while the offending foot soldier gets the chop. Examples; In the Malka Leifer case, how many of the senior members of the synagogue, who facilitated her sudden departure from Australia & avoidance of the law, have been charged with aiding a suspected criminal? The proven paedophile culture within a host of churches & allied organisations, has not seen much in the way of senior administrators having their day in court.
Israel Folau - latest example of how to fleece the gullible
skippydiesel replied to Marty_d's topic in Religion
Yenn - it may be useful, on occasions, to talk in generalities but to label an entire sporting organisation the way you have, in my opinion, is not . Sure there may be stupid/bad/misogynistic/drunken/ sh.t people within the RL but I am sure there are intelligent /good/respectful/tea teetotallers and whatever others, as well. I just dont like inaccurate labels - period! How would you like to be lumped in with some particularly unpleasant aviator, just because you happen to be a pilot? -
Israel Folau - latest example of how to fleece the gullible
skippydiesel replied to Marty_d's topic in Religion
Israel Folau - latest example of how to fleece the gullible
skippydiesel replied to Marty_d's topic in Religion
I defend all bigots/religious fanatics/nutters, right to believe in whatever they wish HOWEVER I vehemently appose any suggestion that they have a right to publicly promote their rabid uttering. So I appose Folau & Court having access to any media that gives oxygen to their horrible philosophy(s). Their respective sporting bodies have tried very hard to prevent such cretins, as these ,from using their sport, as a platform for their opinions - I support their efforts. In an ideal world our news media would also be supportive by self sensor on any such hate promoting activity but unfortunately it is just such sensationalism that sells papers/air time and the journos are, for the most part, second only to the worlds oldest profession, in selling to the highest bidder. -
Australian automotive manufacturing industry
skippydiesel replied to Old Koreelah's topic in Auto Discussions
Saw my first Commodore V6 / 9 speed auto/ 4x4 yesterday. Wow! pretty nifty looking. The owner said it had sat on the show room floor for nearly 12 months befor he purchased it. Quite the car buff, we spoke of the cars we had "loved" over the years. He was very pleased with its all round performance and moaned the passing of such a marque. He also told me there had been a diesel variant available but only a 4 banger and only in the povo pack - that's the sort of thinking that puts you out of business.