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Bernie Knight

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About Bernie Knight

  • Birthday 17/04/1953

Bernie Knight's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yes I think the State and Federal Police would have him on the terrorist watch list if he was one I guess his claims and rants were ignored. Somehow, I think this idiot would not escape that Terrorist watch list if appropriate. Today State Police and Politicians have clearly stated he was well known to Police for numerous criminal offences and was at the time on bail. The fact that he was bailed by a Bail Justice is now been questioned. In defence I would say the Bail Justice would have been told one of those sad stories of; violent childhood, abuse, abandonment, dependance, no one loves him etc. In my former role as a Prosecutor I heard thousands of these pleas for leniency and Bail. Sadly no one predicted what he was going to do. Our thoughts with those still fighting for their lives
  2. So sad to see innocent adults and children killed. Tell me how do we as parents and Grandparents explain this behavior to four year olds. I struggled with..." he was a bad man who was upset and a little silly" Mmmm I need a child phycologist step in here. No doubt there will be a lot of young children who knew these children whom have died and will need support and counseling.
  3. Check ownership of major media. Just look at Oprah etc and who was supported and what party. I think many of these people should step up and tell those people demonstrating today to go home - the election is over and won. Now to sit back and watch the fallout of the Clinton Foundation...
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